much better than the horrid gamespy arcade
Y Yaka Guest Mar 15, 2002 #1 much better than the horrid gamespy arcade
K *Kornholio* Guest Mar 15, 2002 Thread starter #3 what's the deal with the x-box & internet... i have adsl at home, could i just plug one into my existing socket & that's it ??
what's the deal with the x-box & internet... i have adsl at home, could i just plug one into my existing socket & that's it ??
W Wij Guest Mar 15, 2002 Thread starter #4 You need an ethernet card to hook to the Xbox and the correct software.
Y Yaka Guest Mar 15, 2002 Thread starter #5 yer thats bout it until the proper service is luanched by telewest this way works but lagg is noticable at times
yer thats bout it until the proper service is luanched by telewest this way works but lagg is noticable at times
W Wij Guest Mar 18, 2002 Thread starter #6 Halo wasn't really designed for internet connection (not the XBox version anyway :/)