auroria said:battler to be offensive, malice to be defensive (when u get a zerk in teddy on u, or perhaps another heavytank, or for example mulitple enemies), and when one of em is down use the other
Eeben said:What arti should i be using for /use 2? malice or battler?
Moaning Myrtle said:Use Battler /use2 at start of fight, if you live long enough then use Malice /use2, which should work out well because if it's a clean 1v1 then you should both be on low hits so may confer you the advantage
Zagg said:So Eeben... are u back? And if yes, why on Scout? Such a gimp class in desperate need of loving
And btw...I don't get your question: Ofc you get both artis and use both!
Macro1: /macro Malice /use2 5 0
Macro2: /macro Battler /use2 5 2
Battler >>> Malice though... So if you can only get one of the artis, due to a gimpy spec , then get Batler!