[USA] long time euro daoc player, couple questions about the current state


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
Well since all other mmo's seems to suck a lot.. im thinking about coming back to DaoC for a while.
Ive sold all my USA accounts in the past, so all i have now is an USA account (and my euro accounts, but its not busy enough anymore on euro) wich i started last time i came back (right after catacombs entered) because the 1st time i quitted for good was when NF hit euro servers.

Atm i have a 48 vampiir on Lamorak.. really loved that char, somewhere around rr4 or so :) was a wicked char to play :)
Is he still fun? or nerfed to hell and back?

can anyone update me the current state of the game with Catacombs expansion?

levelling speed, wich char is a good suggestion, server (hib is on lamo, so i have alb or mid available, and never tried heretic or the mid cata class)

Will i suck without the last 2 expansions? wich BG's are used a lot etc etc :)

Thanks a lot in advance, and if any guild is recruiting lemme know, and wich side offcourse, i still have gareth free to play on. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
My advise is to read the other posts about US classic in this section,alot of helpfull info for thoose that want to try US classic


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
I did, but these were still questions i had "after" reading them

lemme rephrase it to be a bit simpler :)

- vamp still fun?
- wich side to choose
- wich class is ok solo, and ok in groups and is from catacombs :)
- any guilds taking members :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
legar said:
I did, but these were still questions i had "after" reading them

Ok,geuss ill answer a few questions then :)

No vamps havent been nerfed,and regarding how fun they are..up to you,i have a 50 vamp,find it a bit boring..too easy etc.

2. Well as you proberly know we got 2 expansions after catacombs,darkness rising and Labyrinth of the cow,so a few new classes and 2 x 5 champion levels,new items some better than others.

3. Xp is so bloody easy,alot of players plus double xp in SI zones (dungeons as well).

4. Dont think you will suck without the latest expansions,but you will miss out alot (read 2.) ALL battlegrounds have players.

5. If you still want to play hib,try Hell's minions its the biggest hib guild and in a big alliance,if mid try Sleeping dragons,think its an Euro guild.

Good luck :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
midgard is underpopulated on the US cluster from what I've seen and heard, sadly I picked that one and don't really want to roll on another realm as I dont' have the time for so many characters.

US server is excellent, XP is great. We had a really odd, unbalanced group of 40+ in TG last night and had a blast :)


Loyal Freddie
May 19, 2004
Thanks a lot both of you, that clears up a lot of questions, and thanks for the guild advise.
Ill start with hib, or maybe reroll alb, dont know yet, the appeal of a new class sounds funny also, but not sure if the heretic is any good, and ive played all pre-cata classes by now.

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