US vs EU - RvR perfmormance issues



I've read a few threads on US boards about RvR and some seem to indicate that they do not suffer form the appalling lag / fps issues that we do when it comes to large scale battles and relic raids.

Can anyone knowledgeable with regards to large scale RvR in the US possibly shed some light on this, I'd love to know if this is a game related problem or a server related issue.


You might wanna ask what a large scale raid is on the US...


Players on Mythic's servers have the same issues that players on GOA's servers have, including FPS problems during large battles, and zone crashes when more than 300 players enter a zone in a very short period of time (ie. a relic raid). It's a software problem, not a bandwidth problem, and GOA and Mythic use the same software, the same hardware configuration, the same everything.


Ya well i guess its only alb on EU servers who can manage to make zone's crash. Ô_o

Ill bet the reson they dont get lags at relic raids is because they aint 400+ players in 1 zone?


Originally posted by living
Ya well i guess its only alb on EU servers who can manage to make zone's crash. Ô_o

Ill bet the reson they dont get lags at relic raids is because they aint 400+ players in 1 zone?

Then you don't know much... Everyone has the lag...


For the love of God!

Dont come on here and post deragatory comments about the low-brow software or other poor tech quality of GOA/Mythic or you will have Uncle Sick harping on your ass.

But ya, GOA's servers are pretty funky..traceroute always shows issues at France telecom and then hard again at Wannadoo. Lord alone knows what the hell is going on from there =b.

The big difference between America and France is there are people working 7 days a week on things, particularly servers, in Amerca.


About low fps in large scale battles:

It depends only on your Pc Power. Never had any problems in large battles. Sometimes it goes a bit slower with many spell effects involved but still playable. (thats with 100-200 ppl).

Zonecrashes with too many players are serverside yes. :/


No, Ice...

Most of the lag is due to the crappy game engine, really.

I run a P4, 2.56 333MHz with 533 FSB and 512 of PC 2700 RAM on a 64 MEG DDR Ti4200

It performs only marginally better than P3, 733 133MHz and 133 FSBwith 512 of PC133 running a 32 MEG TnT2 Ultra

The bottle neck is the cheap software, bro.


Right Glendower and because of the crappy game engine you need a very powerfull Pc. Then everything is fine. My Pc is similar to yours (Gfx card is only Geforce3) and i have no probs at all.

You running the old or the Si Engine? Because the SI Engine is far better.


well Khalen, i dident say they did not lag, but if u cared to read the first post in this thread u wuld see he says it seems they dont have the lags. THAT's prolly cuz they aint 400+ people in a relic raid.

And it seems they US servers isent as populated as the EU servers are, so ín my head it makes sense, but im no expert.


Originally posted by old.Icebreaker
Right Glendower and because of the crappy game engine you need a very powerfull Pc. Then everything is fine. My Pc is similar to yours (Gfx card is only Geforce3) and i have no probs at all.

You running the old or the Si Engine? Because the SI Engine is far better.

I've got a p4 2.53 ghz, 1gig ddr 2700 ram, radeon 9700 pro 128 mb dx9, newest drivers on gfx/soundcard/etc. It's smooth usually, but when there's alot of action, large fights I get a significant fps loss and it's not the gfx, spells etc that causes it, it's the number of people on screen. It's the engine. The NetImmerse 3D engine is better, but not perfect.

The thing that's annoying is the server lag that's been going on lately.


My computer has 250Mhz more than my bro's, a GF4 MX440 compare to a TNT2 and 512mb RAM, whereas he has 256mb. I definitely notice an improved performace, but then again, both my computers are sub standard compared to what most use :eek:


In my experience the problem is a game engine problem, but like many said earlier it can be ameliorated significantly when you have a high end system. I have several systems here, and on my top configuration (overclocked P4 3,06 GhZ / 512 MB RD RAM / ATI Radion 4700) I notice as good as no lag at all, even with with all spell effects enabled.


Oh, dont get me wrong...

In everyday play, my new machine is much nicer than the old one, but in the big wars (and this is the fun eh? RR and all that!) it makes only a small difference...certainly not 1000$ worth.

New SI engine band-aid has had very little effect as well. From what I have seen on others comps, so I didnt bother to buy it.

I am not even sure if they CAN fix it :(

Anyway, see ya later, Iceman ;)



Originally posted by old.Glendower
New SI engine band-aid has had very little effect as well. From what I have seen on others comps, so I didnt bother to buy it.
I think that's an incorrect conclusion. The SI engine did make a large difference, in part because it eliminated the memory-leak slowdown of classic, and the random polygon "gfx bug". But also there are many more options for changing your graphical options which allow the large fights to continue moving. Without the new clipping and texture culling options the new engine would only be marginally better, they really make the difference though.

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