US Update - Keep Bug



After the US patch was downloaded, and i couldnt log on, and then fixed the update.dat and logged on.....

I now go into keeps and they have only 1 door not 2, and i cant get into the towers, cause they have non-navigateable doors.

Anychance anybody knows how to fix this without reinstalling the whole game like Rightnow told me to?


I'd say the only thing you can do is to reinstall unfortunately. The other alternative is to replace all the keep files from your current install with the correct ones manually. You'd have to make sure you got every single file though and be sure that nothing else in the game calls for any of the files you've replaced. Overall re-installing is going to be a lot less pain.


I've got exactley the same problem and three complete reinstalls have failed to fix the situation.

There must be files causing the problem that don't uninstall but I'm nervous of throwing away the wrong stuff... any suggestions?

It's becoming a bit silly I have to wait for my group to tell me a keep door i can't see in the first place has been rammed down. And then after the Lord has been successfully bashed I have to jump off the roof to get out of the tower each time.

Am waiting for GOA to respond but if anyone has already managed to fix this bug I'd love to know how.


Finally got rid of the keep bug.

Usung the uninstall does not appear to remove the bugged files.

With the help of a friend I managed to save the files pertaining to my characters and manually deleted the rest of the Shrouded Isles folder before yet another full reinstall.

Had an email from GOA today confirming that the only way to get rid of this bug is to get rid of everyhting in the directory and start again.

If you copy over your character files and the keyboard settings file, you at least don't have to redo all your qbs etc once you reinstall.

:ets hope the patcher patch last week has finally put an end to this type of thing caused by patching to the US


Surely you must be able to just delete the bugged keep files and then do a file check which then should reload the proper files?


We couldn't identify which they were by comparing my bugged set with a clean set on a friend's comp...

Seems GOA don't know either as they just told me to trash absolutely everthing.

Its no biggie to copy over you character related files and keyboard settings.

It's a dangerous bug. If you are relatively new to rvr you have no idea what a proper keep layout is supposed to look like so lots of people will have no idea they have just accidentally bug abused by walking into a courtyard. And with half the people on these boards screaming for blood without understanding that this is going to be an innocent mistake for some people, we are likely to see some innocent people getting banned through no fault of their own... nice work Mythic and GOA.


I still love the way their response was :

'You've downloaded the US patch'

As if i had a choice? No apology!!

Wish they'd give real Technical support, rather than 'Reinstall everything'
My wife could do that job ffs :(


I got the same bug yesterday so i tried to fix this by finding out the wrong files i tought i fixed it but ended up with a whole keep missing in our frontier so quickly reinstalled.

How ever this does imply that collisions between players and objects are pure client side witch is pretty scary and open to abuse.


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