US-server forums?



Hi evry one
Im pretty drunk atm, afterv I deleted the wrong character. So I would like to ask if ther is anyone out there that knows any US-server forums, so I can start all over-
I guess its a bad thing to play for too may hours, since it will make you do accidents, jesus.
To all I have known out there=
I cant stand to do leveling another time on this server so I quit and goto us server. I will be on mordred server.-


Hmm....sad to see you go m8... i'll never forget the Barrows incident =]

However i don't think moving to US servers just because you accidentally deleted your char is a good plan...

As i recall you had a char in the early 30's? After you have leveled 1 char to that range, a 2nd char goes a lot faster...

Also.. i see that you are a Guild Master... that means you have some responsability to your guild... or am i mistaking?

Also.... what i would do if i were you was to fill out a RightNow form and try and get your char un-deleted.. i know this is possible, so try and get that done first.


I have contacted Rightnow yesterday and is still waiting for reply, and while waiting I made a lvl 6 arms and a lvl 6 minstrell. You whre right it did go a bit faster than what it did the first time.

lets keep our fingers crossed

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