urg... help here kkthnxk lalala ~~



So I started out with a pally as I love pallys. But when speaking to several 40+ pallys and getting the same "its not very fun in rvr" i kinda made a scout. But now with see invis coming and reading all the us forums saying "we suck now" kinda made me rethink once again.

I just dont know if I should repick my pally (now with 1.47 giving us more hp and strenght) or should I start something else?

Im not really the casting type of guy and soloing is kinda essential for me so in that way pallys are a big plus.

Would like to see some comments on mercs in rvr and soloability in pve aswell as Friars. Friars seems lots of fun to play and just makes me raise my eyebrow and say "lets go for it" but still annoying to go through the lowlvls "again"....

comments? :p Besides that I suck on deciding


Play any char u want m8, tanks in general are kinda boring in RvR :) And as pala u wont be able to do or take the same amount of dmg as a armsman/mercenary does, but your rez will be needed and also some chants are handy from time-to-time.

In PvE we really rock, we can handle agro very good and chant are much better here. Me myself can solo Diamond Toads and Gorgers in Llyn Barfog who cons orange, so as a solo-class we are pretty good. Takes a while to beat them but we end up with almost no downtime except for endurance-gain, so its up to u m8y :)

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