UPDATED Sidi thoughts

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Ok, ive been thinking about sidi and i'd like to know,

If someone <cough> were to introduce a system where your role got pregressivley higher based on the number of raids you come on and leave with nothing.

An example:

Mr X, goes on 5 raids and gets nothing, under the present system nobody cares and Mr X goes without anything and has to choose between buying items or carrying on in hope of getting an item

Example 2 ( new system):

Mr X goes on 5 raids and gets nothing. Each raid his /random raises by 5
So raid one is /random 100
raid 2 is /random 105
raid 3 is /random 110
raid 4 is /random 115
raid 5 is /random 120

On raid 6, with a role of 115 from his /random 120 he wins an item and is happy :D

Examply 3:

On Xfears raids on hib, each raid you go to you can choose not to lotto and get 10 points that you can save up for when something you really want drops. ie you go on 5 raids and dont lotto you will have +50 to your /random 100. Something you want comes up, you roll xx +50. works very well. and few complaints.
Rewards the people that take the time to go on lots of raids and is an insentive for people who dont.

As I see it Xfears option is best as then the raid leader justs lists down the people who dont want to lotto and the next raid he does they get to "cash in" a +10 on a role This means that you only have to list people who dont want to role rather than listing everybody.

What are your thoughts and feelings on this?

Would it make you more or less likley to come on raids

Are there any bad sides?

If someone were to introduce such a system, is there any easy way to impliment it? (ie how would each individuals /random each week be counted?)



Xfears method is pretty good, there are also raids that take like, 10 hours, and givf you +30 on his list, afaik, imo, tbh, etc.


How is it handled when I save to get a +30 on the roll, but I get nothing becouse I did roll really low? is mine +30 then lost?

I like the idea very much though.


edit: edited a remark


I reckon that u lose ur points if u decide to roll, whether you win or lose the item.

But ive never been on a galla raid myself yet =P So not 100% sure.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The only feasible way to keep track is by using a spreadsheet during the raid and lotto to keep track of people in the raid and their rolls. Ideally it should be the same person keeping track of it every week and it should be someone whom everyone trusts.

To make life even easier, the data could be fed into a database so that people can keep track of their Mods online.

This will only be messy on the first or second raid. After that, keeping track of people and their mods will be pretty easy.


Xfear's tactic is great :) - you might get some more peeple to come then aswell, cause i know much are signing off from sidi raids because they went on 5 raids or something, and they didn't win crap.


So if you never been on a raid U wont come as everybody else have +XX on their roll?

We have had similar debat in HB - problem is the administration. And even if that is fixed, the constant explanation of rules to ppl.

IMO keep it simple - use law of the big numbers: many raids => much loot.

An Tildai sry to say this: but after your phantom presence on the Aligro raid, I would never trust you with anything remotely linked to the lotto destribution.

A complex destribution system makes it easier to cheat as most ppl wont understand or keep track of who gets that modifications on their roll.



Xfear has a good method imo.
less administration then method 2, but more fair then number 1.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Ha ha! Did you honestly think there was a remote chance in hell that Albs would let Tilda handle the list? :D

The problem with the rules could be avoided by making a sticky on this forum, alliance forums and guild forums. There is no reason why people shouldn't be checking one or all of them.


Originally posted by adari
I reckon that u lose ur points if u decide to roll, whether you win or lose the item.

But ive never been on a galla raid myself yet =P So not 100% sure.

Xfear's rules are:
If you do not lotto you get 10 points.
If you lotto and lose you keep the points you have and get 5 points.
If you lotto and win you lose all you points.

And xfear got a sticky tread which he updates after each raid.
And lotto for alts is possible as long as you tell him before the raid starts and your alt must be high enough to be able to lotto for him


Well of course if i were to do a raid the list would be posted and updated here along with a drops list.


i can handle the list if noone else wants to :p


lol, who the hell is surposed to kep track of these 'points' ? (hope some didnt make the same question as i couldnt care reading them all).

sometimes its like 90+ on a raid... and whos get to keep score ? U Tilda ? then we all know u gonna have +100 each roll or what ? (ok ok, thats a bit lame saying that, but considering u rolled for a drop u didnt even participate in, idd say its a risk)




i doubt if albs will ever be able to pull something off like this



lol yeah right get tilda to do it hahahaha....

he knows of ppl who pulled the same shit he did and didn't get caught yet won't name them... great plan to attempt to position yourself in such a trust based role.


Originally posted by zlair
ok, thats a bit lame saying that, but considering u rolled for a drop u didnt even participate in, idd say its a risk

its nice to see people get an accurate version of events befor they flame.

Thread closed because obviously albion lacks the maturity and intectual capacity to organise something like this.
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