update problems



i've just re-installed my EU version of daoc on my computer and it wont allow me to update.
At first when i launch the camelot.exe and checks the "do complete filecheck"
box it download a tiny file or a few tiny files (meaning its not the entire update).
It tells me that it's updated and wants me to relaunch.
Second time i run camelot.exe it gets stuck at "checking for updated files" and
after a few minutes i get the errormsg:

Error msg (201)

Cannot retrieve update notes manifest
Please try again later

or something like that.

What am i to do?
it is not a firewall issue since i have shut down my XP internal firewall and i can download the first tiny update.

You all now how you get when you cannot play daoc so i yell for help with my most desperate voice. Plz help me


I have had that 201 error msg but it went after an hour or so and let me in just ask kemor he would help i am sure.


ive had this problem for 24+ hours now but i guess i just have to wait and see :)

and who is this kemor guy and how do i get in touch with him?


Kemor is the GOD around here
read as Good O'le Dude.... the English GM

Contact him using rightnow is the best way I think

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