Upcoming from Mythic: DAOC, UO and WAR.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
EA Mythic Media Event Report

January 30, 2007 - Based on Games Workshop's popular and influential property Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is a persistent state world we've been tracking closely and with growing interest since it was announced in May of 2005. Among the initial facts revealed at that time was the roster of playable armies, a total of six divided evenly into two groups representing Order and Chaos. The former encompasses the sturdy Dwarves, the aristocratic Elves and the human Empire. Each of these is paired against an ancient enemy, the barbaric Greenskins, the menacing Dark Elves and the mutants of Chaos respectively. The team has rolled out more information about some of these than others, so when a message arrived containing an invitation to attend an EA Mythic media event where the game would be shown, our first thought was that new facts might be forthcoming.

We weren't disappointed. First on the schedule, however, was an introduction to Kingdom Reborn, a free graphical upgrade for the venerable Ultima Online, which will celebrate 10 years of live service later this year. Slated to arrive on users' hard drives sometime this spring, it addresses what may be their most frequent request by implementing a new engine that updates but doesn't break away from the game's basic look and feel. The improved visuals won't be mistaken for next-generation, but when considered in the context of what the players see on their screens now, they may take on a rather different and more favorable light.

According to Producer Aaron Cohen and Lead Designer Nick Corea, the magnitude of this undertaking is very substantial. It seems that every single art asset in the game is being replaced. Taking into account the seven expansions that have been released, the five continents in the world et al, this represents a huge number of items. A couple of other noteworthy changes were mentioned. One is an improved interface designed to be more user friendly with, for example, more convenient hotbars and less need for clicking. The other, referred to as "bright paths", is intended to help make the skill system less daunting by offering guidance.

largest dungeon, and they will also be able to experience new monsters, skills, magic, pets, housing items, quests, pets, etc. Further information will undoubtedly become available over the moths to come.

Next up was a presentation on Dark Age of Camelot. It began with a look at the state of the game, with the main focus being the latest expansion, Labyrinth of the Minotaur. Featuring the addition of the titular creatures as a playable race in all three realms, the product launched in North America and will go live in Europe in February. Also highlighted were a few other things players can look forward to in 2007. Among them were the content in the Catacombs add-on being opened up without charge, a greater focus on optimizing player performance and reducing annoyances within the Realm vs. Realm end game, an overhaul of crafting, and improvements to the user interface. Another area receiving increased attention will be for-pay account services. Some specifics noted were splitting accounts, which is already available, changing the gender of high-level characters, transfers across servers, and additional bank and vault slots.

Concept Art:







Perhaps most interesting was a new feature called Camelot Campaigns. These are described as in-game story arcs that will last six months, with new content being added every two weeks. The first one is titled A Dragon's Revenge. Further details were somewhat sketchy, but it looks like each of the three realms will have a different dragon. A couple were shown in a live demo; both Hibernia's Wolf Dragon and Albion's Stone Dragon were appropriately large and formidable.

Aside from that, we were told the story arcs will remain available after the six months. Most of the content will be geared to groups with certain parts, such as those involving bosses, being set up as raids. In a nod to the time delay between implementation on the North American and European servers, players on the latter can expect to see some differences in the story, albeit not radical ones. A related question came to mind that I didn't have the opportunity to ask. It concerns EA Mythic's intentions with respect to further expansion packs. It would be easy and quite possibly correct to assume the next one is in the pipeline to launch in the last quarter of this year. However, that would be unsupported conjecture.

Warhammer Online is, of course, the studio's primary focus at this time. It's in full production mode, with a team of approximately 150 people working on it. The Greenskin and Dwarf areas were first to be deployed, so they are the farthest along, with systems work and internal testing in process. The Empire and Chaos regions are the ones currently undergoing heavy construction, and they have progressed to the point where the guests attending the event were afforded the opportunity to play them for the first time.

Before that, the presenters - Senior Producer Jeff Hickman and Creative Director Paul Barnett with the aid of Producer Lance Robertson and Content Director Destin Bales - briefly introduced the Empire and Chaos races as they are being implemented in the game. The former is human, and has four classes, referred to as careers. Three of these are melee-oriented. The Knight of the Blazing Sun is a tank and the Witch Hunter a high damage dealer, while the Warrior Priest mixes in some healing abilities. The Bright Wizard is a caster specializing in Fire magic and able to deliver substantial amounts of injury very quickly.

Chaos are corrupted mutants filled with dark energy. This army offers an equal number of careers, although only three were revealed by name. One of the melee classes is the Chosen, who are tankers. There will also be a damage per second option, which wasn't named. Players who lean toward magic will be able to choose between the nuker-type Magus and the Zealot, which can do some healing.

Although it will be possible to play Age of Reckoning as a player vs. environment game, EA Mythic's historic strength in realm-based PvP will be reflected in the presence of four sub-types. Skirmish is simply incidental combat that occurs in the gameworld. Battlefields are objective-based encounters. Scenarios are goal-based too, but are also instanced, with NPC Dogs of War available to balance the two sides if necessary. There will be 40 or more at launch, for varying numbers of participants, from six to 36 per side. The winners receive points that count toward control of game zones. The fourth level of PvP, Campaign, occurs when one side advances far enough to attack its enemy's capital city.

During another hands-on portion of the event, we had the chance to participate in four scenario battles, twice each in one called Marsh Temple and another entitled Gates of Ekrund, both pitting Dwarves against Greenskins. Everyone seemed to agree that they were exceptionally fun, perhaps most of all for my team, which managed to go undefeated. While it's purely a matter of personal preference, I've always favored smaller, balanced PvP sessions to large-scale ones, so the designers' decision to make this type of battle an important part of the game seems likely to fit the potential audience that is of a like mind.

In the increasingly competitive massively multiplayer sector, titles will have to establish significant points of distinction if they are to succeed. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has a strong foundation, being built on a property that originated some 25 years ago. Even more important, it looks likely to enhance EA Mythic's reputation for excellence in the Realm vs. Realm arena by offering a selection of sub-types. When we add in other noteworthy features and elements like public quests, plus some eye-catching art direction that feels completely true to the franchise, it's clear that this endeavor has the potential to emerge as a winner, possibly a big one. And having been brought up to date on both Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot, I'm certainly going to keep an eye on them as well.

Source: http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/759/759546p1.html


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
nerf the amount of time the artist spent making hibs one look good as opposed to the others :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Mids looks stupid.. either, do a proper monster wolf (like the one that will bite the vikings god of wars hand off) .... Or do a proper dragon.. Ok, do atleast a Wyrm, like the one in Nordic mythology, Nidhug, that is coiled around the world, biting its own tail... and when it looses that grip, Ragnarok will come... the doomsday


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, is it only me or does the last picture of the dragon look like the dog/dragon from "Neverending Story"? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Kinag said:
Hmm, is it only me or does the last picture of the dragon look like the dog/dragon from "Neverending Story"? :m00:

Yes but if anyboby Ask i never Seen the Neverending Story :twak:


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Points to control game zone if u win a pvp instance.

woopiefuckindoo !

looks like daoc may have a few years left in it yet....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
SkarIronfist said:
Lets wait until we see proper images and not what are effectively drawings.

Tbh the Alb dragon looks pretty cool tbh, the hib one... isnt mids current dragon a wolf type one anyway.. and Nerf Albion, so op-d , we now get 3 Dragons :)

(Well actually about 10 if u count the mini bosses and the big mofo at the back of AC)

Id rather Have an Etna story tho, focusing on Etna , and maybe let me create her as a class L(


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Tesla Monkor said:
EA Mythic Media Event Report

Although it will be possible to play Age of Reckoning as a player vs. environment game, EA Mythic's historic strength in realm-based PvP will be reflected in the presence of four sub-types. Skirmish is simply incidental combat that occurs in the gameworld. Battlefields are objective-based encounters. Scenarios are goal-based too, but are also instanced, with NPC Dogs of War available to balance the two sides if necessary. There will be 40 or more at launch, for varying numbers of participants, from six to 36 per side. The winners receive points that count toward control of game zones. The fourth level of PvP, Campaign, occurs when one side advances far enough to attack its enemy's capital city.

Source: http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/759/759546p1.html

This mean no big old DAOC zerg fights then? :( And waiting like wow to enter instanced pvp :(


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Castus said:
This mean no big old DAOC zerg fights then? :( And waiting like wow to enter instanced pvp :(

not so bad if done right.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
....6 to 36 in size....

I guess that means that group size of 6 in WAR is confirmed.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Castus said:
This mean no big old DAOC zerg fights then? :( And waiting like wow to enter instanced pvp :(

Instances will be balanced by NPCs if not nuff will show up.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
"for-pay account services. Some specifics noted were splitting accounts, which is already available, changing the gender of high-level characters, transfers across servers, and additional bank and vault slots."

That's total money-grabbing bullshit by EA.

Additional vault and pack slots should have been added when TOA went live, but to charge for extra slots is taking the piss. Transferring across servers is the only instance where I would find it acceptable for real-world money to be charged for the service; everything else should be part of patches or expansions.

"We can't code it, it's not possible, can't be done."
"What if we make the players pay £20 on top of their subs?"
"We'll have it coded by the end of the afternoon."

It's bullshit. Profiteering scumbag EA suits at their worst.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
An ingame screenshot of Gjalp has been released:




Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Svartmetall said:
"for-pay account services. Some specifics noted were splitting accounts, which is already available, changing the gender of high-level characters, transfers across servers, and additional bank and vault slots."

That's total money-grabbing bullshit by EA.

Additional vault and pack slots should have been added when TOA went live, but to charge for extra slots is taking the piss. Transferring across servers is the only instance where I would find it acceptable for real-world money to be charged for the service; everything else should be part of patches or expansions.

"We can't code it, it's not possible, can't be done."
"What if we make the players pay £20 on top of their subs?"
"We'll have it coded by the end of the afternoon."

It's bullshit. Profiteering scumbag EA suits at their worst.

What about u get whatever u want from those choices or none at all? I mean it's not that they telling ya "We gonna add this and that to all and u'll have to pay x% more fee every month" -.-


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Gahn said:
What about u get whatever u want from those choices or none at all? I mean it's not that they telling ya "We gonna add this and that to all and u'll have to pay x% more fee every month" -.-
It's the principle of the thing. You shouldn't have to pay for stuff that's easily code-able and is the sort of thing that should be going in a patch or an expansion anyway. The character transfer across servers is the only exception, because that's a different thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

Calm down you will have a heartattack. Lets see what they do, but I am agreed that charging for extra bank slot would be foolish and would be a classic example of "EA bug Mythic and look what they do". Which would be more bad pr for EA.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Castus said:
This mean no big old DAOC zerg fights then? :( And waiting like wow to enter instanced pvp :(
Scenarios are just one part (of the four) of WAR RvR. Another is Skirmishes. Skirmishes roughly correspond to DAoC's open pvp zone with Battlegrounds (another RvR type) being the focal points (like keeps/castles) of the Skirmish zones.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Bit more info on the WAR RVR :

You can gain Trophy Items from PvP to let you customize your armor for looks (and most likely not stats). For example, if you're an Orc and you kill enough Dwarf’s, you could get a Dwarf skull that you could place on your shoulder spikes, on your belt buckle, or perhaps on a chain around you neck. According to Mythic, you'll gain experience and items through PVP participation and become as advanced and as wealthy as players who exclusively hunt monsters and perform quests.

PvP in WAR comes in the following formats:

Skirmishes: Incidental PvP combat
Battlefields: Objective-based battles in the game world
Scenarios: Instanced, point-based battles balanced with NPC Dogs of War
Campaigns: The invasion of enemy lands culminating in the assault on their capital city

Skirmishes: Incidental combat of two or more players of opposing factions. From these fights you get money, experience and items. Although, while you can loot the enemy, you’re not actually looting their real items. It is assumed the loot you receive from these fights scales with both your level and the difficulty of the fight. Specific information on how this actually works has yet to be released.

Battlefields: Objective-based areas, where each side is engaged in a tug-of-war style battle, trying to take over points on the map such as towers, mines, factories and temples.

Scenarios: Instanced based fights with objectives and a point system. To avoid queuing and balance fights mercenary NPC 'Dogs of War' will spawn. The point system works much like that of the tabletop version of Warhammer. A given Battle Zone scenario might have, say, a 1000 point limit. This could permit ten less-powerful players go up against five who are significantly stronger, while theoretically keeping things balanced.

Campaigns:: The campaign system uses the above three to allow advancement, you cannot cut around your enemy and skip a zone, the front is the front. This is the PvP 'end game'. In the high level areas are five zones. At the extreme ends of each land-area are the capital cities for each race. Players wage s bloody war to push each other back and forth. The goal is to lock down a zone and advance closer to the enemy’s capital city. Once there, you can sack the cities stores and npcs for great rewards. After an unspecified amount of time NPC guards will spawn and take back the city and the war resets.

All taken from: http://www.war-rvr.net/



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
It's the principle of the thing. You shouldn't have to pay for stuff that's easily code-able and is the sort of thing that should be going in a patch or an expansion anyway. The character transfer across servers is the only exception, because that's a different thing.

Welcome to the real world, all MMORPGs will go this route were you pay a subscription and then an optional fee as you play for certain features. If you really want to save yourself time and money then I'd suggest simply quitting. EA will do the same to DAOC that they did to UO and use it as a cash cow and milk all the subscribers who will quite willingly pay for content that previously would have been included in free and paid for expansions.

It's only a matter of time until you can buy an "advanced character" like in UO, starting automatically at level 30/40 for a optional one off fee. Don't believe me? I'd not be surprised if they've already discussed it in-house.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Welcome to the real world, all MMORPGs will go this route were you pay a subscription and then an optional fee as you play for certain features. If you really want to save yourself time and money then I'd suggest simply quitting. EA will do the same to DAOC that they did to UO and use it as a cash cow and milk all the subscribers who will quite willingly pay for content that previously would have been included in free and paid for expansions.

It's only a matter of time until you can buy an "advanced character" like in UO, starting automatically at level 30/40 for a optional one off fee. Don't believe me? I'd not be surprised if they've already discussed it in-house.

If it helps people play/return to the game what's the difference? YOU are not paying for their character upgrade (which really is nothing more than a slight starting advantage), it doesn't affect the game in a negative way and it has the potential to keep people interested.

The comment about expansions and excluded content I don't get.

My point is that it's a given EA will try to milk as much money out of their as they can, but they have yet to implement anything for that purpose that disturbs regular gameplay or generally has any negative consequences.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It costs 14.99 to transfer 1 character between accounts on WoW. Since its not a completely automatic process and requires a small bit of hands on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004
It costs 14.99 to transfer 1 character between accounts on WoW. Since its not a completely automatic process and requires a small bit of hands on.

isnt there a thing where u get free migration when one server has a very low population? or high population wotevr.

cuz god knows excal/pryd is in need of it :/


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Welcome to the real world, all MMORPGs will go this route were you pay a subscription and then an optional fee as you play for certain features. If you really want to save yourself time and money then I'd suggest simply quitting. EA will do the same to DAOC that they did to UO and use it as a cash cow and milk all the subscribers who will quite willingly pay for content that previously would have been included in free and paid for expansions.

It's only a matter of time until you can buy an "advanced character" like in UO, starting automatically at level 30/40 for a optional one off fee. Don't believe me? I'd not be surprised if they've already discussed it in-house.

True, but why bother when most go to Ebay anyway :p

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