Unfair teams



Many people tend to think of it as a pure number of people on a side game but its not, not as far as I'm concerned. I was just in a server with what seemed to be a load of newbies, the sad thing was that I seemed to have them all on my side which I found a little unfair as two pod twits were in the same team with some other good players. It was on voy_1 and as many will know its a fast map and when the teams are uneven in skill then the other team can win very easy. I couldn't be every where at once and we lost 8 - 2 even though I played well it just seemed like a waste of time when players can't be bothered to even up the teams in skill and just like to run the flag back to their base.

old.[DT] Turdmonkey

well you cant really help your teammates being crap I know I am :) I know CS does this auto team balance thing if one team are 0wning perhaps this could be suggested to Raven if they bring out a new EF patch
also I think an auto team select would be really useful cos I am too lazy to work out who has the least palyers and join it


I don't have a problem with newbies, just people who don't make teams fair. Its like you can have 8 vs 6 which is silly, the game should auto-swap so that its 7 vs 7.


I don't agree with you Embattle. That particular map can be easily dominated regardless of the level of players. I just played a match - quite a stunning match actually - where my team was down 4-0 when I joined yet through sheer hard work we clawed it back to 5-4, with the other team mostly made up of clanned players.

Your original comments sound exactly the same as comments made about Quake 3 Arena team play when that was first released, and Tribes before that, and Quake 2 before that.

It happens in any new team game as people become used to playing it and get a feel for the rythmn. To be fair, the game has only been out a couple of weeks.


I don't agree with you either cro ;)

I accept that sometimes even with a good team that map can go that way, since its fast and furious. However on the whole if the players are fairly even you end up with a much better game. The shot below is not to rub speccy's nose in it, ok slightly :D but more a case of a great game with every one getting some action and a game that lasted a fair while on that map.


The game I mention in my first post was very uneven and no matter what I did it just seemed impossible to do any thing since the area to cover is to much and as stated I know that people need to learn so its not there fault or any thing like that. It seemed that the other team was very happy just to come charging in and take the flag and cap it, all very boring and a game which lasted a little over 5 mins.

I believe this is the case in most other games/mods, in fact as a CS player I can't stand it when clan players all join the same side and then proceed to cream the other, its just plain boring and not the way to get newbies to play again.

Q3A is still shit for teamplay and I don't think much will change that now since ID have moved on to other things, not to mention other factors like CS etc.

Quake 2 now that was a game which had it all, coming from the AQ2 backround I found that players were much more willing to even up the teams so that both teams had a chance.

However things have changed and I think winning seems to be the only reason for playing, even in AQ2 now, which means it doesn't matter even if the teams are uneven, sad really.

Oh btw, if you see me on a server and want to even up the teams then you only have to ask me and I'll change.


There is a way to auto assign teams as people join the server

There is a way to auto-assign people to the team with the least players or losing team which is really the problem I have seen it time and time again on BARRYSWORLD and other servers for CTF. 3 on one team, 7 on the other and newly joined moron joins the larger team that is already ahead. The command is

g_teamAutoJoin "0" toggle the automatic joining of the smallest or loosing team

This prevents a person form joining the wrong team and makes this topic a done issue.

Since we are one commands needed though, another command to add to your servers would be

sv_timeout "120" sets the amount of time for the server to wait for a client packet before assuming a disconnected state.

This prevents what is called Lamers or LLAMAs on your team. Simply put, non-playing bodies launched onto other team so one spot is taken up by non-shooting back, easy prey enemy.
With the timeout value set, it will disconnect a non-playing player after 120 seconds.



hmm, iam affraid i have to agree with Embattle, you DO get a LOT of plonkers that do that :(

its pretty common to join a team game and find all the best players on the same side and a bunch of hpw newbies on the other, personally i like to fight with the under dogs, but sometimes ........

i think part of the problem on q3 (so i guess its the same on ef) is that when you swap teams you lose any frags you had, which may put some ppl off.

PS Embattle, id have NOT gave up with team play, cos making a wild guess Team Arena may fall into the team play catagory :)

old.[DT] Turdmonkey

hmm mebbe we should make a BWadmin mod for ef :)


Well i know all about Unfair teams,
it is not that bad on bw servers, but on my only and ever play on wp servers, it was something like 8v3 on a CTF game.

Now, hopely when Raven rel the new patch this should fix some of these problems.

BWAdmin Mod?
No much good, only two bw admins at the mo, (Me & Cro)



Oh dear, Emb has made his way to another forum ;)

Teams have always been an issue, regardless of the game - not a lot you can do about it. I really should have a go of this online, cracking SP game :)


Good News

Well i have some good news, from sometime today maybe tomorrow, auto team balance will be turned on.

This chance will only affect the CTF and TDM servers.

This will hopely put a end to unfair teams.

Any More Suggestions? Email Me: eliteforce@barrysworld.com



The games no fun if the teams are un even. What I do is if the teams are unbalenced is join the team with the least players. Others usually do the same.

Take a game of ST last night, there were 8 red and 3 blue, I joined the red and others followed. One thing with ST, unlike a few Quake 3 mods is that it does not have a auto join team which sets you in the team which needs the players.


"there were 8 red and 3 blue, I joined the red and others followed"

I Do hope that was a typo :0

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