Last friday GOA said it will be Hib, now they say it is Mid! Tuesday it will be Alb?
[5-11-2004] Friday, News Day
Underpopulated realms
In order to balance the risks for each realm, the notion of "underpopulated" realms appears. These realms benefit from a few advantages, principally a reduction of the costs concerning the purchase of the hookpoints and the maintenance of the keeps.
Every month the list of the underpopulated realms will be updated on each server. When the servers are balanced, no realm benefit from this advantage. For the opening of New Frontiers, these servers are Logres & Ys. As for the other servers, the underpopulated realms are :
Avalon : Hibernia
Lyonesse : Midgard-Hibernia
Dartmoor : Hibernia
Stonehenge : Hibernia
Brocéliande : Midgard
Orcanie : Midgard
Carnac : Hibernia
Excalibur : Hibernia
Prydwen : Hibernia
[12-11-2004] The Friday News
In order to balance the risks for each realm, the notion of "underpopulated" realms appears. These realms benefit from a few advantages, principally a reduction of the purchase costs of the hookpoints and the maintenance of the keeps.
Every month the list of the underpopulated realms will be updated on each server. When the servers are balanced, no realm benefits from this advantage. For the opening of New Frontiers, these balanced servers are Logres, Carnac & Ys. As for the other servers, the underpopulated realms are :
Avalon : Hibernia
Lyonesse : Midgard-Hibernia
Dartmoor : Hibernia
Brocéliande : Midgard
Orcanie : Midgard
Excalibur : Midgard
Prydwen : Hibernia
Stonehenge : Hibernia
[5-11-2004] Friday, News Day
Underpopulated realms
In order to balance the risks for each realm, the notion of "underpopulated" realms appears. These realms benefit from a few advantages, principally a reduction of the costs concerning the purchase of the hookpoints and the maintenance of the keeps.
Every month the list of the underpopulated realms will be updated on each server. When the servers are balanced, no realm benefit from this advantage. For the opening of New Frontiers, these servers are Logres & Ys. As for the other servers, the underpopulated realms are :
Avalon : Hibernia
Lyonesse : Midgard-Hibernia
Dartmoor : Hibernia
Stonehenge : Hibernia
Brocéliande : Midgard
Orcanie : Midgard
Carnac : Hibernia
Excalibur : Hibernia
Prydwen : Hibernia
[12-11-2004] The Friday News
In order to balance the risks for each realm, the notion of "underpopulated" realms appears. These realms benefit from a few advantages, principally a reduction of the purchase costs of the hookpoints and the maintenance of the keeps.
Every month the list of the underpopulated realms will be updated on each server. When the servers are balanced, no realm benefits from this advantage. For the opening of New Frontiers, these balanced servers are Logres, Carnac & Ys. As for the other servers, the underpopulated realms are :
Avalon : Hibernia
Lyonesse : Midgard-Hibernia
Dartmoor : Hibernia
Brocéliande : Midgard
Orcanie : Midgard
Excalibur : Midgard
Prydwen : Hibernia
Stonehenge : Hibernia