On the RA3 server last night playing some 1 on 1 with 3 others Mr Phage, Mr Grieve and Circleman. (all ISDN). Mr Grieve & Mr Phage were winning the most (kicking my ass (not difficult)) when along came this guy called Mr Chod (I think). Thing is, Mr Chod had a ping of 900 It was absolute Jerkovision, meself and Mr Phage were wetting ourselves with laughter watching this guy "teleporting" around the level. Imagine our shock when next thing - he beats MrGrieve Up next was Circleman, who also got beat I was up next and had seen the other 2 try to hit Mr Chod with rox and fail because he never stayed in the same place for more than a milisecond , so I took the cheap option and spammed him with the plasmagun (I know - the shame ) which quickly put manners on him. Unfortunately this caused him to 999, and he disconnected soon after but I just thought I would relay this story as a dedication to his incredible perseverance. I know it probably doesnt sound funny but you had to be there and all that - Mr Phage back me up on this one !!!!