Unacceptable resolution times



I have sent a mail to the subscription@goa.com address as it says on the rightnow help page to mail them for any subscription or loss of password problems.
This was 3 days ago and the question i sent them is still in the 'my stuff' as unresolved.
Its a simple problem of 'can u send me my subscription details as I have lost them due to having to reinstall my computer and losing the info from my mail inbox'.

I really dont expect to be waiting over 3 days for this information. I have sent 2 reminders regarding this for each day i have been without the information. If I wanted to cancel my account I couldn't and I also more annoyingly cant activate SI which I have had for over a week.

Now working in IT myself I know that password resolution problems get resolved first and foremost and I know for a fact I would be ensuring that if any support member knowingly left a paying customer with the inability to login for more than a day he would be severly reprimanded.

So after the shambles of last weeks upgrade, and the downtime yet again for every patch (again i remind you we are paying customers for a service that was unavailable) after all that I'm expected to now wait even longer to be able to play SI because nobody can resolve my simple problem of resetting a password.

Truly the support and administration behind this game need to sort themselves out.


Originally posted by gesta
<snip> Now working in IT myself I know that password resolution problems get resolved first and foremost<snip>

resolution problems is something that has to do with your graphics interface.... (yes I´m a nitpicker but you should have left out the word "resolution in the quoted sentence and it would have made more sense ;))

that aside, I can understand that you're pissed, but I really don´t think cuttering there support system with daily mails will make it go any faster.


if you're working in IT yourself, surely you're familiar with the concept of backing up email?


whether ive backed up my mail or not, I dont expect to wait for over 3 days to receive my subscription details

backing up my mail is not the issue here its the support we are getting (or not getting) for something so trivial. I mentioned the problem in guild chat and someone else mentioned that it took 1 and a half days. Obviously this is better than 3 days but even 1 and a half days is completely crap support imo.


Re: Re: Unacceptable resolution times

Originally posted by Addlcove

resolution problems is something that has to do with your graphics interface.... (yes I´m a nitpicker but you should have left out the word "resolution in the quoted sentence and it would have made more sense ;))

yes you are a nitpicker and my english has always been poo even though i'm english myself :p

that aside, I can understand that you're pissed, but I really don´t think cuttering there support system with daily mails will make it go any faster.

but it might, as in a normal support system you would get open tickets and daily averages per open tickets. Now if whomever is managing and analysing the support system notices more of these problems they might do something about it to keep these kind of problems to a minimum. But then I doubt if they even have anything as organised or sophisticated. I remind of the fact that they tried to patch the servers without all the files......its like doing a liver transplant but forgetting to have the liver in the same country as the body is.


can u tell im bored and waiting to go for a pint due to the fast replies


I have sent 2 reminders regarding this for each day i have been without the information.
Based on posts to this board, it seems to be taking about 5-7 days for these requests to be treated. The subscription system has ground to a near halt due the the huge number of idiots who threw away their passwords and waited until the worst possible moment (patch day) to wake up and request them, and the problem is being aggravated by the cretins who are spamming the support e-mail address and filling it up with redundant requests, all of which need to be sorted manually. You may be comforted by the fact that although your request has been delayed for days by all the idiots who hammered the SEND button before you, you will in turn have delayed those poor suckers who are even farther back in the queue.

On average, therefore, you probably have four more days in which to reflect that if you and all the others like you had only sent one message each, it might have taken 48 hours or less for them to respond... and if only you had used your incredible IT skills to jot down your password somewhere safe - as GOA strongly recommended you to do - you wouldn't have had to ask for it at all.
but it might, as in a normal support system you would get open tickets and daily averages per open tickets
Yes, and it's a shame that you are outside the ticket system and being treated manually, because you threw away your password (see above).


Originally posted by Belsameth
if you're working in IT yourself, surely you're familiar with the concept of backing up email?


It workers are the worst people in general, we tend to be so lax it's scary, because that never happens to us..

Which reminds me I must get round to building my backup server which I've had half built for 2 years now...


1. I never threw away the password, it was a disk failure. Yes I work in IT and yes I backup at work but I really cant be arsed to go through the motions at home to have everything backed up. It's only a games machine after all.
2. I can remember most passwords having to remember probably about 30 currently in my head maybe more but im not counting.
3. They clearly have an incredibly poor support system that they have to actually manually sort through tickets.
4. I will in the future write down my details and keep them safe manually instead of having to rely on the cack support we are all currently receiving.
5. alrindel thank you for respecting my excellent IT skills, It's an honour to receive a reply from somebody as presumptious as yourself


I am sure that after you wake up after that 'Pint' GOA will have have responded for you Gesta. Not saying that you cant handle your beer or anything of the sort though ;) By the way park benches are probably more comfy that the gutter for waking up in :cheers:


yeh but the slightly fat dwarf that is gesta needs his daily runabout especially in the new areas. I heard theres plusher areas to exercise there. Now if he had his password a few days ago he could well be on the road to a new trimmer look.

Wont be park bench tonight porkers. Its raining, might have to hit a subway :p

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