Ultima Online



I think its about time for me to hand in the towel with UO too. If you know anyone that wants a four year old account, which may or may not still have a small tower attached and should have some vet rewards, get them to drop me a line. I'm not looking to sell, because all my characters are sort of lame, and I spent all my money on hair dye, I would just like to see the account go to a nice home.


Ahh a fellow UO vet , well I did the " bad " thing and sold my accounts when i left , but well i had 4 , and a large tower with a nice patio house right next to it , in the Groov of Love. Was a #1 spot , nice Lich spawn in back yard for easy farming. But they runined the game now IMO , so im glad I atleast got a nice bundle out of it. Hope you find a nice home for ya chars


I could do the same some time soon... I will try to sell the account but if I can't do that I will either give it away to someone who feels like trying it out etc. or then just delete it.
38 month account, no vet rewards used yet, GM smith and many other GM chars, money, rares, armor, weapons and all the works... log cabin on trammel near the swamps east of britain. Europa that is...

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