UKTL Press



I'm a little dissapointed by the press scheme.
There is not a single report of any game from any division of this weeks UKTL.
I was under the impression that press were allowed on the servers to report on the matches, and provide a spectator demo for interested tribers.
Not so they get to watch cool matches, eat server cpu and badwidth and provide nothing in return.
I don't expect essays, but some mention would be nice, last season was covered well, please get back to that standard.



Yeah, it is nice for us 'outsiders' to read what happens in the uktl matches, but how can we?

The standard of reporting has gone down recently, the other week, there were so few clues to what map was being played I had to go to the uktl site and find out. But now, not even a single match report?

I understand that the reporting responsibility has been given to Tribesnation only, imo if they have lost interest, it should be passed onto another tribes site.

It also seems some people are press'ing matches for their own benefit...


I hate to say this, but on some points, I agree with you.
The lack of news reports is pretty much due to the staff who have been 'recruited' by the MPTL to become admins, and now seem to have lost interest in covering matches. To deal with this, we are recruiting more staff,[look for RudeDog and Silver to make an impact] but are having slight difficulties with the tribesnation section for vacancies.
[Note, anyone who is interested in covering matches, please contact me]
The other point, "It also seems some people are press'ing matches for their own benefit..." is a serious charge, and I would appreciate any evidence of that being forwarded to me, and to the UKTL admins.

Hopefully, the action we are taking will see the press coverage of the UKTL returning back to last seasons high standards.

Pete [DT]Karma

[This message has been edited by [DT]Karma (edited 26 February 2000).]


I don’t mind waiting for a match report as its clear allot of work goes into them.

However there shouldn’t be any delay in upping the obs demos and tn reporting each weeks scores.

- NeaRly


hehe - just browsing the boards and saw this

a far cry when one site had exclusive rights to Press UKTL games
and a few others fought like hell to get a report in



I see you all have a whole bunch of complaints about match reporting but I have a few points to make about why at present one of the games I observed has still to go up.

Firstly, I ended up having to press 2 (count em) matches, due to the withdrawal of a press reporter just before a game due to technical problems.

Secondly, it takes a hell of a long time to upload a match demo with my connection.

Thirdly, would you like a basic report to be presented to the tribes community or ones at the level of quality they have reached at the present.

Fourthly, although I would very much like to commit more time to Tribesnation than I do at present (which is still at a good level), my, and the other tn staff no doubt, lives have other issues that need to be dealt with that to be honest are on another level from reporting a Tribes match for some fun.

Finally, there is a shortage of TN staff to cover all matches. And it's a bit much to expect every match to be reported upon. Hopefully the situation will be resolved when people such as yourselves realise that positions need to be filled and apply to do the job.

I do not intend to be provocative with this post, but I'm simply attempting to state some reasons why reports are not as immediate as some people clearly expect.


oo00o0o0oh Vaggabond, joined EED have you?

Got ya timer at the ready then?


TN Staff shortage is now not a problem. Expect next week's match reports to be up to standard.



CL vs WTc match report - where the hell is it?
We had press throughout the game - and then no report.
A simple demo and even a scoreline would do if nothing else!
We have every right to expect press reports on games: - if there is press there - I expect the report up in the next 2 days.
There are other sites wanting to cover the games....
Doesnt seem to affect MPTL coverage - thats not an accusation of bias - its a statement.
Its not hard to post simple scoreline - if the demo b0rks or something ask the teams who played for demos.
The report doesnt have to be a work of art - just up on the site!
If you want to observe games - become an admin and help the league.
A pissed off Xtro


Interesting comments, from someone who was unable to fufill his TN obligations.Your comment about the MPTL is equally laughable.
Yes, we have had problems with having enough reporters to cover the matches recently, as you should know, after all you were involved in one of the many obstacles thrown in our way. Again, as you know, there is no guarantee that becoming an admin will actually help the league. Seems like your main interest is to have a go, rather than to do anything constructive. After all, your mail to TN was more than sufficient to let us know of a problem.I think its about time you looked at your priorities in Tribes. Ego massage can be obtained elsewhere. If thats all you are here for, and it seems it is, please go elsewhere for it

[This message has been edited by [DT]Karma (edited 09 March 2000).]


If I wanted to attack you personally I would have done Karma.

a) "Interesting comments, from someone who was unable to fufill his TN obligations"

we know why I resigned - if you want me to spread it here - I defintely will.

b)"Your comment about the MPTL is equally laughable." - I SAID I wasnt accusing you of bias. Try reading it properly.

c)"you were involved in one of the many obstacles thrown in our way."
Yes and I didnt post here about that farce either. I objected to the member of press - not the press being present. Do you really want to drag all this up?

d)"There is no guarantee that becoming an admin will actually help the league."
So more admins dont help?

e)"Seems like your main interest is to have a go,rather than to do anything constructive."
Duh I'm a UKTL admin - I organise the England team, and I CARE that people in all divisions get their games reported - as I am sure you do.

f)"I think its about time you looked at your priorities in Tribes. Ego massage can be obtained elsewhere. If thats all you are here for, and it seems it is, please go elsewhere."
Now that is just plain amusing if it weren't for the fact its a personal attack by yourself on me. I resisted the urge - you should too. Its quite well known we dont like each other.
If you see the earlier topic "Bollocks to this" - well that was a direct result of the bullshit the other night. I won't let you put me off playing tribes and I think you ought to think hard before making threats to get admins thrown out of the UKTL.

No need to get personal and stupid.

[This message has been edited by Xtro (edited 09 March 2000).]


Lo all - Regarding Press issues then id prob have to agree that ok its tough and takes up alot of time etc...please note i no longer do press stuff
well once in a while maybe got alot on at the mo..But Press is an option not really a job,press peeps do it cause they enjoy it not becouse they have to..
Im slagging no one off becouse i love you all but personally i think if no press people are there then the captains of the teams playing should be able to do there own report.

And personally i dont want to see a report...cause not many saw what i seen in that game pings of 500 constant dropping personally i think the game shouldnt have happend they new the BW router had probs..But taking nothing away from CL as i get on with them all i personally feel the 17 - 0 score line is a bit cruel... Ok we accept they won but under good server pings would the result be the same ??

Either way whats done id done and Xtro m8ty if you wanna do a match report for your side of things ill do one for my side..
Then again i dont think i was there long enough to see much of the game

I also think that Admins should do a demo in cases of no press or as a backup..

Anyways Piece all and remeber its just a game.Even tho CL we will wooOp you next time Muhahahaha


[WTc]Tribes captain.......
icq - 24573783


Shit i posted my bit in a new topic and not as a reply

opps .. check "GRRR"


For the record, I tend to record a demo whenever I admin a game in the MPTL. I'm sure most admins in most leagues do this anyway.



OK for the record.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone whao is involved in the [press] scheme, they put in a lot of work, and get damn all thanks for it. Is it suprising that they sometimes get dis-illusioned with it? I think not. So, thanks folks, it's appreciated.
The actual coverage of tables, etc, is already dealt with, by the UKTL and MPTL sites respectively. Asking for us to duplicate the work is both redundant, and likely to make reports even later than they already are. Is that what you really want?
As for match reports themselves, to inform you all who haven't had the fun of preparing one, to do a decent job, it involves
1/ watching the demo itself, 2 or 3 times, taking notes as you go.. demo = 40 minutes, so, guess at 100 minutes, for 2 views, pauses for notes, etc.
2/ Writing up the actual report. This varies from person to person, The HH one I did earlier this week, took about 2 hours, give or take..I aint to fast, so call it another 100 minutes
3/ Editing it for the TN site.. again, experience helps, for me, 10 mins, for other newer staff, easily half an hour.
4/ Demo upload. Depends on connection, can take upto an hour. [I once had to mail one, it took 80 minutes] Generally now, about 30 minutes for me
5/ oops, forget the actual game itself, about an hour, due to delays, half time breaks, etc. [Thats why the admins have been getting upset about half time over-running recently]
So, add it all up
Connected time, 90 minutes [nice hefty phone bill there]
Off line time, 210 minutes
Total = 300 minutes, = 5 hours.
that of course, is PER GAME
Some people, mirial and mad12 spring to mind, have covered 3 matches a night at times, that adds up to pretty much a FULL DAY spent on this, assuming you allow us time to go to the toilet, eat, sleep, etc
In all the time I've been [press]ing games, I've received exactly 1 letter to say thanks [this week actually] from non TN staff. I'm not saying I want you to all feel sorry for me, I want you to start appreciating the TN people who put the effort in.
Since this thread started, a few people have taken it onto themselves to do something constructive about it. These include Nicen, BigBunny, and Stamper, who have joined the staff. Other people have worked to come up with alternative solutions to the problem [cheers Speed
] Others have ignored the bitching going on around them, and got on with the job. [ie, all the other TN staff] I was going to put the vacancies up on the TN webby, but it appears that message has been put across quite nicely in this thread.
As for the particular comments in this thread, [Xtro this is to you especially] when you eventually do a great job in what you do, admin, and ENG coach, then you have the right to complain. Until then, I suggest you concentrate on getting that right, and not wasting my and others time here.For the others, ask yourself a question, what are you doing for UK tribes?


Oh dear - that post was much more constructive until the end.
I cant see why you are choosing to take this all personally.
I can understand that you are under pressure - I've written a match report myself and it took time to upload the demo, write up etc, etc.
Everyone wants the reports - admins, players, TN staff.

"[Xtro this is to you especially] when you eventually do a great job in what you do, admin, and ENG coach, then you have the right to complain."

Am I doing a crap one now? And who says I cant complain? Its democracy - I'm not the only one who has voiced concerns. Why single me out?

Look - this is a waste of time. As I said in IRC to you - the reports that are done are very good - but you dont have to do a masterpiece. I think people are more interested in the demos tbh, and then the reports.

I understand that it takes time - but people volunteer to do it on the basis that they can make time.
I tried to make positive sugggestions earlier - get demos off the teams if yours b0rks.
Don't change it to a personal thing - I dont want a flame war - as you said in IRC.
If you dont like me, then ok. But I cant be arsed to have a slanging match with someone I have never met - as I am SURE you cant be.
Lets leave it there.
Dont let it get to you - its NOT a personal attack on you - I simply posted about the lack of reports.


I was in two minds whether to answer this post. All the way through this thread, you've been ]deliberately or accidentally] misunderstanding my replies.
I take your attack on the staff at TribesNation as a personal attack, to my mind one very motivated by events last week. Tbh, all very petty, and I would have ignored it, except as I said in IRC, you caught me at a bad time. Basically it comes down to this. I'm in NO MOOD to have anyone having a go, when they have no idea what they are talking about. Hence, the time break-down above. At the same time, Im not in any way inclined to let you harrass the TN staff, without response. [Currently, the score is 2 staff thinking of quitting, lets see if you can get a hat-trick tonight]
If you really want to leave it "- I dont want a flame war - " then do so. DONT reply to this. If not, then we can get into the real reasons behind all this. I'll take any response from you as an indication that is what you want. The choice is yours.


Will you two (Xtro and Karma) just DROP IT!
Jeez, it's almost as bad as watching two old biddies going at each other with handbags!



Old Biddies ?

I thought Xtro was old and a biddy

I personally think both parties are in the right here...

So dont argue Compramize....Get in a ring and fight it out .,, oops sorry

As i said get the captains to so there own reports as well as press - that way if press dont do them least the captains may..


[WTc]Tribes captain.......
icq - 24573783


FFS when will you lot understand i'm the only one thats alloud to slag / winge at xtro. Belive me ... he's gonna get a slagging in this report

mwhahahaha .... so ner :p

[This message has been edited by Sparks (edited 10 March 2000).]

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