UKTL Map: Simoom v1.10



Just played the "new" simoom today, and notice the rocket turrets have been removed!

Ive spoken to a couple of people and I believe this has pretty much runied an already iffy map. The rocket turret is really one of the only things going for that map and its been removed. Defence is going to be a nightmare now, and offense extremely simple.

Will we be playing the new version of Simoom in UKTL, or the old one. If the new one, why!



OK, this map sucked to start with IMHO, but with the turret gone, so has any appeal the map may have had.

/me starts a BRING BACK THE TURRET campaign


If you ask me the defence had it too easy on that map, now they will have to do some work

For the 1.10 patch they changed a lot of the new levels, just didn’t tell anyone.

There were a few changes made to Simoom besides removing the rocket turret, such as putting force fields in walls to stop people from walking or firing through them, and fixing the black texture opengl bug. CC has also had a solar panel added to it.

I would assume we will be playing the new version as that’s the one on barrysworld servers. I would recommend keeping the new maps as I got kicked of the wireplay servers last night because the server was running an older version of the map midnight mayhem (v 1.9).

- NeaRly


cF Defence might be able to defend it easily, as for others i dont know, its a very easy map to grab the flag on.. (i got 2 caps vs dof in euro ladder - and ask anyone, im shite
) Now the rockets gone, whats the point in the base, whats the point in the power. Its a map with 2 flags out in the open with nothing else.

The rocket gave the defence something. Now what, flag sitter, chasers? its either going to be constant HO, or just another
desert of death attempt.

The rocket is very easy to take out, and it gives the O something ELSE to do apart from just capping. I'll refrain from going on about how im fed up of seeing quake mentality in the game -(as im sure this is the reason WHY its been removed - some twatty american cant grab the flag without getting shot down)- but this is going a bit too far IMHO


Don’t forget US teams play 10v10 games usually with 6 d, that and cable/DSL pings probably meant that capping was rare, which is most likely why the rt was removed.

The rocket is easy to take out but if there’s a heavy with a repair pack sitting on the roof whose main job is to keep it fixed, then it will be up and running for the majority of the game.

- NeaRly


Few things. Just because they americans have had it removed, does this mean us UKers on Dialup with 8v8 are going to have to put up with a shit decision by dynamix?

Which version are we playing, thats the simple ques.


The loss of the rocket turret on Simoom is GOOD. The map was a joke to defend - CL have played this map quite a lot in the ETL CTF ladder. When we played it for the first time vs AFM (no disrespect to them now) - we were CHATTING about the telly ffs!
Of course our defence was good anyway

Seriously, we were hardly threatened - but our offence had a hard time capping - all because of the rocket turret. The result was 2-0 to CL, with the rocket turret gone it would have been a higher scoring game.
Bye bye turret!

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