Ukcl ?



just wanted to know theres any plans on another ukcl season?

we need sum kinda league goin like



*** Q changes topic to 'UKCL currently in close season, no immediate plans for season 12.'

ATM there doesn't seem to be a sufficient number of active UK clans to warrant another season just yet. I've always been of the opinion that leagues should be a by-product of clans actively playing a game, not the other way round. I was pondering the idea of resurrecting the UKCL cup (mini-league into gold/silver cups) but Matsui has basically taken that concept for WRi, so there is no need.

In a few months if/when I get a better internet connection I might look at the situation again, atm I can't be online much during peak playing times as we only have 1 phone line, and I don't especially want to start something I'm not sure I can be fully committed to.

At the end of the day, there are maybe 10 active UK clans (dn/4k/jams/wr/qc/fe/mor/a2k?/wh/gt[irish, i know]), which wouldn't make much of a league IMO. Bringing in teams from europe in the past was just a way to pad out the numbers, many of the teams turned out to be unreliable/committed anyway.

Clans desperate for official competetion might consider the league.


when does this league start , and how do you sign up for it ? :clap:


Originally posted by HangTime
I've always been of the opinion that leagues should be a by-product of clans actively playing a game, not the other way round

For just about everyone else that isnt the case. My clan QUTA for example only play in leagues, irrespective of the game. We dont play friendlies, practises or whatever. Neither do any of us really play on public servers. However I am sure that if a competition like the UKCL was to be organised, then we would be there. I also happen to think there is a lot of clans out there that are in the same posistion as us. One of the major factors that puts me and other ppl off playing QW is the fact that we would have to play against people that practise regularly, as we saw last season there were divisions within divisions. Its not interesting or funny for either team. Something needs to be done about the flow of information, there are about 15 ppl that regularly check this forum and I dont happen to be one of them. There is no other QW information resources that i know of and you cant just expect people to check here. It needs to be much more proactively advertised, then perhaps you will get more ppl interested in QW. And before anyone says it, I did my stint as UKCL organiser 3years ago, not interested now.


leagues dont allow mqwcl

if they did more ppl would play probably


What are peoples thoughts on a ladder like structure? Much like the UKQA was. Is it practical?


Quakelords league -> &
ECAL (clan arena) ->

RE: leagues/clans; Yeah, as I stated it is my opinion, I'll admit I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to qw. I just think that if people really liked the game, they would play it regardless of whether there were leagues running or not. The idea of a bunch of mates just grouping together to play 1 league game a week maybe quite appealing; I've done the same in UT. However I don't think that these type of clans should be necessary to ensure a running league, just like brining in clans from other countries shouldnt be necessary. In the past I've heard critisism that ukcl was kept running after 4k won it, that it kinda 'diminished' the status of the once headlining league to keep playing with smaller divisions, and in one case a foreign clan winning the league. Also since these type of clans don't play on public servers, I have no idea how many would want to enter, other than going on previous seasons, where they usually numbered 5 or less (in modern times). In previous seasons such clans have still had to play clans who practice regularly; in fact, a league situation forces these games, they could play whoever they liked in an arranged friendly game. I felt quite sorry for teams like f9 last time around, too much skill and experience for the lower divisions, but too many highly active (and skilled) clans at the top level. As Lecter points out there are divisions within divisions.

Anyway, the vast skill imbalance in modern QW (perpetuated by the small number of clans) means that its impossible to please everyone when drawing up league schedules and such. Which is part of the reason why if I was to start another season it would probably be a tournament/cup rather than a full blown league.

Moving onto the publicity aspect, I think that QW is almost an embarrassment now. I've submitted info to quakenation in the past, sometimes its been posted, sometimes not... and often the news posted seems totally irrelevant to the majority of the clan scene (eg new single player maps being released). I once jokingly refered to the site as Quake3Nation, and to be fair, it caters for what the majority of it readership cares about. The links to QW leagues (ukcl etc) were removed when Nation was redesigned, which hardly filled us with confidence that anybody in the "gaming media" gave a damn about what was happening in QW. MCW being removed, fine, that league wasnt currently active, but UKCL was.
Generally speaking, the QW scene is very continental/international now. Playing games against european opposition is no longer the realm of the elite (if indeed it ever was), and so sites like challenge are where people go for their QW info fix, challenge-smackdown/au/world being the main ones. I'm as die hard QW as they come, but I am not afraid to admit that very little of note happens in the UK clan scene. Important info spreads quickly since most of the players "know" each other, a public pickup channel and bot are used for fixing up games, and tbh there isnt that much need to publicity within the community. UKgamer is where most people go for UK stuff I guess, with their hosted ECAL league, QW-related columns and news updates.

Of course, the idea of publicity was raised above in order to bring new players into the game, or perhaps bring "oldsk00l" types back. If I was persuaded anybody actually gave a damn, I would be more than happy to put together a team to write guides, advice, news updates, columns and such. Coverage of leagues, helping newbies get things sorted and such is nothing new for myself and others. I look at the Aussie sites dedicated to QW with jealousy :)

Well, I'm rambling as usual. A Ladder structure league might work, if it was organised well with regard to persuading teams to organise games :) My last personal experience of such a setup was some 2.5yrs ago in the UKQA, but i understand the WP duel ladder kinda ground to a halt. If people wanted to start up a new league I would offer help and advice if asked, if I was confident it stood a chance of getting off the ground. /me thinks back to the 2 TCL leagues clans signed up for but never even saw schedules drawn up. ho hum. As far as UKCL goes, both myself and Andy (co-admin) decided that we didnt want to start another season immediately given what had taken place in the previous 2 seasons.

Sorry if my views sound rather defeatist (ironically), reading back what i've written it might come out that way. It's down to my 'love' of the game, for me gameplay is king and its hard for me to understand that other players need more than that to be drawn to QW.


Oldman: We (The cheaters at TSW) hadn't played a game without fullbrights last Quakelords. We pointed out that this rule is pretty pointless because nearly everyone who plays QW competetively uses them. Mindphuck agreed to this and everyone was allowed to use FBs during the season. As far as cheating is concerned Quakelords is at least as satisfying as UKCL used to be, if not, more :p

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