Uk Realism.... Whos The Best?


<>GFK<> Cain

Hi everyone,

Ok a few clans have got together in an attepmt to form a UK objective realism ladder on clanbase. As you all know there are the blue yonder and barrys leagues about to start but they both run non-realism mode and there are clans out there like ourselves that prefer realism.
Ok to get this clanbase ladder off the ground we have to have a minimum of 11 clan leaders agree to it. If you are wanting to take part u need to do the following:

* go to
* log in ( this is important or your vote wont count )
* scroll down the left hand side to the forums box
* click on helpdesk
* in there u will see : REQUEST FOR UK MOHAA OBJECTIVE REALISM LADDER ( u will actually see 2 cos someone started a new thread by accident instead of replying to my reply )
* Reply to the thread ive started

When i have got 10 replies from other clan leaders we will get our ladder.

Come on guys lets see whos the best clan using realism



ul get a beatdown

I have seen some guys playing with |LF| as a tag , they were totally invincible and they said they play on clanbase uk obj realism ladder. I was on thier server and got beaten so silly, nice guys tho, they showed me some stuff to improve my game.


hehe, that would be L337 faction, yup pretty deadly by all accounts :)

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