Uh. Need help on an old, uhm, SNES RPG...



Right. This is a REALLY dumb place to post this, and I hold no hopes for any positive replies, but I'm stuck. I've been playing this game called 'Tales of Phantasia' or somesuch, thanks to Embattle's brief link skillz, and I've gotten to a point where I'm stuck as hell.

So. I'm at the point where some apparently nameless village has been burnt to the ground, and I've picked up some dumb NPC called 'Lia Scarlet,' and we're apparently supposed to be tracking down this wizard called 'Demilet' or something. Uhh, and I pretty much have no clue what to do. I went to the port city place, and some people mentioned Demilet, and the guy in my group said to 'enquire at the docks,' but that proved futile - talked to everything that even vaguely regarded an NPC at the harbour area, and nothing happened.

Uhm. So. Right.
Anyone? I would've posted this on the emu site's forums, but they looked crap and inactive.


Never mind. Some guy linked me to a very informative FAQ site. It was helpful.

... I'll get my hat.


I did what now?

(And I wouldn't put that hat on if I were you. I got desparate. :( )


Originally posted by Louster
Never mind. Some guy linked me to a very informative FAQ site. It was helpful.

... I'll get my hat.

/pushs Lou towards door....pleasure having you ;)

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