
I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
This bloke believes in em.

globeandmail.com: Former defence minister says UFO proof 'irrefutable'

Personally I think he must be going senile but what are your views.

I'm not trying to debate whether there's life elsewhere in the universe. I think nost of us will admit that there must be given the size of the 'Big U'.

What I want to know is:

Do you believe that in the thousands of UFO sightings every year some of them really are alien vessels ?

Let's put anal probes aside for the moment :)

My view: If aliens were clever enough to travel hundreds of light years they'd be clever enough to observe us without appearing visible in the night sky to drunk, mid-western, attention-seeking loners. If aliens do appear then in my opinion, they'll either make it perfectly clear that they're here or we won't have a clue. Being slightly hidden but not really is DUMB. Using the appearence of easily-explainable other phenomena as a disguise would also be a really DUMB plan. The only semi-feasible explanations for why aliens might appear as UFOlogists claim they are doing now is that the aliens are peurile and playing knock-and-run.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Anal probes and Brainwashing are the alien equivalent of drunken cow tipping.
It's all fun and games until someone gets covered in shit.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't believe in god (I aren't going anywhere near that thread) but I do believe in UFO's :D

All it would take is a civilisation to be say 50 years ahead of us, imagine what we will be like in 50 years time and it gives you some idea of how advanced they could be.

I just think we are all living in an alien ant farm, rubbish group but great name.

I hope there is other life its far too depressing to think humans are the cream of the universe.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think cats are our evil alien overlords.
Their heads are hollow and it's just living quarters for part of a hive mind!
Think about it!

I for one welcome our new alien overlords.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I don't believe in god (I aren't going anywhere near that thread) but I do believe in UFO's :D

All it would take is a civilisation to be say 50 years ahead of us, imagine what we will be like in 50 years time and it gives you some idea of how advanced they could be.

I just think we are all living in an alien ant farm, rubbish group but great name.

I hope there is other life its far too depressing to think humans are the cream of the universe.

I specifically stated this isn't about whether there's aliens elsewhere in the universe. This is about whether they are here and making a poor job of hiding themselves from lonely people.

Specific to your point we will not have faster-than-light travel in 50 years and probably never will so getting to Earth would be a fuck of a job :)


Dec 26, 2003
Do you believe that in the thousands of UFO sightings every year some of them really are alien vessels ?

No - it would be nice to think so but no - thats not to say that there aren't interesting aerial phenomena to investigate such as meteorites etc. but I dont think they are aliens.

If anyone took the trouble to cross the lightyears to come see us I cant see why they wouldnt just land at heathrow or something and say hi - if they wanted to study us they could easily do that from far away (edge of our solar system would be sufficient) just by looking at all the data we constantly shoot out into the ether.

Theres no logical case for entering our atmosphere (which we would detect) and then not bothering to make contact.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No - it would be nice to think so but no - thats not to say that there aren't interesting aerial phenomena to investigate such as meteorites etc. but I dont think they are aliens.

If anyone took the trouble to cross the lightyears to come see us I cant see why they wouldnt just land at heathrow or something and say hi - if they wanted to study us they could easily do that from far away (edge of our solar system would be sufficient) just by looking at all the data we constantly shoot out into the ether.

Theres no logical case for entering our atmosphere (which we would detect) and then not bothering to make contact.

I certainly agree. Anyone gonna make the case for why aliens would fly about Earth for 50 years ?


Dec 26, 2003
I certainly agree. Anyone gonna make the case for why aliens would fly about Earth for 50 years ?

OK - if there was a race to whom faster than light travel was trivial (which seems incredibly unlikely but lets say it is in the realms of possibility) then they might also travel here for more trivial reasons.

In this scenario perhaps alien tourists might visit earth - it could be the alien equivalent of backpacking round the world in their year out :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Theres no logical case for entering our atmosphere (which we would detect) and then not bothering to make contact.

You can watch a country using satellites, but there is no substitute for spies on the ground.

I think its quite likely we've been visited by aliens, but the majority of sightings must be mistaken. Its odd how in this age of cameras everywhere that the frequency of sightings haven't risen.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
The reason most UFOs are round is because they are from our future.

Imagine if we could time travel in 50 years time (and say it was controlled somehow)? Group of people board a small ship with lots of viewing windows (hence the roundness), which transports them x years in the past and hands around for a while then pops back to their normal time zone? :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Jesus was a space alien :m00:

Actually, funny story, i've compared a lot of stories of the bible etc to aliens and it DOES make sense.

Jesus left on a "shining cloud".

The city of god "descends from heaven".

And other such tidbits too.

One thing about UFOs is though; there certainly is something funky up there in the sky at times.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I specifically stated this isn't about whether there's aliens elsewhere in the universe. This is about whether they are here and making a poor job of hiding themselves from lonely people.

You may well of said that but I may well of not read it all. ;)

Pffft people talk about cat aliens and they don't get wijhassle :eek:


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
About aliens hiding themselves, imagine this scenario:

Spanish armada landed near a tribal island back in the year hmmmhmhmh.

They shot a few natives and f*cked off.

The natives didn't see another ship for 3-400 years.

So, if you're hightech enough, you don't CARE if they see you.

Only thing aliens would care is if you ahve the ability to shoot you down, if not, no need to hide.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The reason most UFOs are round is because they are from our future.

Imagine if we could time travel in 50 years time (and say it was controlled somehow)? Group of people board a small ship with lots of viewing windows (hence the roundness), which transports them x years in the past and hands around for a while then pops back to their normal time zone? :D

There is a theory that you can only travel back in time to the point where you created the first time machine.

You cant travel further back than that as you need the technology to travel to.

This explains why you don't see any time travellers in our time as we do not have a time machine they can travel to..


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There is a theory that you can only travel back in time to the point where you created the first time machine.

You cant travel further back than that as you need the technology to travel to.

This explains why you don't see any time travellers in our time as we do not have a time machine they can travel to..

So UFO's are time travel machines that cant interact with our present because they are merely passing through our spatial reality?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh I didn't mean to say UFO's are time machines....but if they were one theory is that they shouldn't be able to travel to our time...

But then there are a million other theories about time travel and UFO's for that matter!


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
There is a theory that you can only travel back in time to the point where you created the first time machine.

You cant travel further back than that as you need the technology to travel to.

Actually, I've heard of this aswell, would probably be a reason why. Who knows, it could be true. One day we'll find out. (Well, we won't.. But you know)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Actually, I've heard of this aswell, would probably be a reason why. Who knows, it could be true. One day we'll find out. (Well, we won't.. But you know)

I've also heard of this, I remember it from some scientist who started looking into time travel because of his fathers death.
Ultimately he also realised that even if he could travel back through time and change anything it wouldn't make a difference to him as the change would only 'create' another dimensional path in reality. When he returned he'd be back in his dimensional reality and everything would be the same.

In regards to Aliens i'm honestly not sure if I believe they 'visit' us. Maybe an understanding of psychology means they do the whole 'we're here but hiding really badly' to make us doubt they're here at all.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Doctor Who used to reckon that the time-lords could only go back to the point in time where Gallifreyans invented time-travel.

But they got bored with that and forgot about it :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I believe in aliens, we are here so there is absolutely no reason for there not to be anyone else in the trillions of other solar systems. Whether they have visited us, I remain open minded. 99% of sightings can be explained with only the odd few that could be extraterrestrial.

Most of the people who see them are complete nut jobs who desperately want to see something so automatically assume that the funny light in the sky must be an alien, much like religious types I suppose.


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
I see loads of unexplainable lights here in yorkshire, some of them are incredibly bright too, i seem to recall seeing one once, it seemed to be moving incredibly fast in one direction and then suddenly darting off at a odd angle with no apparant slowing down, sort of like your driving down the motorway and suddenly your car is driving at a 90 degree angle to how you where just moving and you did not turn.


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
My m8 just texted me. Said he saw some wierd lights in the sky over his house when he went out for a fag (and no, he doesn't smoke weed or drink alcohol). Three or four pinpoints of bright white light moving eratically before blinking out. My friend's quite level headed, not given to flights of "OMG I just seen a UFO" fancy. He saw something he couldn't explain.

Its not inconceivable there are aliens with advanced technology somewhere out there - space is a big place - but the distances are so vast, we'd have to be talking seriously advanced technology to span thousands / millions of light years. Cryogenics, sure, why not, but even a million light years (which is a tiny distance on a universal scale) would imply either seriously long lifespans or the manipulation of the spacetime continuum. Sounds more science fiction the more I think about it...or a knowledge of nature / physics which is way beyond our comprehension.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
a knowledge of nature / physics which is way beyond our comprehension.

well thats the clincher really isnt it.

Newton, Galileo, Einstein. It's take someone exceptional to push us to the next "step change" in scientific discovery. When the next one comes, we may suddenly reach an understanding that would make us - now - look like neolithic man before fire in comparison.


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
well thats the clincher really isnt it.

Newton, Galileo, Einstein. It's take someone exceptional to push us to the next "step change" in scientific discovery. When the next one comes, we may suddenly reach an understanding that would make us - now - look like neolithic man before fire in comparison.

Add Feynman to that list.
He came up with quantum electrodynamics, without which we wouldn't have transistors or lasers. Both of those are kind of important to computing and communications in the last 50 years.

We're waiting for the next one to come along and give us insight into the next paradigm shift in our understanding of the world around us.

As for UFOs, if there is intelligent life elsewhere, it stands to reason that they're smart enough to leave us alone. I reckon UFOs are explicable phenomena that haven't yet had an explanation. :)

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