


Lol, here we go:

Right, Thursday's game on de_nuke kicked off to a great start with no cheating accusations at all etc.
However, towards the end of the second half, UDF2.1 inherited "moany bastards syndrome" and demanded screenshots off us. Then generally shouting abuse after that..

Here's the ironic bitty, after the match, they e-mail one of us further demanding the screenshots. So, here you are chaps:


Whoo, look at all that x-ray vision, all those brightly glowing models and aimbots.

Well, just to top this all off, here's a clip from their web-site:

"Cursing, put-downs, insults, improper suggestions, etc,
will not be tolerated,
whether this be in ICQ chat/messages, clan e-mail, the UDF2 notice board, any CS games, any Chat rooms UDF2 or otherwise.
Then you will have struck out."

A bit of a contradiction in terms don't you think? :)

UDF2.1, I highly recommend something from your Doctors for those testosterone imbalances :)


This is getting out of hand.

Not only am I mad, this is still carring on, I'm pissed off, that I was on holiday in wales last week.

Yes someone else was using my nickname, I will not put up with this crap, and have already posted in UDF2's own forum about this, so I expect UDF2.1 to be banned for a match at least, I apoligise to last thursdays team about this disgrasfull behaver. And will be asking for the person who used my nick to be banned from UDF2.1.

I can only opoligise again.

I won't put up with swearing at other clans, and UDF2.1 new already you where a good clan, at the top of division 4, so I don't understand why they did what they did.

Leave it with me and I'll sort it out, I've already stood down as captain before I went on holiday, because the way things where going, but did not expect this to happen.



Opoligies here UDF2.1

I have asked all UDF2.1 members who played last thursdays match to come here and opligise, if this is not done, then I personaly will be quiting UDF2.1.

I don't want there to be any bad feelings between clans, but UDF2.1 is going about things the wrong way.



Yeah thanks, please sort this out because we were quite pissed off. Thx again.



Darkman can u clear this up m8.

I got this yesterday, which spawned this post from Ignem (thanks m8). I was wondering who this dood is tho :

C: fdb@freeuk.com <fdb@freeuk.com> punkrawker@vandal.co.uk <punkrawker@vandal.co.uk>

After requesting screenshots I still haven't had any! This leads confirmation of my suspicions that you do infact cheat. I am informing Barrys world now.....


Incidentall should you actually have these shots then please email them to svengalie@ntlworld.com

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I've already told you that asking for screen shots is the admins job when reqested, not yours or my job and asking for screen shots after the match means nothing.

And I've been at fault here as well acussing the first team we played of cheating and I was in the wrong for doing so, UDF2.1 are a young team and need to learn allot more, maybe my mistake was rushing a team together of kids, you can only learn from your mistakes.

But to call every team UDF2.1 play cheaters is a joke, and is not good for UDF2.1's reputation, not that I'm putting all the blame onto UDF2.1 I know some of the teams we have played have members to who like to cause trouble, but thats there problem not are's.

So I suggest that UDF2.1 ignore any taunts or digs from other teams and stick to playing counter-strike, that way no one can acuse you of anything in the future.

Hope things work out sven and good luck.


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