UCAS deadlines



and in wolfy's second new thread of the day...

some of you may or may not know that i am extremely interested in studying BSc Psychology in september 2003....

i've just read though that the ucas application deadline is like january the 15th for my type of application (not ox/bridge, not arty-farty)...

as you can imagine i'm still in the "looking at uni's online" stage - it's really unlikely i'm gonna be able to see more than one - if that - uni before i have to send off this application.

so anyone got any idea how flexible these deadlines are? it would be nice to actually see at least two of the universities i am REALLY considering before making my move....

anyone got any tips on how i can work around such a thing? perhaps write to someone at ucas or the uni in question?

Scooba Da Bass

The deadline is very very very flexible, however, the quicker you can get it in the better. See the unis you want, then get your application in as soon as you can.


If I remember right you can apply for up to six unis, and then when they interview you and tell you your entry requirements you have to select after that your first and second choice. If you get the grades for your first choice, you have to go there.

So, I applied to six, and then when I got to look at Brunel I hated it. So despite it being the one that wanted the highest grades, I didn't put it as my first choice because I didn't want to go there.

That help?


[useful post]

Im at uni in sheffield doing a BSc in Computer Network Engineering, in my 2nd year. The missus has just come up and started doing her first year in your preferred degree (BSc Psych). Shes enjoying it immensely.
I believe Sheffield won University of the Year for 2001 or 2002 (though as its not finished yet :s) . THe psychology department is incredibly well funded and one of the leading departments in the UK as far as i can tell.

[/useful post]


hee hee

thank you all...

atm i'm thinking leicester / brunel....

been told to look into coventry and warwick too *adds sheffield to list

but i think that's a little further than i practically wanna go :| oh well we shall see :p


Originally posted by Damini
If I remember right you can apply for up to six unis, and then when they interview you and tell you your entry requirements you have to select after that your first and second choice. If you get the grades for your first choice, you have to go there.

So, I applied to six, and then when I got to look at Brunel I hated it. So despite it being the one that wanted the highest grades, I didn't put it as my first choice because I didn't want to go there.

That help?

This has changed. It's still 6, and you still have the same. However, there no longer is an "order of choice" as such, and you have the free reign to reject places that are offered to you if you do not feel that the university is right for you. You could even reject them all. That would be stupid though.


Originally posted by Wazzerphuk

This has changed. It's still 6, and you still have the same. However, there no longer is an "order of choice" as such, and you have the free reign to reject places that are offered to you if you do not feel that the university is right for you. You could even reject them all. That would be stupid though.

No she's right about being able to accept 2 offers... ONCE YOU ACCEPT YOUR TWO OFFERS... you must select which is your first and which is your second choice.. if you get the grades for your first you are obliged to go there (well you can reject it but you can't goto your second... get me

Although you're right you don't list them in order when you apply anymore..

As for the flexibility of the deadline.. IT'S NOT AT ALL FLEXIBLE... if you don't get your form in by that date ucas will only be able to process it through clearing which is not good.

Incidentally I've appleid to 6 this year... only visited 2... will take a look at the others when I get offers...


If you miss the date you're fucked. End of. There is >0< flexibility in it. Think of it this way - UCAS is the board that deals with every single student in the country going into Higher Education. So do you reckon you can come up with an excuse they haven't heard before as to why you haven't done your homework? :)


Just flick thru prospectuses of uni's and pick 6 you like the sound of, none of them will offer you a place without inviting you for an informal interview at an open day first.
It's not a case of visitin the uni's then putting them on a ucas form, you put them on the form then get to visit them to make your final decision


Originally posted by Krazeh
Just flick thru prospectuses of uni's and pick 6 you like the sound of, none of them will offer you a place without inviting you for an informal interview at an open day first.
It's not a case of visitin the uni's then putting them on a ucas form, you put them on the form then get to visit them to make your final decision

He is wise... listen closely!



well looks like that's what i'm gonna have to do... apply blind.

/me prays forms comes soon...

by the way there's none of this waiting for grades crap... i have a HND [distinction] in CIS, and i'm 22 so mature studenty thing...

i've spoken to at least one admissions tutor (brunel) who says that yes they would accept me, there'd be no interview, i just have to apply through ucas.

but i think i'd prefer leicester atm unless i see something better


I have applied and recieved 2 replys out of 5 so far....

C'mon huddersfield *prays*


Re: hee hee

Originally posted by wolfeeh
been told to look into coventry and warwick

Keep away from coventry :eek: its a local place, for local people


Leicester is an utterly shit city.

Yes, i thought that this fact warranted an entire post.

And i am aware of the fact that it proberbly deserves several posts... Leicester really is that crap. City? Shite industrial-estate-esque town more like :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Shocko
Leicester is an utterly shit city.

Yes, i thought that this fact warranted an entire post.

And i am aware of the fact that it proberbly deserves several posts... Leicester really is that crap. City? Shite industrial-estate-esque town more like :rolleyes:



Originally posted by Damini
If I remember right you can apply for up to six unis, and then when they interview you and tell you your entry requirements you have to select after that your first and second choice. If you get the grades for your first choice, you have to go there.

Most unis don't interview these days (Oxbridge, UCL, maybe Imperial).

It's true you have to select a firm offer and then you can choose an insurance (obviously one that requires lower grades).


yeah it is a shite city but the uni is supposed to be good. My sister goes to it, she hates the city but loves the uni. She's doing some english course at the moment.

hope that helped


/adds Sheffield to his list too.

That's Reading, Liverpool (JMU?), Sheffield, University of Ulster & Queens University - in order of preference.

Just as well I've got plenty of time, as Wolfeeh is a year ahead of my schedule - I'll be doing all this by Jan 2004.




i've been to leicester once... long ago... but i can't remember it... heard lovely things about the uni from several people now... i can live with a shit city if the uni's some cop.

warwick uni is apparently in coventry as is coventry uni.... but warwick is nice and coventry's crap??

not looked at sheffield yet :|

you going to be moving then sar? well you must be really, queen's is in ireland init? what's with that?

what are reading and liverpool like?

i don't like the reading's city :( and liverpool.... scousers :|

also this whole "choices" thing.... do i only have to select a first and second choice AFTER i've been made a "formal" offer? or on the form in the first place? this doesn't seem clear


Re: Re: hee hee

Originally posted by Kippa.

Keep away from coventry :eek: its a local place, for local people

Coventry are teh bomb!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

edit: and yes Warwick uni is in Coventry, but on the outskirts, whereas Coventry Uni is right in the city centre :eek:


Re: right

Originally posted by wolfeeh
you going to be moving then sar? well you must be really, queen's is in ireland init? what's with that?

what are reading and liverpool like?

i don't like the reading's city :( and liverpool.... scousers :|

also this whole "choices" thing.... do i only have to select a first and second choice AFTER i've been made a "formal" offer? or on the form in the first place? this doesn't seem clear

Queens is about 9 miles away from my house :)

It's in the center of Belfast, well, about a mile outside the dead center. The UU is about a mile away from me, but I fancy Reading because their Psychology dept is one of the best in the UK apparantly. Ditto Liverpool, where David Canter lectures on Investigative & Forensic Psychology.



i wasn't aware you were irish :p or living there. whichever.

i've heard brunel is teh bestest like... but i'm not entirely fussed on the whole london - expensive as hell thing... also 4 year course... so 4 years @ 5k a year... compared to somewhere almost as good for 3 years @ £3500~3900 a year...

i know the experience would count for a lot tho... so it's a tough decision


Originally posted by Shocko
Leicester is an utterly shit city.

Yes, i thought that this fact warranted an entire post.

And i am aware of the fact that it proberbly deserves several posts... Leicester really is that crap. City? Shite industrial-estate-esque town more like :rolleyes:

I live in Leicester, and do a lot of work in Nottingham (NCHT/QMC) and Leicester is by far the better City - certainly much better night-life - you'd be lucky to get into Nottingham with its crappy road system


Re: oooh

Originally posted by wolfeeh
i wasn't aware you were irish

You couldn't tell? Is it not obvious by how retarded he is?



sar rocks. which is more than can be said for you :>


Re: Re: oooh

Originally posted by Wazzerphuk

You couldn't tell? Is it not obvious by how retarded he is?

Just because you've been losing out on the doses of manly "Sar Love" recently.




leicester prospectus & ucas application pack are here...

next question:

right, you might or might not have noticed that i wanna leave wales and study in engerlander ja? now having applied through ucas for a HND before, and done the whole student loan thing, etc i know for a fact that my "residual income" is of a level that i will have to pay full tuition fees, and not get a full loan...

now this was great and dandy at the time, i really didn't give a shit living at home and whatnot...

but i've just spent the last two years incurring a ~£6000 debt with my HND... i'm trying desperately to find work at the moment, but not getting very far, what with this being wales, and the world being a sorry state etc...

so it's unlikely i'll find a job for a few months yet... and having already experience the reality of long term unemployment a few years ago, i realise that it's POSSIBLE that i might not find a job at all in the intervening year....

none of this would be a problem if i was having financial support off my parents like i was before....

but they're dead set against me going away to uni.. various shit reasons being why have i done a COMPUTING HND if i wanted to do psychology.... it's a waste of money... they'll miss me... etc... so basically their last ditch attempt to stop me from going is to absolutely refuse to help me financially... period. end of.

so how exactly does one tell the local education authority or whoever this? because as far as they're gonna see it... i currently live at home, i have mediumish residual income... i am "undeserving"

help *cries*

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