Typhon FFA LOOT Farming Raid, Sunday 21st November


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
As I have said on the "Raid Loot Rules" thread which a stupid decision of mine gave birth to, I feel I have to mend a few fences with people who felt (justifiably) hard done by on my ML7 BG Credit Raid on Friday 12th. I therefore plan to run a Raid to go Typhon bashing on Sunday 21st November, with the [HIGHLIGHT]primary[/HIGHLIGHT] aim of having as many people get snacky stuff from Typhon as possible.

What I had in mind was as follows (all times are UK times)

10.00am: BG up on Kaltorine
10.30am: Deadline for meeting at Volcanus Haven (East entrance)

Hopefully it will take a maximum of 2 hours to reach Typhon, so rest of timings are approximate:

12.30pm: Log on Typhon's balcony overlooking the big guy so people can go get some lunch
1.30pm: Log back on and start farming Typhon - he has a repop time of 10-15 minutes so hopefully we should be able to keeel him a few times.
5.30pm: Typhon farming finishes (actual time agreed on Raid - see below).

Loot rules are as follows (and will NOT change)
  1. After the first time we kill Typhon, all items harvested from mobs EXCEPT THOSE DROPPED BY TYPHON HIMSELF will be lotto'd FFA, e.g.. scroll drops from earlier part of dungeon, etc. One item per person max, but won't count against any later rolls (i.e. this is a separate lotto).
  2. Keys will be lotto'd after EACH Typhon kill, and will be another separate lotto. One key per person until (and if) everyone has received at least one key, at which point people can start rolling for keys again.
  3. Unique items from Typhon, including his remains, Stars of Destiny, LW components and most particularly any "Antalya" items (bauble, shawl, etc.) will not be lotto'd until the end of the [HIGHLIGHT]ENTIRE[/HIGHLIGHT] Raid. This is so that, for example, people do not simply grab their item after the first Typhon kill and then log instead of staying on to help farm Typhon again.
  4. I will be leading the Raid but not participating in the Typhon Item lotto. This is my attempt at Raid redemption, so I am not planning on coming away with anything for myself.
Because of rule 3, before we set out from Volcanus I will expect us all to agree on a Finish Time (5.30pm above is simply my suggestion) for the entire Raid and ensure that everyone going on the Raid is aware that if they have to log before then they will miss out on the Typhon Item lotto. The finish time will be decided by majority decision by the bg between 10.20am and 10.30am, so don't expect to join the bg at 10.29am and expect to have a say in how long the Raid goes on for. There will be no exceptions to this - including "accidentally" lagging into an inaccessible part of the lava and being unable to be resurrected. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it would otherwise be open to abuse by people who want a Typhon Item and don't want to stay for the entire Raid, and hence use the "oh dear m8s have to log, you can't rez me from the lava" excuse to drop out early.

BG will be up on Kalthorine at 10.00am. We will meet in Volcanus Haven by the Eastern arch, and I would like everyone there by 10.20am at the latest please. We leave at 10.30am. I will post 2 Main Groups here if interest is sufficient, and ask that everyone else please use /bg groups on arrival to get yourselves sorted.

If I get less than 3-4FG signed up I will cancel the Raid, as in order for this to work properly we need to be able to kill Typhon reasonably quickly.

Once at DV, we do:
7.7 Chamber of Flame
7.8 Katorii
7.9 Mysterious Force
7.10 Typhon

If you want to get ML7 CREDIT for this Raid then you are more than welcome to attend as well... pre-reqs are 7.1-7.6. Hopefully, with the BG Raid being next Sunday this gives enough time for people to arrange to to Group steps between now and then if needed.

I will wait for single LDs, but repeated LDs (except those due to lag spikes or porting) will result in you being dropped from the Raid. People attending for credit need to know, however, that because the main aim this time is to reach Typhon ASAP for farming purposes, we will not on this occasion be re-doing encounters for people who miss out on credit through LD.

Please sign up in advance to make grouping easier. If you have experience with Katorii, please say so, as I need a good solo scouter there. Be warned that you will not receive any rewards for helping with this step, though ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Will be there with Icklemonkey, level 50 cleric, don't need credit or xp, just there for fun :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
I'll be there with Risco lvl50 Rejuv Cleric, missed the other 2 raids due to other commitments.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Will be there with my theurgist and bring my bb to aid.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2004
I want Come ...... But !

I prefer for farming only and no spending time on grp-steps , imo but if has to be , np :) i will be there , cya ! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
I'll join up with ickle Keane. Will bring either Himbo or Ilyena along as well.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
AtilasPally said:
I prefer for farming only and no spending time on grp-steps , imo but if has to be , np :) i will be there , cya ! :flame:
Er... try reading the post again bud. We have no plans to do the group steps, and the sole reason IS farming! lol... :touch: ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 14, 2004
Is it possible to sign up with my pally (Sarsham) but only attend for the first part of the raid? Would love to come, but unfortunately not going to be around in the afternoon.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Would like to join with Nimona (rej cleric), Glerina (merc) or Eladomar (friar) :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 10, 2004
Would like to sign up with Triack 50 Reaver, 50 shield, MOB3
(only miss 2 of the challenges then I have finished the presteps) :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sounds like fun. Can bring either infil or cleric, depending on what's needed.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Hi !

Signing up lvl 50 all Rej Cleric Patriarck (ML 10 i hope by then).

Reg M.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
i wud like to join for credit on Llano, quick question...

on the way there u will do the encounters, i assume u will kill typhoon once then all log for lunch come bak and chain him?


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Tsabo said:
on the way there u will do the encounters, i assume u will kill typhoon once then all log for lunch come bak and chain him?
Almost certainly, yes... will certainly decide before we set out from Volcanus


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
faromir said:
Would love to lend my bow to the raid if gimpy scouts needed!
Gimpy scouts would be most welcome, as they are extremely useful in keeping Typhon's gimpy Essence occupied :D


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 11, 2004
like to sign up for farming
lvl 50 cleric Arundelis :D
cya there


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Thanks for all who signed up - we have enough to make this work :)

A few more nukers (to keep Typhon's Essence busy) and out-and-out damage dealers (to pummel Typhon into submission ASAP) would have been nice, but overall the groups volunteering have resulted in a pretty damn well balanced turnout (2 Clerics, 1 Pally, 1 Merc and 1 Theurg per group, yay!), which makes me optimistic that this could prove to be a very profitable enterprise for all concerned (well, except me anyway :) ).

Note to Graendel: I know you offered Keane + either Himbo or Ilyena, but if possible could you bring Graendel instead? We are a little short of ability to keep Typhon's Essence occupied otherwise. If you would rather not, then Ilyena would be more than welcome.

Group line-ups are as follows:

Kalthorine - 50 Pally
Triack - 50 Reaver
Glerina - 50 Merc
Mauness - 50 Cleric
Patriarck - 50 Cleric
Graendel - 50 Wizard
Keane - 50 Theurgist
Faromir - 50 Scout

Sarsham - 50 Pally
Mankkslash - 50 Merc
Risco - 50 Cleric
Arundelis - 50 Cleric
Esk - 50 Theurg
Corac - 50 Infil
Xantriu - 50 Infil
Euinar - 50 ???

Atilas - 50 Pally
Gazon - 50 Armsman
Veiga - 50 Merc
Icklemonkey - 50 Cleric
CubanPete - 50 BB Cleric
Rasta - 50 Theurg
Llano - 50 Infil

If I interpret people's posts correctly, Sarsham and Llano seem to be planning to come along for credit and the first Typhon kill, whereas everyone else is in it for the Typhon re-pop kills and long term loot haul. If I have this wrong, please let me know, as if a full group leaves after Typhon is dropped for the first time then it just isn't fair on those who came along hoping for some repeated Typhon farming.

BG will be up on Kalthorine from 10am UK time. Please all meet in Volcanus Haven by 10.15am (UK time) on Sunday if at all possible. We leave by 10.30am whatever happens, having decided amongst ourselves how long we plan on farming Typhon for.

Because we couldn't really run this with a much smaller turnout, please post in advance if you can't make it, or pm me in-game as a last resort. By the same token, this Raid is not closed to further sign-ups, in fact I would be much happier if we could scrape another group together by Sunday. Long range damage dealers or stlongly damaging melee tanks would be most welcome :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Sure, I'll dust the old wiz off. Will also probably let my cleric tag along for a FoP on the hill.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Graendel said:
Sure, I'll dust the old wiz off.
Cheers Graen, much appreciated :worthy:

Will also probably let my cleric tag along for a [HIGHLIGHT]FoP on the hill[/HIGHLIGHT].
FoP on the Hill? Wasn't that a song by the Beatles? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
P.S. My bad... for some reason I inserted my brain in backwards this morning and put Mankkslash down as a Merc when of course he is a paladin :twak:

This doesn't make any difference to group set-up, tho, as the other pally in Mankkslash's group (Sarsham) has stated a desire to leave after the first Typhon farm.

Sorry for my stoopidness, Mank :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
I will come along if you want me to, either as fire wiz or reaver, assuming you still have space.

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