two worlds


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
any opinions off you lot yet? looking to get rid of bioshock while the tradein is still high and this looked OK, but yet to hear anyone moan about it :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
it got 70 percent on gamespot .. i got it today not played it yet .. there is a patch inthe making should be a week or so to sort out some of the multiplayer issues and frame rates a bit


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I was put off buying it by bad reviews and lots of bug reports...

with soo many good looking titles on the way, I do not want to waste cash on something I am unsure of.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I was put off buying it by bad reviews and lots of bug reports...

with soo many good looking titles on the way, I do not want to waste cash on something I am unsure of.

aye, same here.

Oi, and I've got a full refund for my xbox, as they cant find it :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Buy an elite if you are planning on getting a new one now. They are much quiter and cooler than the old ones.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
I looked at the box and put it back as i'm not sure if i would like it or not.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Played 30 mins or so atm and its quite good. however the voice acting is a bit suspect kinda B movie like hehe


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Buy an elite if you are planning on getting a new one now. They are much quiter and cooler than the old ones.

got £290 as it was the original price, and I can get a new one (premium) for £200 :) so I've earned £90 on breaking my console.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Then wait for the hdmi enabled premiums to hit the market.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Hmm Two Worlds, for any of you undecided ill try to give you an overview of how i found it having played the PC version.

First off its not very inviting to new players to the genre or just generally to people starting out in the game, I found it pretty hard to get into and had to come back to it a few times before i finally got into it, when i did however and got a few levels under my belt i actually found it a really enjoyable experience and it did right a lot of things which oblivion missed, while messing up a whole lot of things at the same time.

Good points :

-The Fact monsters dont level with you, meaning you cant go out and murderise a dragon at level one. Also feels like you are truely gaining power in the world which does appeal to me. (Bandits do level with you but it sort of makes sense)
-The player levelling system is how RPG's should be, you put points in stats and a 'school' you want raising which in turn makes you better at it. Makes it more complex but i like speccing how i want.
-The world is incredibly diverse, Oblivion was nice but it was generally the same rolling hills. Once you explore a bit 2w has lots of different looking towns, varied terain elevation and types and every dungeon feels different even if not extensively different. Also theres deserts, glaciers etc and the graphics/views are absolutely awesome in places to the point you stand and admire.
-The item system is pretty decent, killing everything in a dungeon is actually worthwhile because chances are theres a hard monsters and/or a nice chest at the bottom. Worth getting your lockpicking up early for this :)
-The story + quest system is actually alright too even if the quest logs a bit hard to nagivate.

Undecided Points:

-Combat is hard and i mean really hard at low levels if your not prepared for it. As a melee you need to be dodging a lot and fighting multiple monsters at that point is likely to get you killed. Also a caster is a pita till about level 10 but then great fun after. On the flipside hard combat generally makes it more engaging and feels like an achievment to clear out a particuarly pesky monster/area.

Bad Points :

-The voice acting, as stated is probably worthy of the worst ever recorded dialogue ever. How the people recording artists didnt realise they sounded so goddamn awful i just will never know. Its laughably bad
-Riding a horse, really. Youll just be like how could they get this so wrong?! its about as intuitive as sticking a pineapple firmly up your arse tbh and while you do eventually get used to it and find it ok riding across areas with no obstructions try riding a horse in a town/forest and youll easily get off and walk :p
-The UI is frankly waz, hotkeying is pants and designed for consoles (Badly) and theres just not enough info most of the time.
-Some mobs are completely immune to certain attacks. Not actually so much an issue at higher levels but if you meet a ghoul as a melee at low levels its not pretty.
-Theres no good/bad or faction system. your actions dont have much effect on the world beyond the basic scripted quests. There is reputation but its limited in its functionality.

Overall i enjoy the game, but it really does have its flaws. For pure rpg elements i would hazard to say its even better than oblivion which is a big compliment. For an interactive, fleshed out game world however it comes nowhere close.
As an overall package id put it in the low 80's scorewise. If you really enjoy RPG's of this nature buy it and get into it and youll love it. If your easily irritated dont. If you played oblivion and always went 'why didnt you do X' then this is the game that makes it up for it, while getting so many other things wrong :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I bought this yesterday good job i only handed over £8.99 because this is one of the most buggy/glitchy unfinished games ive played for a console.

It must be a direct PC port because only PC games can come as buggy as this.

The framerate is terrible just really really terrible, the animations are poor and the overall game just feels totally like it should have came out 2 years ago.

I recommend anyone thinking about buying this rent it first or something.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Ye i heard the framerate is pants on the 360. As for gameplay give it a few hours it gets pretty good, though i imagine its harder without kb/mouse.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
It's "alright". Nice view distance, weird UI, repetitive combat. One for Diablo fans, although there is an SDK so keep your eye out for mods. Oh no wait - this is a console thread, isn't it :)


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I bought it for the 360 yesterday, its a game that grows on you, still not used to riding, but everything else is pretty good.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2004
I bought it for the 360 yesterday, its a game that grows on you, still not used to riding, but everything else is pretty good.

I've got this on rental on the 360 thankfully, I don't think you'll ever get used to riding, the horse does as it pleases and refuses to pass between any gap less that 12foot wide.

Frame rate is terrible and constantly pausing due to loading next part of the map. It also freezes quite a bit so save often!

If you can put up with that and the lousy acting and repetitive missions then its not a bad game once you've built up your character a bit.

Thankfully its not an overly big game, i'm around 14hrs in and possibly 2/3 of the way through. It's certainly no oblivion.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I've got this on rental on the 360 thankfully, I don't think you'll ever get used to riding, the horse does as it pleases and refuses to pass between any gap less that 12foot wide.

Frame rate is terrible and constantly pausing due to loading next part of the map. It also freezes quite a bit so save often!

If you can put up with that and the lousy acting and repetitive missions then its not a bad game once you've built up your character a bit.

Thankfully its not an overly big game, i'm around 14hrs in and possibly 2/3 of the way through. It's certainly no oblivion.

Think i played the game for about an hour total left it a couple of days then got £30 trade in for it at Blockbusters.

What the hell are some people thinking that this is up there with Oblivion? It's a train wreck of a game.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Its no oblivion its more like Gothic 3.

Its still a good game, not really designed for the 360 though but it just about works, finally got the hand of horse rising all you have to remember is that you don't directly control the horse so theres always a delay between your actions and the horse's small gaps is still a problem.

dispute the few problems you get (haven't had it freeze on me yet) it reminds me of Morrowind on the Xbox with its little niggles yet it was still fun to play.

its got a certain charm to it, that I love but each to there own I guess.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I like it only lvl 6 so far but been fun so far and lots and lots of quests to do :)

Train wreck is a huge exaggeration .. not to your taste might be better to say

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