I was put off buying it by bad reviews and lots of bug reports...
with soo many good looking titles on the way, I do not want to waste cash on something I am unsure of.
Buy an elite if you are planning on getting a new one now. They are much quiter and cooler than the old ones.
I bought it for the 360 yesterday, its a game that grows on you, still not used to riding, but everything else is pretty good.
I've got this on rental on the 360 thankfully, I don't think you'll ever get used to riding, the horse does as it pleases and refuses to pass between any gap less that 12foot wide.
Frame rate is terrible and constantly pausing due to loading next part of the map. It also freezes quite a bit so save often!
If you can put up with that and the lousy acting and repetitive missions then its not a bad game once you've built up your character a bit.
Thankfully its not an overly big game, i'm around 14hrs in and possibly 2/3 of the way through. It's certainly no oblivion.