Two things really...



1) Regarding Cabalists: My cabby alt hit 15 last night (gratz me e.t.c.) and wandered off to Camelot to start his epic quest. Upon speaking to both trainers (names escape me) a dumbfounded look came over his face, as he realied neither of them had said anything to him other than 'So you want to do some training, eh?'. Despite searching around on quest guides and suchlike, I can see no reason why at lvl 15 he should not recieve the first part of his epic from one of them, or at least instructions to go and see someone else... anyone able to help with this? Very frustrating at the moment.

2) Regarding Llyn Barfog: I'm currently after info on the epic mobs in Llyn Barfog if anyone could help me out. The kind of things I'm after are which ones have been killed, what kind of force is needed to do so, what they drop, weaknesses e.t.c. If anyone has any first-hand experience of this could they please give me a shout either in-game or in #daoc.exc on quakenet.

- Pathfinder -

We've killed all the Epic mobs in Llyn, and even ahd a few drops :)
Fester and King are the weakest by far, probably not very hard for a single group, provided they have the usual PBT/clerics etc. The rock, Tzen-whatever, isn't all that strong either, though he takes more punishment to go down. Mouth and Mordred are bad though; wouldn't wanna go up against these without at least three balanced groups; more if you wish to make sure noone dies.
Afanc can (and most often is) be the hardest of the lot, has a habit of hitting through PBT at times, and levels a tank in two hits. However, if your force can take Mordred, you should be able to take the Afanc as well. Alot depends on their spawn lv though; yesterday we went down to lyonesse and killed Ulfgaig, and she was easily the most resilient mo we've killed (previous fights with her have been relatively short, but now she took forever to go down; good thing she doesn't hit like the Afanc :)), and the same could probabaly happen with the epic mobs :)

As for drops, we've gotten an Afanc Hide Cloak (Rogue cloak), Festering Staff (Cabalist staff afaik) and Malevolent Arms (Plate sleeves). Pics of the drops can be found on our website :)


just had a look at your website, nice info and pics on there :) what kind of lvls and numbers did you have in attendance?

- Pathfinder -

As I recall we had the larger part of the active guild people there, which would amount to around 24-28 people, mostly 45-50.


I'd offer you a spot in our weekly barfog trips WF but we have this no-Wizard policy cause you never get spells through on them anyway :p

As for your quest, sounds obvious but are you completely sure you've finished the previous trainer ones?


About the epic mobs... 2 groups is enough, first group mostly lvl50's, second group lvl40+'s. Didn't find Afanc so we couldn't try/kill it, but Wrath of Mordred was the only one we had casualties with because the fekker procs.


So... would there be any merit in 3 groups of lvl 40+'s turning up? (barring wizards, who suck)


I think the lvl50's are kinda necessary, I've been told the epics don't even drop stuff if there isn't a lvl50 hitting it. I was lvl41 or 42 and had hard time hitting them (miss x8, hit for a small amount, repeat), so basically only thing I contributed was to to-hit bonus, but a small help is a help anyway.


Well we (DVE) wanted to kill them one time with Black Falcons but the people that showed of BF was a bit low.. So if any other guild is up for the challenge to take some babies down let me know.


Originally posted by Belthazor
I think the lvl50's are kinda necessary, I've been told the epics don't even drop stuff if there isn't a lvl50 hitting it.

When illuminati and royal guard tried we didnt have any lvl 50s with us, and fester dropped that putrified robes


Originally posted by Exinferis
When illuminati and royal guard tried we didnt have any lvl 50s with us, and fester dropped that putrified robes

Good, better that way :)

Originally posted by krondor
I killed mouthe with a group of 7

Mouth is the easiest one of them, along with Fester & King of Barfog Hills, so it's propably possible to kill atleast those with just 1 group, methinks.


Originally posted by Belthazor

Mouth is the easiest one of them, along with Fester & King of Barfog Hills, so it's propably possible to kill atleast those with just 1 group, methinks.



Thanks for the info guys, all graciously appreciated. We Ni's aren't a high level guild in ourselves, but between lvl 40 and 43 we have 12 members, and are part of a small alliance with a few other guilds in similar situations. From these reports it sounds like we might be able to take down at least a couple of them, and will therefore go ahead with our raid as planned :)

p.s. if anyone is willing/stupid enough to take a 42+ wiz with them on a sweep of the full set, plz let me know, I would of course be interested in throwing some fireballs Afanc's way :)


As I said WF, you can tag along on ours. Should be Sunday if my account gets sorted this year.


Originally posted by krondor


Why did Mouth, King & Fester go down easiest then? Shut up if you don't know about anything but Mouth.

Go see from here if you don't believe.

Here's some more...


And I think we have a winner in the "I can't spot irony a mile away" contest :)

Krondor, Belth, I believe it's a moot point arguing that. AFAIK the big level range can make the fighting experience very varied. Common US opinion is Mouth is one of the easier, but I most certainly have had experiences with him being harder than Tezan/Fester/King.


well in a world where I can't do my usual nuke-like-saddam-until-it-dies routine on the dragon... anything's possible, and I'm in no position to argue :)

- Pathfinder -

That site is class; Afanc level 50? Woo, I guess him being deep, DEEP purple to me then was a GFX issue :p


I wouldn't trust the listings, more that one longish post and what I've read on VN. Kirstenas on the other hand is notorious for having too low levels for mobs, check dunters for instance ;)


I suppose one thing that has to be taken into account though is the resist of the mob you're dealing with. I'm not suggesting that these epics have anything less than uber resists, but I can solo moorliches (50-52) at 42 (they have bugger-all fire resist and cant aim for poo-poo in melee, so as long as you dont let them proc at you, you're onto a sure thing), pygmies are the same, 2 nuke hits to kill an orange? admittedly thats with buffs usually, but still...

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