Two New lvl 50s in Albion



Roland And Senada made it to lvl 50 today.
Gig grtz to you two.
Proud to be your GM boys. Keep it up.....

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Good job!

Yeah! Always nice to see people getting big so they can crush more mids and hibbies :p


woohooo both of u a big


:clap: :clap:


from what i heard from frostor Roland is a complete twat and kept drops from a DM raid...all 13 of them or sumthing

grats to other


I think I can speak for most of albs regarding who that is the complete crackhead here Treniel so stay to topic and dont make a fool out of yourself as usuale.


Altough Treniel might not be the most loved alb out there ,he might have hit a sweet spot there,...

Still,Congrats to both.


Originally posted by Treniel
from what i heard from frostor Roland is a complete twat and kept drops from a DM raid...all 13 of them or sumthing

grats to other

ok trenial, before you post crap please get your facts, in your post you obviously show you dont have the correct facts yet your quick to abuse me.

That DM hunt about 14 items were dropped I as i did the previous 2 days held items and at the end EVERYONE got there items except frostor and Falcor as they both were bind a long way from CU. They both asked me to hold the items for them which i still have falcors shield and he knows i still have it for him. Thing with frostor is after the Mordred thing i see him shit talking me and my guild, then i get a PM from him saying "give me my sleeves" and other lame rubbish, after his behaviour and attitude i told him no, so he carries on for about 30 minutes. In the end i have to ask him 6 times to stop annoying me and put him on ignore, he then does the same to Zera.

At the end of the day, everyone got there items except the guy who decided to shit talk the guy holding his item, i spoke to you about this issue trenial and all seemed fine while we was doing trees but obviously some people need to post crap to make themselves feel better. Abusing someone without facts has just made you look an ass on a public forum but the sounds of the other posts you do this in game also.

Anyhows thank you to all the others who posted on topic ill be rvring alot :)


Nevermind, it's not worth it since some people never learn and do everyone's head in.

Hit ^_^

ey. who was the guy borrowing 5s for a horse ride at campa station the other day.?


just saying what i been told..if thats not the case then fine i'm sorry for saying it but i'm inclined to belive frostor over roland......

as for talking about it over trees...WTF? i not done trees in about 2 months...

as from all your reactions sumbody has obvisouly done something wrong?

Zerathol u had a grudge against me since i left that grp to goto DM..still don't know what was wrong with it but i think it might be time to leave it since it was quite a while ago. :eek:


apology accepted, you was in the wrong with what you wrote but i accept that apology end of story.

Just dont believe what everyone tells you.

as for the trees remark i had you mixed up with someone else so forget that.


to Roland
its about the principe of starting a DM trip and keeping drops someone earned
you think i wanna waste my time being in DM ?
if you start a DM trip with ppl from different guilds , the guild doesnt count
and about the conversation we had
if you told me : "im giving the sleeves to a friend of mine whos gonna be happy"(or something like this)
i went anoing you
about dancing on you while you were dead from road to excal from sauvage : i like dancing on ppl i hate

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