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This Friday at 8pm central/9pm eastern The Seventh Seal will be hosting their first ever realm wide dueling tournament. All classes are invited to participate. As soon as you log that evening /cg join Aunty!

You MUST be at Swanton Keep at 8pm central SHARP! No excuses. If you are late you will not be allowed to participate, although you can always root on your favorite toon. There are no level restrictions but use some common sense, if you are level 40 you will get beat down. As soon as you arrive at Swanton Keep you must send a tell to Aunty Entiity so I can decide where to put you in the tourney bracket.

The cost to fight is 100g per toon. Admission is free and children under 5 get a free balloon animal. The tournament will either be double elimination (if 20 people show) or single elimination (if 21+ show).

We will divide the fights into 2 sections. Pure casters will only fight Pure casters, and they will fight outside the keep just outside of casting range from each other. All other classes will fight inside the keep.

For the tournament you will be considered a caster if you are a:

Everyone else will be grouped into the other tournament. Anyone fighting a scout will also take the fight outside so they will have room to manuever.

Casters can go ANYWHERE but they must stay within line of sight of the judges to avoid someone from buffing/healing.

Any sc'd or procced stuff can be used, any realm abilities can be used. WE WILL NOT WAIT for you to get an RA back.

The winner of the caster tournament will receive half the purse, the winner of the other will receive the other half.

You will be disqualified if you do the following

If you go link-dead during the match, you will automatically lose that match.

If anyone heals or assists you during that match, that person will be banned from that and any future Seventh Seal activities run by myself.

When your name is called, you will be given 5 minutes to join my group. If you are not around to join my group, you wil be disqualified for that match.

Charmed mobs will not be allowed at all. I'm sorry but it would be easy for someone to buff the piss out of it and there is no way to check to see if it is or not. Personally I think it would be hilarious for a sorc to go ld and his pet running around slaughtering all the lowbies, but somehow I don't think they would find the humor in that.

If you have any questions you can contact me on Bootsey or at

I hope we have a good turnout and everyone has a good time.

Someone has also asked about lower levels having a tournament. Depending on the kind of response I get from this we will do this. The entry fee will also be scalable to keep from breaking their pocketbook (thanks for the idea Yevaud)


alb/lancelot? what the fuck are you on mate? O_O

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by sharma
Funniest person at his desk award goes to Krypt!

Did't you just tell me this on irc? :S


Hell come roll a toon and join us guys, I think the whole thing will be a hoot.

Sorry I had no idea this was a non-us server board. If the mods want I'll just kill this thread.


We Europeans arent ever coming up with these fun things :(

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by watchdog9000
Hell come roll a toon and join us guys, I think the whole thing will be a hoot.

Sorry I had no idea this was a non-us server board. If the mods want I'll just kill this thread.

Yes, lots of us will be buying US DAoC and SI to join your tournament
:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
Yes, lots of us will be buying US DAoC and SI to join your tournament
:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Can you buy an si for me then?
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