Two characters... ONE name.... same server... same realm...



Well, I don't know about you, but I thought that wasn't supposed to happen. I thought they had a check when you entered the name to see if anyone was using it. BUT... it appears they forgot one thing.

They forgot to check if some dozy bint had deleted her level 29 buffbot called Jadzia "by mistake" and had asked Goa to undelete it - and they forgot to check for Goa's reply of "yes, here you go, have your character back."

So, a new character gets created, a baby infiltrator. With the player very surprised and pleased that they can get the name they wanted, Jadzia (a friend of mine). Character gets leveled a bit, and after 3 or so days, at level 16, receives a tell from someone called Tanya, a level 44 paladin, in <Shock and Awe> asking basically who she was. Tanya then explained all this, that she had deleted her level 29 buffbot (her term) and had it restored. Tanya basically (as you will see from a full screenshot of the conversation included) was wondering who would get to keep the name. My friend, reasonably I think, suggested that Tanya should get to keep the name as she had used it for longer. However, bar a simple "k :)" and a "thanks", nothing more was said, and when my friend, a little annoyed, said that maybe Tanya should be a little more careful which characters she deleted in future as my friend did not like having to have her name changed either, Tanya seemed to find this amusing, and simply replied with "lol", refusing to carry on the conversation.

Now, I don't have too many problems with an honest mistake being made. I don't even have too many problems with someone deleting a char "by accident" and getting it restored (although it seems a little unfair when hacked characters are not always restored). What I do have a problem with is this person's cavalier attitude towards the whole thing.

All she seemed to be interested in was keeping the name - she wasn't particularly grateful that my friend is a reasonable person and didn't decide to be difficult - which she could have been, she got the name in good faith after all. I just would have liked to have seen something like "thanks for being decent about this, I appreciate it" or words to that effect. It's certainly what I would have said had I been in her position.

But, it's done, it's over. I just hope my friend doesn't get her character's name changed to something she doesn't want. She's done a RightNow report asking that someone contact her to discuss the name they change it to as it was not her mistake, so I certainly hope they do. Otherwise I think we're both going to be considerably more annoyed with everyone in this whole affair.


If anyone's interested - the screenshot also contains a /who Jadzia, showing both a level 16 unguilded infil and a level 29 cleric in <Shock and Awe>


You forgot a g in .jpg


Link doesn't work now


first off, add a "g" in the end of the link.

And second, eh so?

Ok she wasnt missus polite, but she wasnt exactly obnoxious either(if this was your point):sleeping:


OK I fixed the link about 20 seconds after I posted it, you guys are too quick off the mark.

And yes, I know she could have been far far worse.

She just annoyed me because my friend made every effort to be pleasant and polite to her, and I felt she could have been a bit more grateful.

I'm not expecting people to fall all over themselves to agree with me. Just was annoyed about it at the time so decided to post it - please feel free to ignore it if you don't agree ;)

And I certainly found the two characters with the same name a little weird at the time... ;)


Anyone who 'accidentally' deletes a character shouldn't be allowed to play.


Anyone who 'accidentally' deletes a character should be laughspammed.



That's kind of what I thought...

I mean, how do you delete a character "by accident"

You click delete, type YES then click OK...

... in your SLEEP?


Originally posted by Arafier
That's kind of what I thought...

I mean, how do you delete a character "by accident"

You click delete, type YES then click OK...

... in your SLEEP?

'The fingers that you are typing for are too thick for this keyboard. Please try again.'



know very good guy who it hapened to. He thought he had clicked on the other char, did the whole delete thing too quickly, being a bit tired didnt realise and it was gone.....mythic/goa wouldn't even replace it for him. Loosing a lvl 48 isn't really funny when ya can't get it back :( poor bloke'

Anyways, in regards to this, lol!!



Dinged 0.1 today Kirennia on Eggy - u better watch out! :)


its happened a few times b4, the last person to have the name has to alter theres.


Yeah, and my friend wasn't saying that she should get to keep the name - that wasn't the point. She freely said to Tanya, you should get to keep it, you've used it for longer.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Screw her and keep the name! If she is stupid enough to delete it in the first place AND doesn't possess enough common decency to act grateful/polite towards your friend for his generosity then she isn't worth the effort.

I hope your friend hasn't deleted the character already?


No, she hasn't deleted the character and isn't intending to. She's used RightNow and they are presumably in the process of organising a name change for her - she's given them some names she'd like it to be changed to that aren't in use currently.

I wonder if those names are of someone else's level 30-ish buffbot that's been deleted by accident and the whole thing's going to start again in another 3 days..... :D


Just as a bit of an update for those of you interested, which is probably none of you!

The CS people have changed my friend's char's name to one of the ones she asked them to. And emailed her to let her know that it had been changed and what to. So not too bad there, I don't think.


My guess is the cleric was accidentally deleted for the 'free respec' you get when it is restored. From what I've heard, you jst get your character back at the appopriate level with a reasonable amount of gold someone that level would have with all spec points unspent. Probably had a smite cleric through the bg and wanted it turned enhance to use as a buffbot. I don't buy accidental deletion. You'd not only have to accidentally click on the delete icon but accidentally type Y E S too.. That sort of thing is why goa are so stingy about character restoration.


how can you accidentally delete a character??

you have to type in Y E S to confirm it


This is what gets me.. I mean, there are all those people out there who are having problems with accounts hacked, and they aren't allowed their characters back, yet some idiot who deletes their own character, albeit by accident, gets theirs back no problem.

I think that Goa should have a definitive policy on restoring characters, because they certainly don't seem to - they will restore characters on a whim, but not when it's not the person's fault...

And, yes, I'm aware I don't know all the facts of this, but I can only go on the facts that I'm given and "I deleted my char but goa gave it back to me" just sounds so... lame.


Originally posted by Goryk
My guess is the cleric was accidentally deleted for the 'free respec' you get when it is restored. From what I've heard, you jst get your character back at the appopriate level with a reasonable amount of gold someone that level would have with all spec points unspent. Probably had a smite cleric through the bg and wanted it turned enhance to use as a buffbot. I don't buy accidental deletion. You'd not only have to accidentally click on the delete icon but accidentally type Y E S too.. That sort of thing is why goa are so stingy about character restoration.

I'd do that on my minstrel in 1.60 if i didin't think that you were wrong.


Originally posted by Arafier
This is what gets me.. I mean, there are all those people out there who are having problems with accounts hacked, and they aren't allowed their characters back, yet some idiot who deletes their own character, albeit by accident, gets theirs back no problem.

I think that Goa should have a definitive policy on restoring characters, because they certainly don't seem to - they will restore characters on a whim, but not when it's not the person's fault...

Aye but GOA are cowboys and we won't change that. No matter how good the game is, the organization kinda sucks ( remember Si activation, everyone? :p )


LoL ur not the first to had this happening.
I deleted my lvl 23 Infil named Blade, I had it restored without problems, but in that time some hibbie made a Hero (I think) named Blade too :)
Kinda easy to hack names here :)
Delete 1 char make new with same name and ask for restore of the old one :p
Must be cool having all ur chars with the same name :D

Kurik BHM

im amazed how ppl can do this.

Do you really really want to delete this char?

then type



It's fairly easy to delete the wrong chracter - click just below the one you really want to delete, type "YES" and be done with it.

And no, you dont get your spec points back.

And as of your accusing me of being rude... Just because I didnt get on my knees and kiss your feet saying, your the best, your so uber and l33t!! dont get pissed and start name calling, act with abit of dignity and pride. And from what I see in the SS I did say thanks. So don't be twofaced saying I was rude and ungreatfull/then in turn around and call me an idiot. Check yerself.


P.S. what does this have to do with barryswhine anyway?


actually, I agree with tanya.

She was polite and obviously in good spirits considerring what she said.

She didn't /send a 'chng nam plz, ur nam is sam as min, i had it fisrt'

The 2 had a polite conversation with no irritating or accusing comments towards one another, and at the end she said 'k :)' and 'thanks'.

And about what your friend said, she was saying 'be careful next time, k?' basically, and Tanya replied with 'lol', as in, laughing with good spirits.

What do you expect?

'oh THANK YOU for understanding my good sir, you're so very nice and kind and generous, if you EVER need anything at all, it would be my absolute pleasure to help you!'

She was polite and didn't make a fuss out of it.

And obviously she was concerned about your friend too, I mean, people don't have 'secret discussions' with their buffbot.. she just didn't want to be getting pms that were meant only to be seen by your friend.

So bugger off that she didn't kiss your feet and weep in thanks, you should be grateful that she didn't do as 90% of the rest of alb would do and say 'hey, fuk off, u took my nam an i want it bak'.

Hell, she didn't even ask to have her name back, your friend is the one that said 'you should have it'. So how's she being rude?

By accepting a friendly offer?


Originally posted by Arafier
Tanya basically (as you will see from a full screenshot of the conversation included) was wondering who would get to keep the name. My friend, reasonably I think, suggested that Tanya should get to keep the name as she had used it for longer. However, bar a simple "k :)" and a "thanks", nothing more was said, and when my friend, a little annoyed, said that maybe Tanya should be a little more careful which characters she deleted in future as my friend did not like having to have her name changed either, Tanya seemed to find this amusing, and simply replied with "lol", refusing to carry on the conversation.

What I do have a problem with is this person's cavalier attitude towards the whole thing.

All she seemed to be interested in was keeping the name - she wasn't particularly grateful that my friend is a reasonable person and didn't decide to be difficult - which she could have been, she got the name in good faith after all. I just would have liked to have seen something like "thanks for being decent about this, I appreciate it" or words to that effect. It's certainly what I would have said had I been in her position.


Originally posted by Arafier
And yes, I know she could have been far far worse.

She just annoyed me because my friend made every effort to be pleasant and polite to her, and I felt she could have been a bit more grateful.

I'm not expecting people to fall all over themselves to agree with me. Just was annoyed about it at the time so decided to post it - please feel free to ignore it if you don't agree

Where in here did I say you were rude? And where in here did I say I expected you to get down on your knees and kiss my (or my friend's, as I will repeat, I am NOT the character in question) feet?

I never did. Because I don't expect it, and I don't think you were rude. I just think you should have realised that my friend could have been like 99% of Albion these days it would seem, and been a complete b*tch and made your life considerably more difficult. As it was, she went out of her way to make your life easier, offering to sort RightNow out, actually offering to sort the problem out before you had to ask, keeping things friendly.

Do I think you were rude because you actually said thanks? No. Do I think you could have made more of an effort to express your gratitude (which I certainly think you should have felt)? Yes. As you will see from above, I said that I would have shown more gratitude and I quoted an example of what I would have said.

So you're not like that, you don't think like that, fine. As I also said, when I saw the screenshot it just annoyed me at the time so I posted it as a manner of venting rather than losing my temper and ending up arguing with you, which could have gotten nasty and ended up with people saying things they didn't mean.

As it is, although I think you were careless to say the least, deleting a character you didn't mean to (I have deleted a lot of characters as I can never seem to settle on which character I want to play and I always make sure I'm definitely clicking on the correct character, and haven't made a mistake yet!) we can easily agree to disagree on your response to the whole incident.

It's over, my friend's name has been changed, although this has messed up a lot of settings, and friends lists and stuff have all had to be changed so no doubt it's going to be interesting and your buffbot may still get some messages, as when my friend logs in, it says Your friend Jadzia has just entered the game, if the other person hasn't removed her and re-added her to their friends list, and if your buffbot is online...

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