Tuskers Old Wound??


Madonion Slicer

What can you tell me about this? i have it and i use it, it cons orange to me at 35 should it should be fine.

My question is it has a proc on it of Direct Damge "Fire", but in all the time i have used it both pve and rvr it has never fired, why is that?

Is it to high for me?

Do they need to be charged?

Do they need to be activated?

Never had a DD weapon before so have no idea how they work, do anyone else have this sword, i know i have seen people about with it, as it stands out being blue.



Proccing weapons do not need to be charged but they do have a level at wich they start to proc. For starters the weapon has to be yellow for sure but sometimes even that is not enough.

Some examples:
Lava Forged Sword: yellow at 49 - proc at 50
Caillionder Bastard Sword: Yellow 49 - Proc 50
Darksword of Granite: Yellow 49 - Proc 50
Ancient Ebony scimitar: Yellow uhm 46 i think, procs a little later 47 or 48
Tuskers procs at 40 if i am not mistaking and goes yellow at 38

One thing is sure, they will never proc when orange.

GM <Exiled>

Madonion Slicer

Excellent Arthwyr, thanks for that i will stick it in the vault then and save it, my serrated lions fang is still yellow and swings much faster, also have an enchantered Mithril Barstard Sword, i will stick with them til 38.



Originally posted by Arthwyr

One thing is sure, they will never proc when orange.

Level 40 epic weapons proc at 40 and they go yellow at 42. Propably only exception to the "rule".

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