This thread is for the flame-free use of TUG and Moving Target.
1. May contain potentially offensive references to underage lewd thoughts. These references are not the views of Barrysworld or affiliates, or even TUG himself. They should not be taken seriously. Those who father/mother offspring are advised to read no further.
2. May contain single-word or single-smiley replies. And lots of them. Those who find such replies offensive are advised to read no further.
1. May contain potentially offensive references to underage lewd thoughts. These references are not the views of Barrysworld or affiliates, or even TUG himself. They should not be taken seriously. Those who father/mother offspring are advised to read no further.
2. May contain single-word or single-smiley replies. And lots of them. Those who find such replies offensive are advised to read no further.