Trouble with Lvl 30 Mercenary Epic Quest



Alright, so yesterday I turn 31 and finally muster the courage to face that assassin in Snowdonia keep (witnessing him trash a lvl 30 infiltrator once motivated me to train a bit more). I enter the keep with weapons drawn, head up the landing and yes, he appears. But instead of fighting with me, the sucker walks straight through the wall end hugs a guard who gives him a well deserved trashing. So I did not kill the assassin, but some stupid guard did. In my quest journal it still says "seek the assassing in Snowdonia keep and kill him". After dying later at the frontier I gave it another try, yet the assassin did not appear.

Now what to do? Should I try again today (what I'll propably do anyway) or when next I level? Or will I have to report to Right-After-A-While? I am a bit troubled as I fear my quest is now broken or something, but on the other hand if I had died to the assassin, I should have been able to give it a second try too, should I not?

Thank you very much.


I'd say try again a couple of times and if still no joy it's a perfect case for RightNow.


Considering quest NPC's walk around in the mortal world all the time and can be killed by anyone, you probably just had bad luck when you returned.
I have no idea on the spawnrate on him, but you should bring your tools and craft for a while and wait for him there :)

Yes, i know there's no forge there.


Well he is no usual quest NPC but only appears when you get the epic lvl 30 (something you will have to face soon too, exactly the same challenge, by the way ;). So I hope it was no one-shot. Well, I'll see if I find the sucker tonight.


Then he must be very special, since other epic quest NPC's are around all the time (Sir Dillus, Arawnite Messenger etc).

On the other hand, i've never seen him when i've been there, so you might be right.


Just checked on the Camelot Warcry quest's database and it says nothing about this guy only appearing once for that quest, therefore I think it's most likely that he's the same as any other quest NPC, i.e. he will respawn, you'll just have to wait for him.

Good luck :)


I don't see how it can only let him spawn once, you prolly just need to wait around for him.
But then again, for my first paladin epic, i had to kill a guy near the filidhs on the hill, just over the bridge near ludlow, and I have run past the same spot hundreds of time and never seen this guy, but on my epic he was there as soon as I got there....
And since then i have never seen him again.


Why not group with someone else doing the same quest?


That's a good idea Keri, thanks. I will try it should going alone not work tonight. It's difficult to find Lvl 30 mercs/infs/cabalists tho, as we all seem a quite rare bunch ;) Except for the infiltrators who have now become everyones alt. But then those are all very young at the moment...


He doesn't just spawn once per quest. He will continue to spawn until YOU kill him.

Just hang around at the top of the left hand staircase (as you enter Snow Fortress) he will spawn within 3 minutes.

He always spawns just when I let up my guard ... so concentrate, stand in the same spot but just spin so that you'll see him just before he attacks.

Last time I trashed him with my infil at lvl 30, but only because I evaded 4 times. However a level 30 merc should have no problems, as he does slash damage which is negative against chain.


Problem solved, assassin dead. I just rode to the Fortress again, saw a grave of one unlucky fellow and then the assassin was so kind to promptly spawn right before my eyes. Blue to me at 31, but the sucker had me worried for a moment, as my increased fumbles couldnt be activated (was in RvR before logging the other night). Still no real threat though, he put up a nice fight with some evading and parrying on both sides, until he finally went down.

Victory! :clap:

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