Tribes 2 best game ever



:clap: Best one liner iv'e seen you come up with yet :clap:


Tribes2 is shite. I have never seen a game updated so much after its release. I allways seem to get an 'unhandled exception' error when I quit the game...


"Tribes2 is shite. I have never seen a game updated so much after its release. I allways seem to get an 'unhandled exception' error when I quit the game..."

Yes, take Counterstrike for example, the least updated game ever, and oh look, it is without a doubt the most cheated (HL is one of the most warezed) games in history.

Then take Mechwarrior4, only 1 patch and is probably one of the most unbalenced games i have ever played (although fun sometimes)

IMO the more patches, the better, it isnt as if they are hard to download, load up your game and if it comes up with a new patch msg, click download. It even goes to the trouble of installing it after DL. And at 1mb a piece you cant argue.

oh and the only times i have got a UE (unhandled exception error) is sometimes when i alt + tab to windows.


I also find it funny, on most forums there are people who say "aww T2 was released too early, they should have delayed it and fixed the bugs" and they are exactly the same people who were saying at around christmas time (when dynamix said they were extending beta) they said "no release it now, we dont care about the bugs, just patch them later"

nuff said

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