Tribes 2 BarryServers and Bookables now running PizzaMod



Hi guys,

Tribes 2 BarryServers and Bookables are now running Pizza Admin Mod. It's a compulsory mod but its totally transparent if you decide not to use it. It allows much more control over vote and server options, as well as allowing custom map rotations.

The only change you will see is that now on the booking page there is an additional options page called "Pizza Mod Settings" with all the relevant settings on it. All defaults are standard T2.

You will need to create a new or modify any existing bookings to use the PizzaMod settings.



Natrat! I have finally found you! I am a server consultant for the TAC2 mod. TAC2 is probably one of the more difficult mods to setup, because all the scrupts are uncompiled when you download it. If you could please contact me on ICQ (93860894) I'll get the server up and running the way It's supposed to.

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