transparent inventory bugg?



im playing in window mode, never had any problems before.

now i tried out transparent (SI thing) and everything looks great, EXCEPT my inventory items(see pic)

got 1024ram, etc etc, nice puter.

not really a big problem, but kinda annoying.

thx for any help :D



Think mythic wrote about it in todays friday news.... check it out :p


oooh, got some answers there, tyty

Transparent interface

Since the launch of Shrouded Isles, it is possible to use three different kinds of interface. One of them, the transparent one, may cause some problems of names display in the bag pack (mainly words cut in two). Looking forward to a Mythic fix, we however propose you a temporary fix to correct this problem :

Be careful, use this fix only if you feel experienced enough to do so !

step one : open the following file with a Text editor like notepad : \data\uifontt.dat

the last entry : [font12] type=bitmap file=fonts/9font.bmp colors=11

change it to : [font12] type=bitmap file=fonts/arial10_mind.bmp colors=11

step two :

It is almost working, but the patcher replaces the uifontt.dat when you connect to the server. Now we have to fool the server for it not to replace the new unifont.dat.

2 solutions :

1. create a copy of arial10_mind.bmp

2. create a backup of 9font.bmp

3. rename the copy of arial10_mind.bmp to 9font.bmp. - if you encounter problems, just rename the backup again.


does this fix not work for anyone else..? I do everything it says but it replaces both uifont.dat and 9font.bmp when I connect to the patcher


Tried the same thing, still replaces both files, may have to do with the other bmp file has a different size?
Ah well, goes to show how much Goa knows :D


Is it me misreading or do they say there are 2 solutions and they only offer one?

Incidently, it doesnt work for me.

So if you really want it, wait till it has finished patching, then create you 10_mind copy, delete 9font, and rename the 10_mind copy to 9font.
Doesnt make sense to change the unifont.


all in all, a bit of a ball ache :p


i couldnt be arsed too even fix it......too much reading etc :D


Originally posted by frogster
So if you really want it, wait till it has finished patching, then create you 10_mind copy, delete 9font, and rename the 10_mind copy to 9font.
Doesnt make sense to change the unifont.

seeems to be the way to do it. I did what GOA wrote like 20 times and it didnt work.

What frogster wrote did though... But what a annoying way to fix it. I wonder if GOA even tested it, before they made the friday news ;x


Here is something Lusche posted a few weeks ago on my Guild forum:

Yes i'm your salvation i did it, well copy and translate it
Here comes the fix for the transparent SI Interface.

Get the shareware program: Properties Plus

- Note down the date and time of the file: uifontt.dat ( x:\SI\data\ )

- Open uifontt.dat with Editor

- Go to the last paragraph [FONT12]

- Change 9font.bmp to 1font.bmp

- Save the file and reset the date AND time (I had 27.11.2002, 12:48:32)

- Make a copy of arial10_mind.bmp (x:\SI\fonts\ ) and rename it to 1font.bmp


Works fine with me, enjoy.

I didn't have to reset date and time with that Properties plus program tho and all works fine here so you might want to skip that part.
Dunno if it's the same as what GOA posted, cos I cba to read it atm, too tired :p but if it isn't I suggest you try this.

He also posted a link to a quick install .zip .. for all you lazy people:

Hope this helps, it works fine for me. :)

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