Originally posted in the Friday news
Transparent interface
Since the launch of Shrouded Isles, it is possible to use three different kinds of interface. One of them, the transparent one, may cause some problems of names display in the bag pack (mainly words cut in two). Looking forward to a Mythic fix, we however propose you a temporary fix to correct this problem :
Be careful, use this fix only if you feel experienced enough to do so !
step one : open the following file with a Text editor like notepad : \data\uifontt.dat
the last entry : [font12] type=bitmap file=fonts/9font.bmp colors=11
change it to : [font12] type=bitmap file=fonts/arial10_mind.bmp colors=11
step two :
It is almost working, but the patcher replaces the uifontt.dat when you connect to the server. Now we have to fool the server for it not to replace the new unifont.dat.
2 solutions :
1. create a copy of arial10_mind.bmp
2. create a backup of 9font.bmp
3. rename the copy of arial10_mind.bmp to 9font.bmp. - if you encounter problems, just rename the backup again.
Have anyone fixed their problem by doing this ? Cuz i cant get it to work. Maybe its a little thing im doing wrong, but cant really see what that should be. I've tried this like 20 times now.
So if anyone know what im doing wrong, plz tell