Hi everyone
I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this one. I have been playing the game for a few months now and I have levelled a character on one of my sons accounts, he wasnt using it much at the time, so I managed to get my friar to level 30, unfortunately he has now started using that account again which means I cant play on Kitwillow
I thought I read somewhere that they had either bought out or were bringing out a way of moving a character that has been levelled on one account to a new account if the new account is empty. Does anyone know if a) I am just imagining it, the most likely of all possibilites
b) yes but its not out yet, and if that the case do we know when it will be out here? or c) yes and it is out yet, and if it is out how do I do it???
Many thanks
I was hoping that someone might be able to help me with this one. I have been playing the game for a few months now and I have levelled a character on one of my sons accounts, he wasnt using it much at the time, so I managed to get my friar to level 30, unfortunately he has now started using that account again which means I cant play on Kitwillow
I thought I read somewhere that they had either bought out or were bringing out a way of moving a character that has been levelled on one account to a new account if the new account is empty. Does anyone know if a) I am just imagining it, the most likely of all possibilites
Many thanks