

Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Well I know nearly everybody agrees when the subject of goa doing advertising over here in england comes up but I thought I'd post this anyway. Why o why did they not do this when daoc was starting to decline. Even just a year ago, a trailer like this could have kept the game alive if shown to people. This makes daoc look so much better then WoWs current video does yet daoc has just a fraction of the playerbase because it was never advertised. Age of Camelot Nightwish

Not sure if it was made by goa or a random bloke but it shows the kind of qualities which would sell the game a hell of a lot better then just ignoring marketing all together.

It also makes me wish that more 'ruin' fights had of occured throughout my playtime. I'm sure Mythic could have implemented them a lot better then they did...

Not sure why I'm even posting this really, I guess one question I'd like to know the answer to is, did GoA do any advertising in Germany or France?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
It was made by GOA and there's also an English version and it was released quite some months(?) ago.
Shame you never see stuff like that as commercial or maybe even a shorter version because I agree it would attract alot of people.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
There should be a link on the website, have google advertise it, spread it through gaming forums, anything really. It can't have been well distributed to only have found it now :(

A shorter version on TV would have done wonders too. People I know are much more interested seeing in game graphics then some CGI thing like blizzard did which shows nothing at all about the game.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Adverts are fair enough, but you have to be able to make sure new players stay (after the trial is over) to justify it and until they revamp the questing system (to make it easier to quest for equipment) new players are unlikely to stay tbh.

If your new to the game have no idea about the end content would you stay after grinding Auru dungeons for the 20th time to get some kind of decient gear ? ... unlikely.

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