Trading/buying Accounts endorsed by Herald?



In the latest grab bag on the herald I saw this...

Q: I know of a person who is continually trading accounts with people, he tells them he does not remember the secret word. He trades accounts, changes their secret word to one he picks, and then call you and gets his own account back.

A: That’s pretty awful. But we have no way of knowing what’s going on in emailed conversations or talks on the phone, so for us, the person who owns the secret word owns the account. Do NOT trade accounts with or buy an account from someone who doesn’t give you a secret word. This person may not be trying to cheat you, but better safe than sorry.


Hmmm, I would have thought the answer would have been something like 'Trading/Buying accounts is against the CoC, if you break these rules then you deserve everything you get' (maybe not as harsh but you get what I mean).

So to me Sanya is saying go ahead and buy accounts but make sure you get the secret word! Just think this is sending out confusing signals.

Beck Beastly (50 Minstrel - RR4)


you can legitly sell your play time(account belongs to mythic) and give someone the login info and send mythic an email telling them of the account change and the new details


IIRC the US selling/buying accounts is allowed.

It's only GOA who don't allow it AFAIK.


Dook, there americans.....
what did you expect :eek: :eek:

if 70% of my tax went to the military so they could bomb places I didnt even know existed I would throw rocks at my goverment or something... or rather ae mezz em and crush em with me sissy mace

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