


Been creating an RA template and the description for toughness is a bit ambiguous. Does it actually increase your hit points or just your cap for hit points?


3% extra hp

This also includes buffs, so if you are uber buffed, you would have 3% extra hp of your total hp.

Quite handy


Not quite sure how it works but it is definately not 3% of the total HPs when you buy it. I currently have Toughness2 and when I bought both levels I got 51 hps for each and was fully buffed with capped con/hits from equipement, giving me 1904 hits prior to buying Toughness1.

If it was 3% of total I would of expected to get 57 hits (1904x0.03) for the first level and 59 hits (1955x0.03) for the second level.

As the amount I received was the same for both purchases I suspect it may be based on your base HPs plus any bonuses from constitution.

Anyway, its probably best to be on the safe side and wear equipment that caps con/hits and get topline buffs. Also buying aug con levels first may help boost the amount you get.


Originally posted by shilak
Not quite sure how it works but it is definately not 3% of the total HPs when you buy it. I currently have Toughness2 and when I bought both levels I got 51 hps for each and was fully buffed with capped con/hits from equipement, giving me 1904 hits prior to buying Toughness1.

If it was 3% of total I would of expected to get 57 hits (1904x0.03) for the first level and 59 hits (1955x0.03) for the second level.

As the amount I received was the same for both purchases I suspect it may be based on your base HPs plus any bonuses from constitution.

Anyway, its probably best to be on the safe side and wear equipment that caps con/hits and get topline buffs. Also buying aug con levels first may help boost the amount you get.

You are not really suggesting that being fully buffed when buying the Realm Ability Toughness actually might make a difference in how effective the ability itself is? Dwarfish brain....;)


Givf con buffz plz!!!1

I need con buffz 2 bye teh tuffness RA!!1


Originally posted by Pempulla
You are not really suggesting that being fully buffed when buying the Realm Ability Toughness actually might make a difference in how effective the ability itself is? Dwarfish brain....;)
Was meerly trying to clarify how it works, as I was expecting 14 more hps if it was based on my total hps at the time of purchase :p I actually believe it is based on your base hit points (i.e. those gained from levelling in your chosen class) and those gained from constitution, not those hits gained from +Hits items or Toughness. As I said though, its not worth the risk in testing if that is the case, so cap con/hits with buffs/equip/RAs before buying it. It is also possible that it is calculated every time you zone or recieve a buff, hence getting buffed up first my in reality be pointless, but I havent tested that yet ;) If that isnt the case then those buying Toughness prior to reaching level 50 will be loosing out on hps.


Based on Naked HP + hp gained from +Con items, NOT from +Hits.

Its also dynamic and is always recalculating as you swap items, get buffed, lose buffs etc.

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