todays news


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
[12-08-2005] The Camelot Reporter

In this week's Reporter, you will find news about the server clustering, information concerning a few corrections added to the game and the last details of our program for the Leipzig's Games Convention. We will also bring up Darkness Rising and the different mounts you will certainly be very eager to acquire. A very important topic in roleplaying games will also be discussed : roleplay and conviviality. Finally, this Friday News will give you all the necessary information for the last ML steps before you confront Cetus…

News before the server clustering.
As it is not possible to rename them, guilds with the same name - although this should not occur very often - on two different servers will have it followed by the name of their respective servers. However, a more frequent occurrence may be several guilds having the same emblem. With version 1.76, new emblems will become available and guilds will have the opportunity to change them. In the meantime, you can try to spot any other guild having the same emblem as you, so that, when version 1.76 is launched, you can "negotiate" which of the two guilds will change their emblem.

This week's corrections
Several quest-related problems have been solved at the beginning of the week ; we also re-implemented the protection preventing Rrionne's shadow from getting stuck, as this problem was making the completion of the related Master Level impossible. On this occasion, some bug corrections to version 1.76 have also been implemented on our servers.
These corrections for version 1.76 include :
- Valkyrie's Dominance is now correctly set to Spirit damage, instead of Energy damage.
- Saving the Clan - Players who are level 50 with a full experience bar will now be able to complete this quest.
- Rrionne and her reflection will no longer attempt to stay at range to cast spells.
- The Spellbound Cerulean Hammer and the Spellbound Cerulean Great Hammer (Midgard) are now set to the correct material type and DPS.

From now on, whenever Mythic will correct bugs in upcoming versions of the game - and if these bugs can be corrected in our currently deployed version - we will try to implement these corrections beforehand for Europe.

Last details before the Games Convention
It is now time to tell you about our complete program on the Games Convention in Leipzig that will take place at the end of next week. The German Community Managers will be present to host a plethora of events and animations for all our guests.

Each day there will be a presentation of Dark Age of Camelot as well as Darkness Rising, in addition to our "Draw All of Camelot" contest and our extensive Dark Age of Camelot Knowledge Quiz. Of course we also programmed special events at our stand. On Friday afternoon around 15.00, a special guest, the famed band "Alphaville", will be here to present a new song from their upcoming album and also sign a few autographs.

Saturday will be the most interesting moment for those eager to discover the forthcoming expansion "Darkness Rising". It will be presented at 14.00 by Matt Firor, vice president of development at Mythic Entertainment. After this, we will be glad to host the "Emote Contest", a very entertaining event judging by the preceding years Games Conventions. In addition to that, on Saturday and Sunday, there will be one-hour presentation on animations and events organised by Dark Age of Camelot Europe.

Of course we will have computers available for visitors to try out Dark Age of Camelot as well as many super goodies including t-shirts, stickers, key chains, mouse pads, complete versions of the game and a special GC Leipzig Trial Edition of Dark Age of Camelot.

Darkness Rising
Mythic just unveiled a little bit more information about their upcoming retail expansion, Darkness Rising.
The main new feature of this expansion will be the introduction of individual mounts. Two types of mounts will be available.

Standard Mount Highlights :

- Will not require purchase of Darkness Rising expansion pack.
- Obtained at level 35.
- Solo quest must be completed to obtain access to NPC who sells a standard mount.
- 250 Gold Fee for Standard Mount.
- Faster than running but slower than Advanced Mounts.
- Used in PvE-only zones.
- Not customizable.

Advanced Mount Highlights :

- Will require purchase of Darkness Rising Expansion Pack.
- Ability to purchase granted at level 45.
- 5 types of mounts will be available including Nightmare, Unicorn, Warhorse, ndead/Phantom, and Standard Horse.
- Purchasable at vendors throughout the world and in the King's Magery for 1 Plat.
- Faster than Standard mounts.
- Can be used in PvE and in RvR.
- Advanced mounts are customizable - adding saddlebags, armor, barding and the ability to name your mount are all advantages to having an advanced mount over a standard one.

Here you have some of the available mounts :

With Darkness Rising, you will also have the opportunity to use new epic weapons. Here above, an example of one of the weapons available for heroes :

Roleplay and conviviality
Even though there are many new things to learn and different game techniques to master to play Dark Age of Camelot, a simple aspect of the game is frequently overlooked, that is the atmosphere. A massively multi-player roleplay game is not just a video game since, as you will have noticed, its very name includes the term "roleplay". This notion refers to the playful kind of roleplaying which is an interchange of dialogues and which appeared long before the "roleplay"-tagged video games - knowing that it was actually impossible to play a role in these. So, the massively multi-player games are not just technical games as they give players the opportunity to interact with each other and play roles, two possibilities that are usually referred to as "roleplay". This concept can bring an additional dimension to games such as Dark Age of Camelot, provided that the players know about its existence and understand how it works.

Now, there is no established rule as to the characters' roleplay, and as it is not compulsory, this aspect is not developed in the game's manual. In spite of that, it forms part of the game, especially thanks to those who roleplay to create a particular atmosphere. You can actually have a lot of fun in this aspect, even if it does not have any direct impact on the game, except in the case of guild dialogues. Some of you who are not acquainted with traditional video games might be a little bewildered at conversations they have with some roleplayers. Nevertheless, it is always pleasant to read messages sticking to the game's atmosphere, so don't be shy and try it. And you don't need to take personally some remarks that could be made on your character's appearance, race or class : they can result from the game's storyline including alliances or enmities between races, popular beliefs amongst the realms, etc. You can find all the realms' presentation texts and background pieces in the Camelot Reporter. These texts provide the fundamentals necessary to distinguish characters other than on a technical basis.

Even though you are in no obligation to roleplay, as well as you do not necessarily need to chose medieval-sounding names, it cannot be denied that roleplay contributes to conviviality. It often poses itself as a demonstration of respect between players. Those who use the "text-message" language have to realise that it is not so easy to read for those who are not familiar with it. Too many spelling mistakes are also quite a pain. So, don't be surprised if some players are not so keen on conversing with you. We equally cannot fail to notice some breaches in elementary courtesy. Whilst you do not really need to greet NPCs, it is the least you can do to say "hello" to another player, whether you know him or not. Exchanging a few words is not so much to demand before you invite him to join your group ; it is sometimes surprising to receive an invitation without even seeing from whom it is coming… If roleplay is not compulsory, conviviality and courtesy are the minimum we have to have on the servers. For instance, we remind you that emotes, allowing your characters to gesture different kinds of feelings, are simple functions contributing to the atmosphere and roleplay. As an example, we give you the following ones :

/bow (greeting bow)
/clap (applause)
/kiss (kiss)
/no (head motioning denial)
/raise (raise your hand)
/salute (position of attention)
/slap (slap someone)
/victory (celebrate victory)
/yes (nodding)
You do not necessarily know all of them, but there is one some of you seem to know a little bit too well. The CMs regularly receive complaints about the overindulgence in the command /rude some players use after defeating an adversary. We remind you that abusively repeating a visible command or a sentence ("flooding") is prohibited by the code of conduct, and will make you open to sanctions. The overindulgence in emotes can result in suspension for those who repeat that kind of behaviour. On the contrary, the overindulgence in roleplay has never been under sanction…



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
From now on, whenever Mythic will correct bugs in upcoming versions of the game - and if these bugs can be corrected in our currently deployed version - we will try to implement these corrections beforehand for Europe.

At last :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 28, 2005
From now on, whenever Mythic will correct bugs in upcoming versions of the game - and if these bugs can be corrected in our currently deployed version - we will try to implement these corrections beforehand for Europe



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Duplicate emblems: one solution would be to introduce a heraldic device each realm. This would be applied to all guilds of that realm whether they have duplicate emblems or not.

There are many options as this was a frequent problem happening whenever a lord had more than one heir. It would avoid anyone having to change.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
not a shitty word about cluster? yes guildemblems and shit in 1.76... who the fuck cares? atleast 50% of the population of prydwen+excalibur is playing because cluster is soon, give us some fucking news about and not that guilds with same name wil have server names after FFS.

for 2-3 months ago when goa announced cluster ALOT of people came back to daoc to fix charachters/play/ and just chill before cluster, now cluster is taking such shitload of time while they cluster like horny rabbits in us servers..

more and more people are moving to lamorak(us classic) server and more people and letting subscribtion down until cluster is fixed, FIX THE FUCKING CLUSTER or you will be out of work soon..

lamorak with agramon isle looks pretty tempting, especially with this retarded slow speed of goa for cluster..

QQ and out.


One of Freddy's beloved
Mar 28, 2004
MaditioN said:
not a shitty word about cluster? yes guildemblems and shit in 1.76... who the fuck cares? atleast 50% of the population of prydwen+excalibur is playing because cluster is soon, give us some fucking news about and not that guilds with same name wil have server names after FFS.

for 2-3 months ago when goa announced cluster ALOT of people came back to daoc to fix charachters/play/ and just chill before cluster, now cluster is taking such shitload of time while they cluster like horny rabbits in us servers..

more and more people are moving to lamorak(us classic) server and more people and letting subscribtion down until cluster is fixed, FIX THE FUCKING CLUSTER or you will be out of work soon..

lamorak with agramon isle looks pretty tempting, especially with this retarded slow speed of goa for cluster..

QQ and out.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
MaditioN said:
GOA messing around for the 10 000th time and letting their
customers down.

QQ and out.
What he said.

Lucky for GOA that DAoC is such a fucking great game.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004

"Those who use the "text-message" language have to realise that it is not so easy to read for those who are not familiar with it. Too many spelling mistakes are also quite a pain. So, don't be surprised if some players are not so keen on conversing with you. "

Prooves most of the players in the game arn't total twats. :p.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
There's probably no more news on clustering than they gave last week. Which was 'hopefully by end of August'.

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