Toa in sight - Europe ages behind



Am I the only one who thinks that we're falling behind here ?
My god, how hard can it be to implement a patch.

This has been said a million times, but if I could change to US I'd do it ina heartbeat.

Get moving on this 1.63 ffs, thats months that we hear the same bullshit on the friday news !


tbh i hope GOA takes ages bringing us TOA, the whole Master level abilities thing sounds like complete shite, more monotonous hours of trying to get this just to compete sounds shite to me, its gonna widen the gap between the power gamer and the casual gamer even further. And im not happy about having to remake SC suit cause farming is utter shite :p

Roo Stercogburn

Lets get it in perspective. GOA have remained at the same rate approximately behind US servers from day 1. ToA will hit Euro shores in Feb I would suspect, just like SI did and just like the original release of DAoC - 4 months behind all US releases.

And tbh count your blessings in some ways. Mythic already consider the 1.67 patch for the things they broke in ToA and thats not even showing on boards yet.

GOA have announced today 1.63 is incoming. I'd rather they combined with 1.64 as 1.64 fixes a lot of stupid things but I understand the pressure to simply get the dratted patch out.

I'm not a GOA fanboy but in this case I don't think they deserve a kicking.


I bet you a million pounds it wil be after february 8) u Goa fanboy


I agree with Roo on this one... except that i think we will have ToA 2nd week in march :)


Right on it Roo. There was a lot of bugs in the 1st fousing patch. Im 99% sure that we will have it bugged here too. Just that the next fix patch might take 2-3months to come after it.

Assume the worst and you will never be disappointed.


with no disrespect to the french/germans, I really dont see why we have to wait for something that they could simply copy from american servers onto ours. Okay armour will b spelt armor, but at least we wouldn't have to wait 4 months for expansions, by which time all the info about them has already been released on VNboards and its simply a case of a walkthrough to get what you need and sod exploration.

The whole system stinks :/


Originally posted by kirennia
with no disrespect to the french/germans, I really dont see why we have to wait for something that they could simply copy from american servers onto ours.

The whole system stinks :/

You wanna be unable to log onto daoc seeing Excalibur and Prydwen both at 3500 players cos all german and frenchies made /leveled chars here to see ToA and all other stuff?


Why do they need translated servers ?
Do you see me askign for dutch servers ? Or the swedish, spanish, norwegian, finnish, etc ?
That stinks.


Originally posted by scarffs
Why do they need translated servers ?
Do you see me askign for dutch servers ? Or the swedish, spanish, norwegian, finnish, etc ?
That stinks.

No, thats called service... provideing a game in 3 different laguages... to bad GoA isnt doing a very good job...

And about the patching UK servers first... its something with the patchserver... first you get authorized, then patched, then you log in... the patchserver dont know and dont care where your going to play (what language) afaik.

Tesla Monkor

Someone should dig up the old Shrouded Isles threads and cut/paste them where (after altering 'SI' for 'TOA'). Exactly the same arguments. (And just as futile. ;)


I doubt the translation is giving any real bugs. So yes it would be faster for us to get patches here (probably 1/3rd of the waiting time gone), but for some reason goa's servers aint 100% like mythics. So there might be bugs there and they need to get solved. The bugs is partially also mythics fault as they gave them that bugged patch.
Btw if a different name for everything does influence the game than that is certainly mythics fault as that shouldnt matter if they programmed it right.

and lakih there are different patch servers as otherwise you would get a french/german version half of the time, which you dont. So it would be possible to patch english servers before germans/french, but it would mean even more delays as they dont test all versions at the same time. Also there would be most likely little people on the german/french servers as everyone would go for the english ones.

the hacking incident did cost goa some time, so they lost some time and housing patch being bugged doesnt help either. However we might actually get it reasonable unbugged here on our servers instead of how the americans got it.

Btw something to remember is that we have the american translation, we have armorcrafters and armor merchants afaik. But being on the same language doesnt mean you dont have to test anything, we might have slightly different servers or the special stuff goa does might give some trouble or french version of the same OS (guessing they use a french one) might give problems. All this isnt really goa's fault, mythic knows all about them and should create reasonable problemless patches.

Cavex ElSaviour

Originally posted by kirennia
with no disrespect to the french/germans, I really dont see why we have to wait for something that they could simply copy from american servers onto ours. Okay armour will b spelt armor, but at least we wouldn't have to wait 4 months for expansions, by which time all the info about them has already been released on VNboards and its simply a case of a walkthrough to get what you need and sod exploration.

The whole system stinks :/

GoA is hosting english, french and german servers, there are about 5000 english players? and how many frnech/german players? so guess where the big money is for them.


thats y they dont give a shit bout us.

Enough swedes/norwegians to have a scandinavian server imho


If your not happy - move to the USA servers its been said before.

GOA only has one patch server, so they cant release a patch until it is translated into the language of the other servers.

The wait can be a good thing to iron out (and create <s******>) the biugs.


Originally posted by scarffs
Why do they need translated servers ?
Do you see me askign for dutch servers ? Or the swedish, spanish, norwegian, finnish, etc ?
That stinks.

That's not the problem.
French and German NEVER asked for servers in their languages. It's just a service.
There are french and german language servers because these markets are large enough. (French language : France, southern part of Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec (Canada) (There are many people from Quebec on French servers and they take the relics when it is 6h in the morning in Europe lol :) ), North Africa ==> a 150 M-people market, German language : Germany, Switzerland, Austria ==> another 150M-people market). That's why most (95%) of the games,movies,books,etc are translated in these 2 languages. By translating something in French and German, you can sell it to 2/3 of the Europeans.
Moreover I won't be surprised if the next MMORPG are also translated in spanish (Spain + South America = big big market). I have seen a job opportunity for a spanish translator in one of the Friday News (maybe for Ryzom ?)

Enough swedes/norwegians to have a scandinavian server imho

French and German don't play on french and german servers to stay with citizen of their country. They play on these servers because it is always easiest to speak in his native language. Do swedes and norvegians speak the same language ? It would be strange to do a scandinavian server and speak english on it.


The way i see the patch time frame at the mo is.

1.63 in the next few weeks.

1.64-1.65 before christmas

then 2 months to translate ToA giving us 1.66 by feb.

you`ll probably find GoA recieved the ToA binaries already and have started to translate them so they can meet there feb 8th deadline.

after all ToA has been gold in the US for a good 2-3 weeks now.


US DAOC release : October 2001
US SI release : October 2002
US TOA release : October 2003

EU DAOC release : February 2002
EU SI release : February 2003
EU TOA release : February 2004 (?)


Originally posted by -Nxs-

GOA only has one patch server, so they cant release a patch until it is translated into the language of the other servers.

They have at least three: One for normal users (us, the germans, the french etc), one for Gorre, and one for Lothiane.

Actually, i think there might be a seperate patch server for germans and french clients already, as otherwise we would also download the buttons, menus etc in french and german.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
4 months behind all US releases.

Foundations beta started in the US on april 15th this year. So 6 months later and the beta has yet to start here.


You seem to be forgetting one small point... GOA gave assurances at the start of retail about the patching program, they stated they would slowly catch up with Mythic and eventuallybe just one patch behind. Well, 20 months on and we are still three or four patches behind. We had a 33% rise in subscription price and what have we got in return? Piss poor service, subcription page down for days on end, a version of the game that the Americans were playing in March and the continuing problem of missed deadlines plus new bugs during translation. Now someone please tell me they are doing a great job...


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
You seem to be forgetting one small point... GOA gave assurances at the start of retail about the patching program, they stated they would slowly catch up with Mythic and eventuallybe just one patch behind. Well, 20 months on and we are still three or four patches behind. We had a 33% rise in subscription price and what have we got in return? Piss poor service, subcription page down for days on end, a version of the game that the Americans were playing in March and the continuing problem of missed deadlines plus new bugs during translation. Now someone please tell me they are doing a great job...

Well said :) now come play FFXI with some other ex players


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
You seem to be forgetting one small point... GOA gave assurances at the start of retail about the patching program, they stated they would slowly catch up with Mythic and eventuallybe just one patch behind. Well, 20 months on and we are still three or four patches behind. We had a 33% rise in subscription price and what have we got in return? , a version of the game that the Americans were playing in March and the continuing problem of missed deadlines plus new bugs during translation. Now someone please tell me they are doing a great job...

Signed <agreed> :clap:

Chodax for president :cheers:


SI was released December the third in the US...

and on February the 19th I think in europe?

Never know we might get it sooner. Course ToA is a completely different beast to SI - a lot more quests, potentially a lot more buggy things to translate, who knows.


Originally posted by old.cHodAX
You seem to be forgetting one small point... GOA gave assurances at the start of retail about the patching program, they stated they would slowly catch up with Mythic and eventuallybe just one patch behind. Well, 20 months on and we are still three or four patches behind. We had a 33% rise in subscription price and what have we got in return? Piss poor service, subcription page down for days on end, a version of the game that the Americans were playing in March and the continuing problem of missed deadlines plus new bugs during translation. Now someone please tell me they are doing a great job...

goa started working on 1.61 when 1.62 was still patching. We ran behind again slightly by the hacker incident and by some unfortune that 1.63 is rather buggy. However we were 1 patch behind the US servers and certainly have gained ground on the US servers.
We would be on patch 1.63 before US servers would have gotten their 1.65 most likely if it hadnt been for hackers + rather buggy 1.63. It also doesnt help that mythic is getting close to releasing ToA so has very little time to help goa fix those bugs as mythic writes the patches and then goa tests them and then they both try to find the reason of the bugs (if there are any) and then mythic rewrites the patch. So its not alone goa's fault. The speed of translation is soley goa's concern, but the speed of fixing any bugs is mostly on mythics shoulder.

Anyway we have been at one patch distance earlier on, but by two unlucky incidents we have fallen slightly behind again and we will see if goa will work on it to get back at that one patch behind. There will always be times where US servers have several small patches following eachother up and if something happens then like now then you fall behind.
Btw also to remember 1.63 and 1.64 werent long patches for the americans iirc, but mythic had worked on foundations for some time already and goa just needs some time to get out the bugs.


Originally posted by -Nxs-
If your not happy - move to the USA servers its been said before.

GOA only has one patch server, so they cant release a patch until it is translated into the language of the other servers.

3 languages, 7 servers, but one patch server. that makes alot of sense to me.

and as for going to the USA servers, fine. maybe you would like to make me two lvl 50 characters to replace the ones i already have here, or maybe you would explain how to get groups on the US servers when primetime there is 3am - 8am.

everytime someone says "GOA sucks, the patches take too long, why the hell did they get the europe franchise?" someone pipes up with "you could always go to the US servers".

im expecting to be playing TOA in february anyway. its GOA's lucky month or something. im certain of it.


old.jable how long do you expect to wait for patches? It takes one or two weeks to translate them I guess and 1 week to run tests if those go well then you have a patch. Any bugs in the patch isnt actually goa's fault, but mythics (unless its due to faulty installing, which would be found out soon). However you would still have those delays for the bugs if some other company would run it, well except if mythic would run some european servers on their own.
However mythic didnt want to run this game in Europe, so goa got the chance to do it. Without goa there wouldnt have been any european servers (excluding the italians ofc) and you would be forced to play on the US servers. So besides that time between patching is partially dictated by mythic, the point of give european server to someone else isnt valid as there was no one else.

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