to: Xphyral and co



Thx for ur lame behavior near AMG this evening at about 19:00 gmt.

U lot (like 15+) zerged our 5 members group with tha help of a poping kobie shadowblade, we keeled some anyway and our bard got away but u camped our corpses for 10 mins or so. Funniest thing is that after killing Xphyral i got mezzed stunned and zerged... when this sucker got ressed wasted like 5 mins dancing and laughing at me as the usual lvl 6 newbie... :puke:

I knew u all wanted my skin, even more now that i rarely pop online to rvr a bit... but thats scaring, hope my hammer tastes good for u Xphyral. :rolleyes:

cya on battleground :sleeping:


yeah told him also it was noob =)

but he gave some reason why he did it.... better not tell this :D


:wub: Arya, did u noticed we are old wolves now? :wub:


oh well, i just sorted mine out :p i was old.lofff when posted :m00:


hehe I love those dancing/laughing greycons... I got a little story for ya:

one day in emain, it was a little pre-primetime, a few mids zerging the solo'ers around amg/atk. then we got zerged by a large grp of lowcons a little later on. this dude who was just hiding behind the rest, came and laugh-spammed at me for no reason. I got pissed of that lame behaviour.

However, as the alb horde left our bodies we got a rezz, and the small grp of 5 peepz went out looking for the albs. they had engaged a siege on midtk.. so we coordinated an attack with some 2 FGs of mids at midtk, and we charged from behind while the mids from TK charged from infront. I had a few secs to find this sucker who /laugh'ed, and as we attacked I ran right in and frenzied and killed him first.. then in the middle of this pretty bloody fight, I started /laugh /dance around him. That made my day I tell u. Revenge is sweet :p

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