To whine or not to whine ..... that's the question



I'm browsing this forum and i suddenly wanted to start whining because it seems to be mode this time of year. Is everyone then so jealous of each other?

part 1: My vision 1:
- working people whines:
we have less time then students or unemployed
-> true but on the other hand you have money to buy a second account with a buffbot(s) if ya want to

other working people have buffbots and i not, thats not fair
-> true on the other hand they pay for it or worked for it for leveling, time and money that you probably spent doing something else (in your eyes more usefull)

Other peeps get more money for working so they can afford them an other account and thats not fair
-> true alot money isn't earned equally but hey the peeps in afrika and other countries haven't got money to buy them a pc nor for spending money for games .... the more money you earn the more you want , the more you want the more you complain .....


- student whines:
hey he can play alot more houres then i can and we study the same
-> true but he/she prob have worse points in school then you have and so they are more likely that they have to redo their year (i speak of personal experience)

bah buffaccounts are lame because i can't afford it (or doesn't want to use my money on that) and it give me an unfair chance in game
-> true on the other hand people with more money (working people) have less to play and for the time they got the money for buying a buff account you can make one if you want to risk your studies for it and other students who pay for buffaccounts don't spend money on other luxeries that you on the other hand can affort.


-charakter/realm whines.

bah my arms isn't as good as your infil or atleast he don't get the rp's he earns for being an that class .... (just an example of a random char comparason)
-> if they made all classes equal , you would probably whine that their isn't enough class difference like in ac2 i read alot of post that the game sucks just because there weren't enough races and it was to simple ...

your realm got better classes then my curent realm ....
->if this ya are so unhappy in this realm go to that other realm but be aware each realms has it advantages and disadvantages

bah my low level get ganked in df by a high level stealther or group
-> all realms do it and if ya got a high level stealtehr you prob couldn't resist to do it to even if ya say you won't do it know because you don't have one ..... ps i don't like being ganked in df either as lowby but then its a PvP zone so if ya can't handle it to dye by another realm .... don't come in df then

- goa/ mythic whines

goa sucks because ............. server blah bla blah ............. organisation blah blah blah ..............
-> they are a company and like all comany's their main goal is earning money second goal being the best third goal please the customers (exept if ya name is microsoft maybe...) customerspleasure don't comes first in most companys so learn to live with it and play the game or not :)

part 2 : forgotten whines :

to be continued

part 3 : conclusion:

stop whining and go playing the game in intended to have fun not for being nervous not being the best, in each game on earth we struggle to be the best and in each game its difficult to bear that you aren't the best ..........if ya hate this game so much stop playing it then and play another to come to the same conclusion ........... and if ya like whining about something .......... use the whine-o-matic , the link is somewhere on this forum

And I must say sometimes i feel like whining to so .... think i will use the whine-o-matic now see ya

ps : if i forgot something to mention say it so i can fill in the "forgotten whines" section :p


I started on the first bit, and you might as well not. it's just another whine :p


Barrysworld is for people who like moaning about stuff.

As soon as people realise that nothing ever gets done about it, Kemor doesn't care about you and GOA are all laughing at your complaints then you settle down and start posting in the off topic section or just learn to enjoy what you have.

Nice of you to take the effort to write such a thread.


A lot of whines are done out of anger, usually those 'I got owned' posts are written about 5-10mins after said person got owned.

That and lets be honest here, listening to people bitch and whine about how they arn't an Uber RP farmer, and how they got totally owned by sombody higher than them and all the other little things that people are commenly bitching about is just damn funny. Some of the whine i fall off my chair laughing at how big a deal this pathetic little 12yr old is making over such a small issue.

The again at the same time some people that make posts purly for the reaction it'l get (Re: Gimp in excal/mid forum posting pics of him killing grey con's in uppland) i find repulsive.

I think i've noticed over time that people on genral tend to complain more than they praise and talk about the good things that they have done. Which really does say somthing powerful about people as a whole...

And then theres the whole internet anonimity thing, no matter how big some people talk if you ever meet them in RL you'l probably find all their big words and tough talk can't be backed up.

The whole 'i like to complain' philosiphy of forum communitys, especially on forum gaming community makes me sick at times. In particular the launguage that some people will use with each other. Which again goes back to the whole anonimity thing, i think thats what drives people to meet other people IRL because atleast that way you can really find out what kind of a person they are, anonimity can be good for some people, like shy nerveous people that don't speak much. but on the other hand for idiots it can be a little too much and they just start to hurt peoples feelings for no reason.

Bah, its a shame so little is black and white in this issue. its bloody complex and i seriously doubt anyone will ever have a full grasp of it.

Oh well, guess i'l just keep thinking happy thoughts :)

BTW - nice post, summed things up quite nicely


Why do people watch Jerry Springer?

Is it because they enjoy the interesting story lines or is it because they can have a laugh at the inbred moaning fat lowlifes and thank god they're not them.

Why do people read these forums?

See above. :p


It's a forum after all .... people will whine / complain / congratulate / advice / .... and all that.

Just reading through it can be great fun, even the whines (I truly enjoy all the Camlann fuzz now ... it's very amuzing :p ).

On the other hand, poeple like Wildfire do a great job at posting character advice (one of the few long posts I actually read).

While you're in here : just read the ones you like, have fun at it, pick up some good hints n tricks and just leave the ones you don't care about and simply enjoy our BW community :)


Originally posted by.....
I'm browsing this forum and i suddenly wanted to start whining because it seems to be mode this time of year. Is everyone then so jealous of each other?

Originally posted by Soulcatcher
I started on the first bit, and you might as well not. it's just another whine :p

wasn't it clear at start that it was a post about me whining about whining? :p


For every whine, there's 10 people gonna bite just to get their post count up :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I've been banned from whining in guild chat (~cries~) so BY GOD I am going to excercise my god given right to bitch and belly ache on this forum! Whats more, NOONE CAN STOP ME!! MWAAHHAHAAAHAAA!!

...with the exception of the mods.

~grovel grovel~

<whine edit>Incidently, is it just me or is having 3 clerics in a tanglers group totally pointless and stupid?</whine edit>


To whine - otherwise these forums would be empty.

Take a look at the general forum (not the DAOC/General forum) to see what happens when folks have nothing to whine about. Its not pretty ;)


Originally posted by fenikske

wasn't it clear at start that it was a post about me whining about whining? :p

And I had such high hopes for you, young man!



To hine as it is nescesarry to show the game developers that you are pissed off :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Barrysworld = VN boards/European Edition.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo

<whine edit>Incidently, is it just me or is having 3 clerics in a tanglers group totally pointless and stupid?</whine edit>

not _totally_ pointless...

not the best setup for tanglers in the world...
give em all EBs and send them mashing :) (unless they're smite when they can smite away)

Originally posted by Danyan

Something the non-deities are concerned with. :p

ahh I see, these mortals are so strange at times.

Originally posted by Sharma
Originally posted by Sharma
To whine as it is nescesarry to show the game developers that you are pissed off :p

Sharma - there is an edit button you know :)

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