to vivacia



well done m8 u are a new name to me and did very well,,,all the questins about skald template ask this little lady.. can do most skalds easy .. apart from buff bots
if u buffbot too fair do but not sure unless usay

nice fights again

cya smallicus


Vivacia only got like 6-7 lvl 50's, a real PVE-whore.

In 1 week she (he) will get bored of her skald and level a hunter or something :)~~

(Du är så otränad Blue)

Blue Ix


Anyways, first fight which you won was like.. I mez you with us both at 15% hps, I get a end potion but dont care with the FA2 because lining up for Ragnarok out of mez will kill you anway - so I line up for Ragnarok, hit the style button... no style at all?!?!? Not even "You fail to perform Ragnarok perfectly.."? Alrighty.. You evade my next swing, get a dot proc off and I die. I spam the guildchat out of anger.

Second fight was like.. Swing a couple of times, you ip, I mez out, rest a bit with my new (and improved) rest song, and get fa2 + a end potion and beat you up.

Third fight (between hmg and hpk). I've just seen a fg hibs at hpk, we are very close to it, I charge in with dd, dd, style, mez... Swing landed a dot proc so you get out of mez right away, RAH. Anyways, close fight again you win at like 5% and I screwed up. What skald gets a dot proc on their weapon anyway?!

Think there was a fourth in odins when someone had joined me and we beat you up, fifth was in emain up at grogans and we were a fg so like.. Anyways.

No I'm not botted - got a shammie bot but it turned into a spellcrafting bot. Besides its too embarassing to die when botted and I know I would, right away. /cry

Oh yes, nice fights. Hope to see you (solo) in Odin's again sometime soon. ;p~

(Edit: I am so not otränad, and I smell like a rose garden, sniff!)


do rose gardens smell off surströmming where you live then?


Damn, no wonder I never see Jamie in Hadrian's these days, he's moved to bloody Odin's! Come back to hadrians! I can port there faster and don't have to avoid some big, bad rock giants who recently appeared randomly near our keeps.


to kjel

hehe m8 u another good skald have had some fun fights with u
dont worry i still frequent albion very often so sure we will meet again..till then kill a few albs go easy on the hibs
cya m8

jim jam smallicus

Blue Ix

Originally posted by aoln
stop running away when i shoot u viv :(

If you promise not to slam me, and not to use IP, and not to resist my mez I might not ru.. no wait, you also have to promise that you wont baf. Then I will stay and fight, k? ;f~

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