Just a quick note to vanaya, in these days of nerfs and whines just thought i'd mention an opponent who should be saluted for the way they play the game. As i ran to beno last night i came across vanaya <i was with a full group> being the stupid armsman i just attacked and ended up fighting a kobold warrior called vanaya, now at this point ignore realm ranks and sc'd armour , i was just impressed at the way you handled your character i.e. no running away or running for friends , you just stood and to have a fight that lasted longer than 20 secs with the amount of people around us was amazing.
Otter 50th armsman <it seemed a good idea on release>
Seaotter 48th scout <char choice didnt improve>
Otter 50th armsman <it seemed a good idea on release>
Seaotter 48th scout <char choice didnt improve>