To: Tiritas



which hack/3rd party program do you use the see under the keeps like that ? im not 100% sure but i recall reading somewhere about it that its either a bug or hack ..

and no i dont wanna know about the bug/hack so ican use itim just curiousas towhy you use it .


Um, to me that looks like he's standing behind the gate.

Oh and I'm sure that viewing the keep like that could be 'abusing a bug' so stop being a fucktard and get your eyes tested.


Hmm, although I don't think you meant the silver dude on closer inspecion ... I'll go get me eyes tested.



he'S referring to the guy in black who's standing inside the first corner ( hard to spot, but you'll see him)

This is not a 3rd-party program he's using but a buggy game-engine for Luris, and as he gets no real advantage from this ( this is not CS where you can shot through walls) this is actually a nice method to uncover those wall-bug abusers.


Yeah I noticed the shadowy person.

The looking THROUGH the walls is still a bit crap, you can see how many defenders, if they're repairing the doors etc etc blah blah blah ...


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ
which hack/3rd party program do you use the see under the keeps like that ? im not 100% sure but i recall reading somewhere about it that its either a bug or hack ..

and no i dont wanna know about the bug/hack so ican use itim just curiousas towhy you use it .

Used to check for ppl in the walls
a bug to find a bug 0_0


This only proofs some albs do the wall trick.
Whole albs know hibs did it earlier and in this same keep several times.

Don't blame albs for take some revenge... didnt you hear "dont do the other what dont you want they do to you" ?

I don't approve it, but you will have to live with it... at least only 1 alb did it.


This only proofs some albs do the wall trick.
Aussie already admitted that when he fell through the wall he saw a whole pack of albs in there. And Tylar wasn't the only one taking screenshots of the Alb cheaters that night.
Don't blame albs for take some revenge...
I blame cheaters for cheating, no matter what their realm. Apparently you only blame cheaters from Hibernia and Midgard.
I don't approve it, but you will have to live with it... at least only 1 alb did it.
We don't have to live with it, we reported the cheaters to GOA. As you should every time you catch someone exploiting bugs, no matter what realm they are in.


This is a game bug, and EVERYBODY has to live with it, Albs, Hibis, Midis.

You at least can send a asasin class and get a few easy rps, or send pets or whatever.

Cheating is a little different, using 3rd party programs to take advantage over other players (like that ultra-super-fast-machinegun dd casting ability).

Report Tiritas to GOA, but they hardly will do anything (I still remember GOA position when Shade killed ppl inside Albion), so better live all with it.

People say in 1.48 wall trick isn't possible, I dont know.

The ones I've never seen do it are midis though I have seen ppl hit through keep gates with axes.

I can only say I wasn't inside walls in that Crimm siege.


Saw some fairly conclusive evidence of a grp of 4 hi-lvl mids using a certain cheat proggy that shows the location of ALL unstealthed players in the zone. I didnt take names, and god knows how they go about proving it, but the incident left little doubt in my mind.

Next time RN gets the names.

Now if ppl feel they need to resort to these measures to earn a few extra realmpoints, truly I feel sorry for them.

You spoil the game for urselves as much as the ppl you "pwN".

Pack ur 1337 linux box away and play the game.


It is new ?

I only copy the mode to defend keeps of hibs .... surprise for it ? hibs are master of bugs!

hehehe nice rlp whit it thx hibs :) great masters


i havnt seen a hib in the walls of our keeps for a _long_ time

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