To the polearm types



when you first started and got to lvl 5 did you put all pts in polearm or split them evenly between polearm and thrust/crush/slash? also which stat is polearm dmg modified by, is it str or dex or does that depend on the polearm type?


heh...dunno nethink about armsmen but, did you get to any of them events on these forums? heh i seen Oz took his part it in it all...sigh...heh cya at the Dragon raid Hopefully m8 byeeeeeeeeee


all 2 hand weapons (includes polearms) are 100% Strength based, EXCEPT friar staffs which are 100% dexterity based.


well thats the first part answerd, thanks for the info



sorry to disagree a little, 2handers are not all based on str. Thrusting 2handers are str/dex. All poles are 100% str though.

I did Sword and board until 35 or so, since i find it easier to solo at the lower levels with 1handers.

I went max thrust, raised parry and shield to 20 until i had points over, those i spent in pole and bided my time. Though you might wanna do it different since i went for the template:


why shield 20?? many have asked me that question, well:

engage at 7 for an easier time with the pesky snipers out there.
guard is a really nice feature of shieldspecc i currently have guardIII with my 20 in shield.
and actually, at skill 20, i have found the shield useful for blocking random arrows when charging and swiftly changing over to pole when in melee.
Last night, Sinister would have killed me with a final arrow, but i blocked it just in time. :)
I have blocked some in melee too since, when i am outta end in battle i switch over to sword and board which is more effective imo in melee with no end, to survive long enough for healers to heal, or casters to blow the enemy away.
And remember intercept, it is a very useful tool in PvE aswell in
PvP, a tank can save those casters or healers with it if needed.

now i know i am not as good in defence as a pure sword and boarder... But still, I can deal out some very good damage, combined with very good styles from the Pole, and do an adequat defensework if needed.

To go back to your question, avoid poles at the lower lvls, one miss and it is a fatal miss, since you lack the better styles at the lower specc. (crippling blow+disabler/crippling blow+mangle) for instance.

this is just my opinion of cource, many will probably disagree with me i guess, I wish you good luck and hope you have some use of my post at least :)


A: Celtic spears use str, all other spears and thrust/pierce weapons use str/dex equally, crossbows use str/dex equally, all other bows use plain dex, swords and hammers use plain str. Staff weapons use str according to my notes, but my friends at The Drunken Friar say (and quite convincingly too) that dex is the modifier for friar staffs. We’re investigating that here at Mythic; I hope to have some followup comments next Friday.

A: Staff weapons are straight dex (many apologies for the confusion I caused last week), and polearms are all str., no matter what kind of polearm we’re talking about.

So lets see:


Crushing = Str
Slashing = Str
Thrusting = Str/Dex
2hand = Depends on base damage type
Dual wield = Depends on base damage type
Polearms = Str
Crossbows = Str/Dex
Bows = Dex
Staffs = Dex
Shield = ?


Blunt = Str
Blades = Str
Piercing = Str/Dex
Large Weapons = Depends on base damage type
Celtic Dual = Depends on base damage type
Celtic Spear = Str
Bow = Dex
Staffs = Dex
Shield = ?


Axes = Str
Hammers = Str
Swords = Str
Left Axe = Depends on base damage type
Thrown = ?
Shield = ?
Spears = Str/Dex

(apparently 2handed thrust weapons are 75% str / 25% dex)

oh and

Q: Which stats affect parry, evade, and block?

A: Parry = dex, evade = dex and quick equally, block = dex.


with the current bugged pole styles, raising 42 shield is a viable option. 44thurst 44pole 42shield rest parry. You can slam and pole the shit outta ur opponents.


hmm, i have to agree with poster above

42 in shield for slam is a very viable option, after I have RvR'd some i have to say that a pure poler is somewhat underpowered
atm, we do good damage, cant say nothing else there, but we lack that extra edge that slam could give us, so either

44 pole, 44 selected damagetype and 42 shield and 13 in parry


44 pole
39 damagetype
42 shield
24 parry

would create a very dangerous armsman that blocks a lot of arrows, guards _very_ good, slam.... and finíshes off with snaring crippling and mangles.

can some lvl 50 armsman with max in pole and damagetype give some feedback here perhaps?
or one with one of the other templates?

I am only lvl44 atm so i dont know how good a maxspecced poler is at 50. :)


above will be my template

at 42 i'll have
42 shield (+4)
30 slash (+3-5)
29 pole (+4)
11 parry (+1)
2 crossbow (oops, err:rolleyes: )

intend to go slash to 39 first and then get polearm up



The first decent pole move is at lvl 18 (crippling blow)..
There is no need to use polearm until your lvl 18. Sword n Board works much better. So basically only start saving for polearms when your on lvl 12 ish (ill let you do the maths there/daoc catacombs).. When you hit 18 get a shiny new pole and train crippling blow....

2 cents



all 2 hand weapons (includes polearms) are 100% Strength based, EXCEPT friar staffs which are 100% dexterity based

err no, as sum polearms are thust they use dex alot more than str...its about 80% dex 20% str i think sumting like that.....

as for spec'g polearm to 50 and calling it underpowered err lol? 500+ dmg on a chain wearer with slash is NOT underpowered....if u spec pole to 42 your gimped. You won't have the best rvr style in game next for low parry...pointless seeing as pole is your main weapon...

my spec 50 pole, 25-30 ish sheild 35 slash, 30 ish parry and about 18 in xbow...i use s/s for exp and pole for respec i will probs go for slam but i defiantly will stay at 50 in pole

You shouldn't split them entirely in half u only need about 35 slash at 50 pole


All polearms are 100% strength.
Thrusting 2-handers are 75 str / 25 dex.
High dex for tanks is nice for s+s if you use thrust / want to block lots, but for two-handers and polearms it's a bit gimped. :p


hmmm and what style is that? since i get the 44style...
who mentioned 42? i meant 42 in shield :)

39 in thrust means you have a decent damagavariance.

and although you are rr3 you seem to forget that reaching 50 in pole even if you start at 44 is a doable thing. I know it is a pain to reach rr7 to get +6 so 44+6=50, but it is doable over time, slam is too important to ignore i think, and i dont want that bigger damagevariance that thrust on 35 gives especially since i use 1hander + shield also from time to time, fighting epics and such is best with s&b i think, since they hit bloody hard and blockrate is very good at 42 in shield, and what damages highlvlmobs most isnt the weaponsdamage, it is the buffs from wizzes and theurgs and pallys, so a faster wep with some speed might be preferred over a slow wep.

parry on 24 is ok i think, and what on earth do you hit on to get 500+ on chainwearers with slash? I mean what con? and do u get that result with every hit?? i do not care neither count with crits, it is the medium damage over time thats important imo, i dont lean towards lucky hits like crits.

what i want is an armsman that is good in melee and still flexible. And if it turns out that 50 in pole is a must due to too low damage with 44 + rr-bonuses, then hopefully a respecc can fix it sometime.

oh, and another thing
50 pole
42 shield
35 slash
leaves 18 to parry... which is a tad low perhaps?

All poles are pure strength, according to sanya on herald :)


I feel all this speccing in shield for a Pole Armsman is a total waste of points.

Daoc is team based and as the Polearmsman you are there to inflict as much damage in a short period of time as possible.

Having slam in RvR sounds real good on paper, but to function well in RvR you need to be in a group of various different chars and to let each char do thier job, let the theurs protect u, let the minis give you speed and mez etc your job is to inflict the damge.

By speccing shield any higher than 7 for a polearmsman all I see if this.
You slam use all your end
You bring out your pole but have no end, (which to fight with no end as a pole is a waste of time).

your spec points do go over 50 as well with bonus's i'm currently 50 pole +6 and before the new patch this showed as 55 (as i was lvl 49 at the time

Since the new patch as well I seem to parry alot more and parry is your life saver in both PvE and RvR as it is your only defence

Leave the slamming to the shield sword palis and armsmen spec max pole get slash/thrust etc to a min of 40 and pile on the parry and sit back and glee at the damage output and count the parries

One tip dont let your condition of your pole drop too much I may be wrong maybe Hendrick can verify this but you seem to miss more the lower the cond of your pole and as a polearmsman you cant afford to miss.

Ozwaldo Lvl 50 Polearmsman


hmm, is it worth it to have more than 50 in pole?? i mean, what does it give, more damage? increased chanse to hit? if that is the case, then it is worth speccing 50 in pole i think


Besides that the level 50 style is a very good style to have, so good that I would say over 70% of my kills in RvR are from using this 2 stage back style, it also works well in PvE if you are with a pali using heal chant

Remember these are only my views and what as worked real well for me, I'm not saying I'm right and that there should be 50 little ozwaldo's running around.

Ozwaldo level 50 Polearmsman

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