to the mincer known as Gracie



Just to say well done mate you are a real star,

Must have taken you a long time to camp outside DC all afternoon and waste our full group of under level 25s solo, and then camp our bodies repeatedly while killing our rezzer who came to rez over and over.

You truely should go play with the big boys and leave the grey cons to xping you truely suck not for doing this once but repeatedly for an hour or so to a FG of grey cons.

May your days be filled with somthing more joyous in the future so you have something better to do than camp DC killing grey cons all day, you are a truley sad fuck ..

Feathersham the wizard of spam and contradictions and level 20 bard of getting killed repeatedly by a level 50 woooot


what can a level 20 group exp on at dc? :)


Well, imo she were doing her job!

Said be4 and Ill say it again, u risk being killed over and over ad over again if u venture out into rvr land. u get more xp and more cash if u live, but at low lvl u will die, eventually.

this aint a sport where u dont kill grey cons, becuz they r no threat to u. u kill grey cons becuz u know they get pissed. i know i do.



you know they get pissed so they will call for people to help them. so you can kill them to :)


Lol, you stayed for an hour ??

Maybe you should've just released and gone to a safer XP spot :)


a good enemy is a dead one ! Nuff said :) u go exp in a rvr area expect to die. and if/when u do die dont come here whining at you cos u just making yourself look like a fool for crying cos u died :) you wont get any sympathy of anybody so why post?


So basically, you got killed and instead of doing the smart thing and calling out the big boys, you came back over and over again to get killed? Please, Midgard needs more players as smart as you!

Everyone's said it before, the frontiers are dangerous. If you don't like that, go back to the safety of Midgard. EVERYONE gets killed like that every now and then, learn from it instead of whining.


Personally i don't tend to kill greys unless they foolishly try to attack me, instead i prefer to have some fun with em /dance /laugh /hug or whatever.

Recently tho some people have been using greys as bait and u can find yourself unstealthing in front of one and having fun when u get hit with 3-4 lvl50 stealthers. So for this reason i got no problem with others killing greys, it's part of the game so live with it. If you don't like getting repeatedly ganked by lv50's in your own frontier then don't exp there, only a complete retard would go back to the same spot for an hour to get killed over and over again.


it was very funny watching gracies monitor as she killed your group, she'd only just logged in and you appeared in front of her :D please dont exaggerate though, she killed everyone in the group except the resser who escaped but seeing as the group didnt release she waited for the resser to return - which he did..then you all released and she went on her merry way
gracie is my sister btw :)


Originally posted by feathersham
Just to say well done mate you are a real star,

Whaaaaaaaaaah I got pwned.

Must have taken you a long time to camp outside DC all afternoon and waste our full group of under level 25s solo, and then camp our bodies repeatedly while killing our rezzer who came to rez over and over.

You truely should go play with the big boys and leave the grey cons to xping you truely suck not for doing this once but repeatedly for an hour or so to a FG of grey cons.
We went to xp in an RvR area but don't want to actually take part in the RvR bit. You killed us once but that doesn't sound good so I'll exaggerate a bit and say you killed us for an hour over and over again (sounds good doesn't it? really vindictive)

May your days be filled with somthing more joyous in the future so you have something better to do than camp DC killing grey cons all day, you are a truley sad fuck ..

Feathersham the wizard of spam and contradictions and level 20 bard of getting killed repeatedly by a level 50 woooot

Whaaaaaaaaaaah I got killed in the frontier! Someone call my mommy. I'll go back to the safe zones and kill there, or maybe just learn to deal with being killed in the frontier, bring some higher levels to look over us etc. Or not, I'll just go back and whine about anyone that kills us again.

Feathersham the level 20 bard that got killed once by a level 50 but likes to whine a lot.


Originally posted by feathersham
Just to say well done mate you are a real star,

Must have taken you a long time to camp
I stopped reading here when I realised it was just some pointless grey-ganking whine. :rolleyes: As has been pointed out, if you exp in the frontier you run the risk of being killed. Regardless of what level you are. Deal with it.


iv said it before and ill say it again if your gonna bitch about been ganked in the frontiers then stay the hell out you winging turd

you get exp bonus and better loot and cash for a reason numbnuts so stop bitching and deal with it or just stay out of the frontier

Molten Lava


Gooooooo Gracie! grey-guys, please XP there again so at least I can get some rp's with my sorc too


i never get threads like this, even tho i kill every grey i find :(


Originally posted by feathersham
Just to say well done mate you are a real star,

Must have taken you a long time to camp outside DC all afternoon and waste our full group of under level 25s solo, and then camp our bodies repeatedly while killing our rezzer who came to rez over and over.

You truely should go play with the big boys and leave the grey cons to xping you truely suck not for doing this once but repeatedly for an hour or so to a FG of grey cons.

May your days be filled with somthing more joyous in the future so you have something better to do than camp DC killing grey cons all day, you are a truley sad fuck ..

Feathersham the wizard of spam and contradictions and level 20 bard of getting killed repeatedly by a level 50 woooot


I would have done the same !

fucking WAJNER !


When I was doing my epics, which took me to the fronteer, I got killed loads of times by purples. It was annoying but I knew the risks. I have also been killed XPing in the fronteer.

The amount of times I've been rezz'd in a BG only to get an arrow/stealther kill me again a few seconds later even though there's no RP's for the person who killed me. I can imagine the person laughing about it and all I really think is that if I had just done that I'd be laughing as well.

As much as it's annoying it's just part of the game. There's plenty of places to exp in the PvE areas without having to go to the RvR areas.

An enemy is an enemy no matter what their level.


hope she jumped on ur dead bodys and spammed /laugh

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