To: The Glacier Giant!



CHEERS MATE!!!!!!!!!

just like to thank the glacier giant!

i was in odins gate tonight when two green con middie norsemen stumbled upon me... i casted my most powerful void bolt at the first... he saw himself taken down to 15% hp in one hit and just legged it :)

the other however thought something along the lines of "caster = free rp's" :D so attacked me... one quick cast stun later, a void bolt and a DD and he was dead. that just left the one who had run.

well after bowing to my brave enemy i ran after where the other norseman had gone... saw him up ahead but he just ran away again. so i sprinted... still he managed to keep just out of range. then we reach the point where you can see the glacier giant. he runs past him but he's not looking at me, when he looks he sees that i saw myself never getting any nearer than that so i left him and buggered off somewhere else.

after a while when he's rested back up to about 90% health (while carefully watching the area behind the glacier giant incase i decide to check here again so that he can see me in the distance) he starts running back towards his friend thinking that i'd given up on him.

but upon nearing the giant he's suddenly stunned in his tracks... then shock!!! horror!!! the giant's foot attacks him!

that is to say that it fires two void bolts at him and kills him before he get's more than five feet away after the stun wears off :D

lol, then i come out from where i was waiting in ambush inside the giants foot.

so thanks mate. you gave me a smile tonight :)

and to all middies in odins tonight... been more fun than i've had in ages. even those orange/yellow/red con group which killed me. just nice not to get ganked by 100+ purple con's in emain for once i guess :)


To Charonel :)

Hello there

It was nice meeting you this evening with aeiedil and co.

It was also nice to have the pleasure of your company again in Yggdra Forest :) - hope i didnt do you any permanent damage 8)

Hope to make your acquaintance again soon :p

Shield of Valhalla


YOU! you were that nice dancing orange con norseman who had the duel.. er "poison testing" :) with aeiedel.

hehe aeiedel hit's you once and the poison takes you to about 10% health... some nasty poison that :(

btw. our four man group got 49 rp's each... not bad at all... but i solo'd an orange con norseman yesterday called "Chippen" and got only 142ish so i'd just like to find you in odin's without that group you were with...

so watch the trees. i got Chippen by hiding behind one and hitting him with a 5 second stun before blasting :) keep yer eyes peeled mate :D

oh btw. you made a huge tear in my bloody robe!!! you any idea how much it costs to take sylvan to a smith?! hehe and i was just starting to enjoy myself down there in yggdra too :D

btw. what lvl are you? just trying to figure out what lvl con's orange etc...

was a good time in odins. i'll be there tomorrow too. you guys gave me hell trying to reach yggdra earlier on in the evening. be fun to see if i can get past you again tomorrow :D


haha! can't believe it that you hid inside the Glacier Giant :clap:

And thanks from the new title I got from you (wasn't me that killed you but the RP's got me to Vakten) :D
An overall fun nigth at Odin's Gate, hope it will become a new tradition for the semi-lowlevelers to go to Odins, I'm always getting ganked in emain :p btw, Jagang is/was level 35 when we were there tonigth :D

Hehe, can't actually believe that Aiedel tried to backstab a Troll tank also :rolleyes: think we killed him a little while before we got you :)

anyways, thanks for the overall fun in Odins :clap: :clap: :clap:


Bah, you only gave 132 RP chardonal... keeeeled you at undead camp in yggdra while you were tring to n00k my fellow mids


lol were you in that huge group of middies i decided to AOE when i wanted to know how effective my new spell was? i know i found a great mass of trolls and stuff so i hit them with about three AOE spells... mostly for around 100-125 damage on six at a time... damnit! if only i'd killed some! :)

yaggda's gonna be a lot of fun i think :) funny thing though... just after all those middies had killed me and healed themselvs about 20 albions turned up and just slaughtered them all! was hilarious watching a small army (do they EVER travel in groups of less than 15?!) crest the hill the mids were sat on and just EAT the middies :D

i'm sure a purple con turned up just as i was being killed... could have been you.

or where you the one with those three person FAST purple con group which sent me packing back to hibbie later on? lol i didnt stand a chance... i'm solo using normal speed when these shit fast purple con's come racing down the hill and just one (two... the blade turn actually managed to stop a meelee hit for once!!!) hit killed me :)

still... fun all the same though. :clap:

EDIT: just looked at your sig... remember someone called nolbypride (name sticks out for obvious reasons). nice cloak btw :)


Thx m8 :)

I shot you from the left side... took 3 shots thanks to ur BT :)


ahhh Blade Turn!

there's only ONE thing i like more than Blade Turn... and that's Quick Cast!!!!!

there has only been ONE time i've EVER been caught in the frontier without an active Blade Turn. stupid me logged on at ligen and ran straight out into the waiting arms or a nice blue inf. completely forgot any kind of shields :(

but i like Quick Cast more because it enabled me to one hit kill the poor sod whilst in meelee :D


it was only a blue troll, unfortunatly for me i screwed up the pa :( which is why his hp bar only moved a little :) i should have hit for upwards of 10x that amount of damage i think ;)

Bleri McThrust

Yggdra Forest sure must have been busy last night.

I was there to. Didnt see the party of 20 though just our 8.

We were a full party of 8 mainly newcomers to Yggdra, the idea being to show people how to get there.

I must admit the party did go on the rampage a bit <sigh>. Its almost impossible to stop the red mist rising in front of peoples eyes when they see a Midguardian. I suppose it comes from being killed constantly by Tezza and Co in Emain.

Had some great skirmishes in Odin's earlier though, when the group was smaller. Odin's is the best place for RvR in my opinion. A small compact group can have some very nice battles.


ahh the albs i'm talking about where there quite early, around 8pm. there were a lot more than 8 too :D

Bleri McThrust


If I hadnt been killed a couple of times by those from the enemy realms I would start feeling really sorry for those Mids.

A massive party atttacking them at 8pm, a large party at about 9.30 (us) and then a slightly smaller one at 10.30 ish (us again returning).

And all the while there are other bands of Hibs and Albs roaming the forest.

Guess Yggrda was not the place to get experience last night.:puke:


Have to agree - Odin's is cool... can go there without being trodden on by three hugely purple archers.

(just a little kobold one and his troll pal... but that was fun - I actually managed to hit a couple of times :))


yeah i wouldnt mind moving rvr to odins...

well i do for 2 reasons ;)

- VERY bright snow, hurts ur eyes after a while
- Im lazy (running from mid TK to AMG in emain is bad enough for me :( )

just never move it to ugly hadrians ;)


lol there is a kobold and a dwarf runnign around the area between the hib tk and wall now... red con to lvl 32 so they have no problems ganking me :(

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